南京将成为世界{zd0}的硅橡胶生产基地« oursolo.net









绿色,说明问:例如,姚明一麦当劳广告中通过佩戴手镯是硅橡胶制品,另一个例子,在用汽车密封件,在乳头,瓶瓶帽内的硅橡胶垫片… …还用于医药,化妆品等领域的鼻子提高,人工心脏瓣膜手术等,对人体所需的硅橡胶植入物。





Nanjing is expected to into the world’s largest production base of silicone rubber

Gault went into production workshops that are into the food plant, which looks the past, the production line has “jelly” and “粉皮,” and “New Year cake”! In fact, these are new materials of silicone rubber polymer. Applications into the showroom that are into the department store, from the nipple, ring, the pipeline to the plate, shape, big and small, uses different, these are the downstream products of silicone rubber. Gault

Nanjing silicone rubber products company, is Hong Kong East Grand silicone Group 5 years ago in Nanjing to build businesses, yesterday completed its expansion project, six new production lines will be launched. At the same time, Hong Kong East Grand silicone Group 10 years ago to invest in our city, another silicone rubber manufacturing enterprises East Grand Inc., are operating at full capacity production, the two companies plan to 5 years to achieve four billion yuan output value, the city is therefore will become the world’s largest production base of silicone rubber.

Pukou District Bridge Town, eight new plant has been completed, ongoing equipment purchase and installation of water and electricity systems, this is Gault’s expansion project. The other side of the plant, the plant built a few years ago, the silicone rubber production of the Product is nervous.

workshop out of the production line is a transparent viscous material, such material into a barrel, after packaging, but also maintained a warm temperature, just like a bucket full of jelly, which are silicon a kind of rubber, called rubber; another production line, the product is a white, square solid, like New Year cake, hand pressed up very flexible, which is another type of silicone rubber - rubber insulation; ” New Year cake “There is also a form, is rolled up after pressure thin, looks活脱脱Larger version of”粉皮. “

these silicone rubber products are non-toxic, harmless, tasteless, in the middle reaches of the industry, and its upper reaches is a basic chemical raw materials, downstream is the tens of thousands of daily life can be seen everywhere silicon rubber products.

can cause numerous downstream products

silicone rubber heat-resistant than plastic cold tolerance, at minus 70 degrees to zero degrees Celsius between the characteristics of the 250 remain unchanged, and its wide range of application areas .

“Silicone Rubber Products has the number of species downstream?” Journalist of the problem so that Gault, general manager of green committed a difficult, he said: “countless! silicone rubber is like flour, wheat flour can make bread, steamed bread, dessert and so on all kinds of food, the downstream products of silicone rubber has been countless more. “

green to illustrate Journalist: for example, Yao Ming to a McDonald’s endorsement ads Medium wearing the bracelet is the silicone rubber products, another example, a car used in seals, bottle on the nipple, bottle cap inside the silicone rubber gasket … … also used in medical, cosmetic areas, such as nose elevate , artificial heart valve surgery, etc., on the required silicone rubber implants in humans.

different application areas, the added value of silicone rubber products will amount to at times poor. Green said that in the expansion project will increase the downstream product manufacturing, so that more high-end product mix, higher value-added.

five years after the output to be the world’s first

this year, and East Grand Gault production of 35,000 tons is expected, sales in the 10 billion yuan, after the expansion project launched will add 30,000 tons of production capacity, which is currently the biggest production base of silicone rubber.

introduce green, Gault and East Grand plan for the future 5 years to upgrade production to 40 billion yuan, production reached 150,000 tons. According to the same industry is now global momentum to determine when its output value will be first in the world and become the industry giant. (07-11-29)

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