更短的生命跨度的个别能源节能灯« oursolo.net




购买节能灯要“货比三家”,而不是价格越更好的性能指标。应选择或外包装盏灯,“CQC认证”,“CQCES节能”和“节”字标志。 “CQC认证”标志的节能灯安全指标的验证,“CQCES能源”和“天”字标志是能源节能性能验证。

A shorter life-span of individual energy-saving lamps

China Consumer Association announced yesterday in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangdong to sell three brands of 23 energy-saving lamps compare the test results: more than half of the overall energy-saving effect is better, shorter life-span of individual energy-saving lamps, the existence of “non-section of energy-saving money” situation.

quality energy-saving lamp light-emitting efficiency and life expectancy are ordinary incandescent bulbs should be 6 times more. National Quality Center, electric light source, said energy-saving lamps “section is not saving money,” the main reason for maintaining the optical signals are the low rate of short life. According

tests Beijing National Electric Light Source Quality Center experts, testing has found that two brands of energy-saving lamps Optical 2000 hours to maintain the rate of less than 80%, one of only 70%. In addition, there are three brands of energy-saving lamps in all the points 2000 hours Foot, and some do not even have enough points 1000 hours.

to buy energy-saving lamps need to “shop around”, not the price the more the better performance indicators. Should be selected or lamp on the outer package has “CQC”, “CQCES energy-saving” and “Festival” word marks. “CQC” signs of energy-saving lamps verification of safety indicators, “CQCES energy” and “Day” words are signs of energy-saving performance verification. (07-11-29)

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