{dy}个3条虾,中国的出口方面表明了恢复增长« oursolo.net

作为中国传统的水海产品出口的冷冻虾,作为国外绿色壁垒影响的结果,2006年,年出口四四〇 〇 〇吨,价值2亿美元,分别下降百分之40.7,比上年的41.6%。进入2007年,中国的虾的出口前开始3.7万吨出口三季度恢复性增长,比去年同期(下同)增长12.2%,在1.2亿美元的币值,下降11.2 %。其出口的主要特点如下:



3日本和欧盟的出口大幅增加。今年前3季度,中国出口到日本的虾和欧洲联盟,分别一六〇 〇 〇吨和九千三百十八吨,增加百分之41.3和2.7倍,上述两个市场合计占了中国的冷冻虾出口同期的68.8%。同期,台湾的出口五一三二吨,下降百分之23.1大陆。韩国和美国的出口二七八二吨和1745万吨,下降60.1和百分之百分之14.1。






The first 3 quarters of China’s exports of shrimps showed the resumption of growth

Frozen shrimp exports as China’s traditional water seafood, as a result of the impact of green barriers abroad, in 2006 the annual export 44,000 tons, worth 200 million U.S. dollars, respectively, decreased 40.7 percent over the previous year and 41.6%. Entered in 2007, China’s exports of shrimps to start a restorative growth, before the 3 quarter of total exports of 37,000 tons over the same period last year (the same below) growth of 12.2%; the value of 120 million U.S. dollars, down 11.2%. Its main export features are as follows:

one, dominated by general trade, processing trade grew rapidly. The first 3 quarters, China’s general trade export of shrimps 24,000 tons, an increase of 22.6 percent, accounting for the same period in China’s frozen shrimp exports 66.7%. In addition, the processing trade exports of 08,000 tons, an increase of 35.5%.

Second, the main varieties of the sharp rebound in export growth. The first 3 quarters, China’s exports of frozen shrimp shell of 16,000 tons, an increase of 64.6 percent, an increase over the same period last year rose 55.7 percent, accounting for the same period in China’s frozen shrimp exports 44.2%; small frozen shrimp exports 14,000 tons , an increase of 66.7 percent, accounting for 38.7 percent of total exports. In addition, fresh frozen shrimp export 4324 tons, up 51 percent decline.

three of Japan and the EU exports increased significantly. The first 3 quarters, China’s exports of shrimps to Japan and the European Union, respectively 16,000 tons and 9318 tons, increased 41.3 percent and 2.7-fold, to the above two markets together accounted for the same period in China’s frozen shrimp exports 68.8%. Over the same period, the mainland of Taiwan’s exports 5132 tons, down 23.1 percent. South Korea and the United States exports were 2782 tons and 1745 tons, dropped 60.1 percent and 14.1 percent.

despite China’s frozen shrimp exports showed the resumption of growth, but still has the following three issues worth noting:

First, endless green barriers, restricting the export of China’s main bottleneck shrimps . Japan’s Positive List System, the EU, “EU food and feed safety regulations” and the decree of the United States “the most stringent norms aquaculture” (BAP), such as the existence of green barriers, not only to increase our exports of shrimps cost of inspection and quarantine but also greatly raised the export threshold.

II deterioration of the ecological environment are leading to an overall decline in the quality of shrimps. Aquaculture area in China in recent years surrounding the rapid economic development, a group of electrical appliances, hardware, food processing, chemical industry production of small-scale processing enterprises activities seriously polluted the water quality of aquatic areas. At the same time, due to the high stocking density also leads to deterioration of the waters of the ecological environment, which makes it difficult to guarantee the quality of shrimps.

are three sectors have been falling profits lead to insufficient driving force for development. The main export markets as a result of pesticide residues in the test items rising, making for the export market rising cost of inspection and quarantine; At the same time, domestic raw materials, labor and transportation prices have continued to rise, resulting in the cost of China’s frozen shrimp exports continue to increase. On the contrary, the first 3 quarters of China’s average price of frozen shrimp exports has dropped by 20.9 percent, further squeezing profit margins, processing export enterprises lack of development potential.

this proposal: First, speed up the establishment of shrimp and other seafood from the water breeding, farming to finished products a full range of quality certification system products from source to monitor the whole process; second is to speed up the relevant laws and regulations, building standards , set up with international standards of hygiene and safety standard system, and effectively improve product quality; three are to further improve the supervision and management system, to increase inspection of export products, and to avoid endangering the reputation of Chinese products to international markets to occur; Fourth, guide enterprises to develop new export market, the formation of the pattern of export market diversification, reduction of major export markets such reliance. (07-11-30)

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