智力玩具的任何一套标准的困难影响« Reuse world

“充分发挥自身的创新意识,培养和激发孩子的想象力,智力开发,手眼协调,逻辑思维,能够激发孩子的手和创造性思维… …”有充分的玩具店,不少儿童的智力玩具,智力玩具包装的开放式儿童智力来说也是很吸引人的话令人眩目。这些玩具,才能真正改善儿童的智力吗?


“我是传统硬木质包装欺骗了。”里,谁在南昌王女士桂旺生命说,为了开放其2岁半孩子的心理空间,数天前,她专程到万寿宫玩具市场,希望买玩具,以加强情报工作。一到几乎每家商店面貌发生了购买玩具智力玩具,智力玩具在专门商店。包装“,充分发挥自身的创新意识,培养和激发孩子的想象力,智力开发,手眼协调,逻辑思维,能够激发孩子的手和创造性思维… …”消息是吸引眼球。经过一系列的对比,她选择从福建的一个生产塑料厂一,能够迅速改善儿童的智力和能力的智力玩具。没想到她竟要回去打开一看,就是传统的硬木,它只会改变你外包装它。




可以称为儿童的智力发展,以改善它?其中一个告诉了业界,类似的产品,大多数厂家都采用了知识产权的宣传方式的发展,也相互学习。智力玩具判决,企业没有专门的研发部门。业内人士表示,这样做的目的是增加产品的卖点。南昌张院长的幼稚园星告诉记者,作为儿童智力玩具的使用,虽然儿童的智力和行为能力,有一定的帮助,但效果并不好。中国的发展儿童的智力玩具不长,管理的有关规定,也滞后。目前,还没有听到关于玩具儿童智力已确定情报的要求。 06.9.1

Intelligence toys no effect of difficulty of the standards set

“Give full play to the self-awareness of innovation, nurture and stimulate children’s imagination; intellectual development, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, the ability to stimulate a child’s hands and creative thinking … …” have every toy store has many children’s intelligence toys, intellectual toys packaging open children’s intelligence is also enticing words dizzying. These toys can really improve children’s mental it?

consumers: intelligent toys “忽悠” person?

“I was the traditional hard wood packaging deceived.” Lane, who lives in Nanchang桂旺of Ms. Wang said that in order to open up their 2-year-old semi-children’s mental space, a couple of days ago, she made a special trip to the toy market Wanshou Palace, want to buy a toy to enhance intelligence. One look into almost every shop has to buy toys intelligence toys, and has specialized in intellectual toy store. Packaging, “give full play to the self-awareness of innovation, nurture and stimulate children’s imagination; intellectual development, hand-eye coordination, logical thinking, the ability to stimulate a child’s hands and creative thinking … …” message is to attract eyeballs. After a series of contrast, she choose a from a plastic factory in Fujian production, that can quickly improve children’s intelligence and capacity of intellectual toys. Did not expect her to go back to open one look, that is, the traditional hard wood, it will only change you overpack it.

investigate: to fight intellectual licensing prices doubled

toy market in Nanchang Wanshou Palace on the second floor,各店家have a variety of building blocks and puzzles, such as intellectual toys placed in a prominent position, the price in a few dollars to several dozen per month. Counters in the intelligence toys, a toy factory from Zhejiang produced a new high price of intellectual puzzle blocks sold 48 million, in its packaging a prominent position is read, “to nurture and stimulate children’s imagination to the intellectual challenge”, etc. words. While another intelligence ball toys, as a result of “more than 20,000 kinds of level changes” and “foster children to determine the speed of things” and other features, only to sell more than 10 beads on 28 yuan. Journalist note that these basic functions of intelligence toys and traditional toys for children in much the same, but color or Play Any additional changes, and some are even and traditional toys, like, only in the packaging with the development of intellectual nominal function.

wholesale toys for many years engaged in a boss revealed that children’s toys, play the intelligence card are near two years before the rise of the matter, although the same type and traditional children’s toys not much different, but the marked price on licensing intellectual can be turned on several inverted.

experts: there is no standard intellectual toys intelligence toys

really like the packaging can be referred to as the intellectual development of children improve it? One told the industry that on similar products, most manufacturers have adopted the development of intellectual way of publicity, but also learn from each other. Judgments of intelligence toys, businesses do not have a dedicated R & D department. The industry said that the purpose of doing so is to increase the product selling points. The Star of Nanchang张院长kindergarten told reporters, as the use of children’s intelligence toys, although children’s intelligence and behavior have a certain ability to help, but the effect is not that good. China, the development of children’s intelligence toys not long, the relevant provisions of the management and also is lagging behind. At present, not yet heard of toys on children’s intelligence has determined intelligence requirements. (06-9-1)

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