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AIDS (AIDS), medical name for "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome", a high fatality so far no cure for serious diseases, people are talking crazy. City in 1992 discovered the first HIV-infected persons, in June this year, three kinds of AIDS transmission routes (sexual contact, blood, mother to child transmission) of the cases have occurred in the city.

HIV infected persons need to inform the sexual partner

This situation so many people have had some concerns. In their view, the three routes of transmission of AIDS, we can through self-restraint, through the self-made to take the initiative to cut off the result of sexual promiscuity, drug abuse and other means of transmission of AIDS, but blood-borne (except drugs,) in some cases can not rely on self-made
prevention, such as blood transfusions, injections, etc., which may lead to passive AIDS.

Well, this may lead to the passive situation of HIV infection in our daily lives What are the main? Their risk of HIV infection wonders how much? Reporter recently visited the city's Center for Disease Control and Prevention experts, understand the relevant situation.

Medical Devices: Are you safe?

It is understood that the city found ways to nationals of HIV infection sexually transmitted mainly in the cases accounted for 55.17% of known, blood transmission accounted for 10.34%, mother to child transmission accounts for 3.45% for unspecified reasons accounted for 31.03%.
Municipal Center for Disease Control Zou Zhuren think that the public are worried about the passive infection is mainly transmitted through blood, which is largely derived from the right medical treatment that may arise due to blood transfusions or medical equipment unclean because transmission of AIDS.

Zouzhu Ren told reporters that the new "Blood Donation Law" since the implementation of the city of illegal blood collection has been brought under control, at present the formal city hospitals to provide blood for clinical use entirely by blood transfusion center, which have been the blood of HIV testing, therefore, blood transfusion infection
AIDS is basically non-existent.

The disinfection of medical instruments such as CDC fumigation by the city at all levels of Division is responsible for monitoring each quarter will be within the jurisdiction of its regular hospitals and clinics, individuals with permits to conduct random checks of medical equipment sterilization testing, focusing on surgical bag, syringes, dental instruments, medical staff quantity of bacteria on hands and clothing, etc. for testing. From the testing results, basically qualified.
People more often in contact with dental clinics, for example, in the first half of this year Meicheng (Meijiang municipal and district) 26 dental clinics, with only seven items on the excessive bacteria in the air, the other test items were compliance.

"But this is only the formal medical institutions and individual identity card testing clinics, many unlicensed clinics, we can not detect them.", According to city health department learned that the city has been found that there are about 200 undocumented private clinics over. Zouzhu Ren told reporters that the disinfection of medical equipment and other necessary equipment conditions, testing should also pay a fee, therefore, some formal medical institutions, individuals have a permit the detection of recalcitrant clinics, and even some large hospitals have not co-operative public, who can not Permit not to mention the clinic. "For the former we can use to restrain medical certificate to practice, but the latter can be deducted without a license, its no binding ... ... often to see the inspectors came, they refused to close unlicensed clinics for the examination, so these clinics
Disinfection of the situation is difficult to grasp, but for various reasons, some people will go to the treatment of these illegal immigrant clinics took place very large risk of iatrogenic infection. "

The picture shows an individual dental clinic Meicheng doctors are medical equipment were disinfected.

Disposable medical supplies: a one-off really do?

We all know that a lot of medical supplies such as needles, infusion tubes, etc. are all one-off, but when used can not accurately tell the people whether they have been used, its security presence is greatly in doubt.

Zouzhu Ren told reporters that the regular hospitals, clinics, individual identity card for these one-time items are often used that is discarded, "Do you re-use, compare their monthly out-patient registration and Jinhuo Dan can be reached that does not fool people ... ... now
reuse of disposable medical supplies situation is more likely to occur in unlicensed clinics, and even some pharmacies. "

It is understood that 30% of the city kangaroo outpatient pharmacy business, practice without a license, these pharmacies in medical supplies and disinfection and the use of disposable items may be a serious problem. Such pharmacies with transfusion "business", the state provided the infusion costs 8 yuan, they received only 5-6 yuan, such a result, many people are freeloaders or convenience, in the pharmacy infusion. Zouzhu Ren told reporters, according to regulations, pharmacies are not eligible for transfusion to patients, this behavior is not allowed. Moreover, each infusion 5-6 yuan fee, even if there is no way the interest is not entirely down to such a low price, in order to seek benefits, they re-use infusion tube to reduce costs.
"This situation, we investigated a lot of time of the inspection, but the problem continues ... ... This behavior is very dangerous and can be easily infected with HIV, hepatitis B and other infectious diseases."

Share beauty appliances: Beware infection!

Some male clients prefer to request that the barber shave with the razor for themselves. In this regard, Zou Zhuren reminded the public that the use of razor shave at the barber is very easy to scratch small blood vessels, more than repeat the common razor may become HIV transmission medium.
In addition, the barber, beauty, tattoo, bar Erduo Yan, pedicure and other re-use of unsterilized equipment, there are also risk of infection.

It is understood that the city at all levels of CDC Public Health Division within the jurisdiction of each month will be their beauty hair salon scissors, razors and other barber supplies disinfection conduct random testing. This year in January to the end of November, the Urban CDC Division of Public Health to monitor a total of 208 Meicheng Hairdressing Shops, 210 times, including qualified 198 times, a pass rate of 94.29%, the failure is due to hair supplies or equipment sterilization failure, as well as the total number of bacteria in the air exceeded.
"Discovery failed, require the rectification, the rectification may be revoked no licenses may not operate their health."

94.29% pass rate seems high, but only to have the test certificate Hairdressing Shops derived data, there are many undocumented Hairdressing Shops can not be detected.
"We also want to test them, but it is very difficult, and some shopkeepers strong proposition, and some shopkeepers saw the inspectors simply pull down and shops are closed, so these stores specific, accurate and disinfection can not grasp the situation."

Step up disinfection and supervision, but to refrain from panic

Zou Zhuren that alone is very difficult to eliminate these passive personal risk of infection, and the key lies in the various medical institutions, private clinics raising awareness of disinfection, the real safety of the patient in the first place and not to play for their own short-term interest expense of social hygiene and safety ; health sector should strengthen the regulation of consciousness, the better off sterilization in medical institutions.
In addition, as the people themselves should pay more attention to reduce the risk of infection, such as less than the treatment of undocumented clinics require replacement blades, and so the barber.

Daily life, the existence of HIV infection may be passive, but should by no means be real or imagined, affecting normal life. In this, the experts reminded the public that daily contact with some of the following will not be infected with HIV, such as food, water, air; public places, the general daily contact, as in a classrooms, a variety of public transport seats, handrails, office of office supplies, factory floor tools, as well as theaters, shopping malls, swimming pools and other places of contact; courtesy kissing, hugging; both hands to shake hands when the skin is intact; public toilet, bathtub; mosquito bites; banknotes, coins, tickets, etc.
and so on.


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2009-12-28    文章录入:nnb ]


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