房装存在质量问题- 自吸磁力泵的日志- 网易博客


2010-05-07 11:16:24 阅读6 评论0 字号:

原文:Housing quality problems loading business mediate and resolve
Housing quality problems loading business mediate and resolve Heating cover completely sealed, and heating the exhaust valve can not open; the living room ceiling spotlights do not allow installation of mouth; tile is not posted solid; Heating cover deformation bending ... ... May 5, came news of Commerce and Industry Xinghua Ling Branch, In the council, "12315" complaints and reports the mediation center, a lot of home improvements Zhang quality of this issue is resolved. Business staff after careful investigation that Mr. Zhang's home decoration quality problems do exist. After several rounds of mediation, and finally, the decoration company finally agreed to Mr Cheung, the quality of housing renovation to conduct a comprehensive repair solution, until its satisfaction. To this end, the business sector sent home improvement tips to consumers: to choose a qualified and reputable home improvement company
原文来自: http://www.google.com.hk/news

Housing quality problems loading business mediate and resolve ; 是由提供的阀门新闻,中文译文仅供参考(上海埃非凯阀门有限公司还生产 及电动调速蝶阀,气动通风蝶阀,美标波纹管闸阀,c,平行式双闸板闸阀,欢迎您的选购。)


房装存在质量问题工商出面协调解决 暖气罩xx封死,暖气排气阀门无法开启;客厅吊顶没有预留射灯安装口;瓷砖没有贴实;暖气罩变形弯曲……5月5日,工商杏花岭分局传出消息,在该局“12315”申诉举报中心的调解下,张先生的这一大堆房屋装修质量问题得到解决。 工商人员经过认真勘查后认为,张先生的住房装修确实存在质量问题。经过多次调解,{zh1},该装修公司终于答应对张先生的住房装修质量问题进行全面修复解决,直到其满意为止。为此,工商部门向消费者发出家装提示:要选择有资质、信誉好的正规家装公司;在签订合同之前,要对装修细节进行询问,细化合同文本,明确双方的权利和义务;签订合同后,如需变更,经双方认可,及时补充完善合同文本,避免以后产生纠纷。

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