Xinhua Perspective: Black-miners fiscal Peng was sentenced to five ...

HARBIN, January 25 (Xinhua “Xinhua Perspective” reporter Wang Qian) side when the black-hearted miners on the one hand when the Deputy Secretary for Safety Supervision of Qitaihe “3.14″ person directly responsible for mine accidents Peng wealth, has recently been the judiciary sentenced to 5 years.

2005 Nian 3 14, Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, a new mine in a mining-rich gas explosion occurred, 18 people were killed and one seriously injured, the direct economic loss of 4.27 million yuan. According to the investigation, triggering cause of the accident, the heading face local fan a long period of circulation and stop wind conditions to achieve an explosion caused by gas accumulation limits, the workers live in circumstances miner’s lamp miner’s lamp bulb to replace a gas explosion caused by sparks.

According to an investigation of the accident Peng responsible for financial, not only does not actively search and rescue pension funding families of the victims, but his 180,000 yuan bank deposit transfer, refusal to accept responsibility for the aftermath. In the early stages of investigation, Peng Choi refused to admit he is a contractor, does not recognize their own crimes and serious discipline problems, and finally the evidence before it was compelled to admit the facts.

judiciary Court found, as the country’s public servants Peng fiscal reality is the new rich mine in a recovery wells real mine owners and investors and, in his brother, seven Coal Group Inc. vice president of PENG Gui-fiscal’s help, deception to apply for a license for the wells.

In addition, the PENG PENG Gui-Finance through its Financial contracting brother of the former Riverfront Development Department a well. In early 2002, it was announced the closure of wells, Peng fiscal situation in the absence of closure of wellhead, through PENG Gui-Finance has been shut-in 80,000 yuan in compensation. However, after receiving compensation, will continue to own two small well in the underground secret link up, organizing the illicit production, until the accident.

the judiciary that the secret is the miners Peng fiscal years relied on his “special” status, refused to perform any shutdown orders and refuses to rectification, long-term organizing illegal production, resulting in safety management and inspection of a mere formality, ultimately led to tragedy.



2005念3 14,七台河市,黑龙江省矿业中的一个富新煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故发生后,18人死亡,1人重伤,直接经济损失427.0万元。据调查,引发事故的掘进工作面局部通风机的流通长期的事业,停止风条件,瓦斯积聚达到爆炸极限造成的,工人的生活情况矿灯矿灯灯泡,以取代瓦斯爆炸事故火花引起的。





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