xxvmware虚拟机下freebsd蜂鸣器声音- 驴哥的意淫日记
我的是vm6.5.1 下freebsd8.0

setterm -blength 0
#alternatively you can change the frequency of the beep to a
#very low
value: setterm -bfreq 10

而在 X11 下面(不管是 KDE、Gnome、XFCE 或者……) 你可以:

xset b off

对每种 shell 操作作为一种可能的选择,你可以直接关掉某种 shell 里的提示音。

对 Bash:
set bell-style none
对 Tcsh:
# put this into your .tcshrc file
# just tab completion beep off:set matchbeep = never
# any beep off:set nobeep = 1
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