1GB Mp3 Player Cum Pen Srive + 8 in 1 Emergency tr_687 ...
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    1GB Mp3 Player Cum Pen Srive + 8 in 1 Emergency tr
    1GB Mp3 Player Cum Pen Srive + 8 in 1 Emergency tr
    Perfect Kit

    Well the center of attraction is the 1GB MP3 player that can also be used as a data storage device but that is not the end of this discussion. The ultra portable music device also comes with an 8 in 1 emergency mobile charger that is extremely handy for all kind of travelers.

    Music on the Go

    The MP3 player provided in this kit is a cool music device that supports multiple music formats. It gives you unlimited choice of storing your favorite music and you will never be bound to choose only a specific format of music file. It also has a great battery life and is ideal for overnight journeys where you cant recharge your gadget.

    Store it Well

    The MP3 Player comes with a storage capacity of 1GB that gives it quite a large space. With a total space for accommodating around 240 songs, you can be sure you will not miss even a single of your favorite piece of music while on the go.
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