Red grapes are more than just the source for the world’s finest wine - the fruits themselves are a wonder cure against heart attacks, according to research.

And while a glass of wine is a recognised part of a healthy Mediterranean-style diet, it seems the bits of the grape thrown away to make the tipple could be even healthier.

Researchers made a cocktail extracted from the most fibre-rich parts of the grape such as the skin and seeds which are the waste byproduct in vineyards.

Tests on human volunteers found the extract was extremely rich in both fibre and antioxidants which reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease - the world’s biggest killer.

Most other superfoods for the heart, like the plant extract psyllium or healthy oats for instance, are usually good for either fibre or antioxidants rather than both together.

But the tests at Madrid University using a concoction called Grape Antioxidant Dietary Fibre (GADF) was high in both potentially lifesaving ingredients.

Over a 16 week period, adding the extract to the volunteers’ regular diet ‘significantly’ reduced their ‘Lipid Profile’ - the range of tests to determine a patient’s risk of heart disease.

This included reducing blood pressure by up to five per cent and cholesterol by up to 14 per cent among the volunteers, said the research.

A Mediterranean-style diet including components like red wine, olive oil and tomatoes has long been considered healthier than other Western diets rich in deep fried and fast food.



葡萄的营养成分 每100克果实中含蛋白质0.2克,钙4毫克,磷15毫克,铁0.6毫克,胡萝卜素0.04毫克,硫胺素0.04毫克,核黄素0.o1毫克,尼克酸0.1毫克,维生素C4毫克,维生素 A 0.4毫克,钾 252毫克,钠 2.0毫克,镁6.6毫克,氯2.2毫克。另含有葡萄糖、果糖、蔗糖、本糖以及酒石酸、草酸、柠檬酸、苹果酸等多种营养成分。

葡萄的食疗作用 :

1.抗病毒杀xx: 葡萄中含有xx的聚合苯酚,能与病毒或xx中的蛋白质化合,使之失去传染疾病的能力,尤其对肝炎病毒、脊髓灰质炎病毒等有很好的杀灭作用。

2.xxxx: 葡萄中含有一种叫白藜芦醇的化合物质,可以防止正常细胞癌变,并能抑制已恶变细胞扩散,有较强的xxxx功能。

3.抗贫血: 葡萄中含具有抗恶性贫血作用的维生素B12,尤其是带皮的紫葡萄发酵制成的红葡萄酒,每升中约含维生素B12。12~15毫克。因此,常饮红葡萄酒,有益于xx恶性贫血。

4.降低胃酸 利胆: 现代药理研究证明,葡萄中还含有维生素P,用葡萄种子油15克口服即可降低胃酸毒性,12克口服即可达到利胆的作用,因而可xx胃炎、肠炎及呕吐等。

5.抗动脉粥样硬化: 研究发现,红葡萄酒在增加血浆中高密度脂蛋白的同时,能减少低密度脂蛋白含量。低密度脂蛋白可引起动脉粥样硬化,而高度密脂蛋白不仅不引起动脉粥样硬化,还有抗动脉粥样硬化的作用。因此常食紫葡萄(红葡萄酒),可减少冠心病引起的死亡。同时,葡萄中钾元素含量较高,能帮助人体积累钙质,促进肾脏功能,调节心搏次数。

6.补益和兴奋大脑神经: 葡萄果实中,葡萄糖、有机酸、氨基酸、维生素的含量都很丰富,可补益和兴奋大脑神经,对xx神经衰弱和xx过度疲劳有一定效果。

7.xx消肿 安胎: 据李时珍记载,葡萄的根、藤、叶等有很好的xx、消肿、安胎作用,可xx妊娠恶阻、呕吵、浮肿等病症。