兴澄特钢当选为“中国企业最核心竞争力” « oursolo.net





Xingcheng Special election as “the most core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises”

In mid-November was held in Beijing the “CEO Roundtable of Chinese and foreign multinational companies” came the good news, the Ministry of Commerce approval, by the China International Institute of Multinational Corporations, the United Nations Global Compact, UNEP co-selection, Xingcheng Special election to the “Most of the core competitiveness of Chinese enterprises”, which is the only relevant institutions and organizations by the United Nations awarded to Chinese enterprises to international credit medals, but also the organization in China, 500 companies selected, and only two Chinese special steel businesses.

achieve this honor, will help foster a world vision Xingcheng, adjust strategic thinking, from the international economic integration in the development and changes to grasp the development opportunities, cope with global challenges. Xingcheng Special

in creating the core of the world’s most competitive steel enterprises journey, the bigger and stronger steel industry, and cultivate a batch of domestic market share forefront of special steel products has now become a professional production of automotive steel, bearing steel, gear steel, alloy spring steel, high pressure boiler tube steel tube steel and oil production base and export base, the product is widely used in automotive, railway, shipbuilding, petroleum, chemicals , mechanical, electrical and military and other fields, all kinds of special steel sold to 37 countries and regions, with Caterpillar and a number of other world 500 strong enterprises set up a strategic cooperation partnership. Xingcheng Special

not only has the domestic first-class special steel production line, online testing and experts to determine the system, but also has a set of core competitiveness in science and technology innovation system, a quarterly basis in recognition of meritorious service labor emulation, and full-year research project selection problems are the masses of innovation, science and technology personnel to display their talent to provide a broad stage. Batch of domestic first-class technology of continuous casting and rolling of special steel production technology team is to thrive, with world-class long-flow high-grade special steel production technology of the emerging talent. In Xingcheng, from engineering and technical personnel, business management skills to employees, everyone has the growth of channels, everyone can post Chengcai. A streamlined and efficient learning-oriented organizations are full of vigor and vitality. (07-11-30)

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