潍县萝卜热击败沾化冬枣的贵族服饰服装« oursolo.net



“在出售,而且价格一直强劲,这是其他水果和蔬菜的表现应该是主要的起源研究。”在谈到秋季蔬菜,但是,商店开设了水果市场潍县萝卜,在从事批发水果的张先生相当感慨多年:“冬枣批发商市场已经结束,经过连年价格低。” “虽然一开始接近,我们已卖出20万元,2.5万元。销售势头比去年更好!”昨天上午,在八里桥水果批发市场,济南店前潍县萝卜流行派,作出了周围专程来自城市的市民拨号波成员之一,商店忙着电话订单。魏县关于在济南,存储电荷,山东太阳物产城市发展有限公司总经理萝卜的发展告诉记者,这荆海波。






本,八里桥水果批发市场,一位负责人给他们自己的看法:目前的这种差异的根本原因,就在于它非常不同的发展。 2000年,每公斤价格保持沾化冬枣超过30元,自那时以来,该植物一哄而起轻率的家庭出身,更多的销售渠道,“许多花”,这令市场非常高的声誉,冬枣的“贵族“未完成”穷人“,生产优质的产品批发价格已下跌至45元一公斤。潍县萝卜的生产和销售渠道,以便由沙发售当前月份的负担出售,扎口管理,销售,因此价格一路上涨。


“潍县萝卜火灾,在’绿色旗帜,一些潍坊萝卜’是谁,立即跟进。”枕戈待旦的市场混乱,讲者,荆海波不觉得有太大压力。他告诉记者,xx潍县萝卜,其实指的是发牌潍县萝卜蔚县。为传统大宗资源开发,专门为潍坊市政府已申请了原产地保护潍县萝卜,注册商标许可贤,并于2004年通过了国家绿色食品认证。 “其实,只要市民成为这些济南知道是不是食之无味的xx产品的原产地。”

Weixian radish aristocratic garb clothes by a hot beat沾化冬枣

The past two years, the fruits and vegetables in the area of Jinan, Weixian turnip and has often been compared沾化冬枣brought forward. The same name are excluded, subject of public places favored native products, the market opposite fate: the former is no lower price trend, which has more than one year low.

Well, Why the fate of the two different? Weixian radish in Jinan沾化冬枣will repeat the mistakes?沾化冬枣was fake and too many people lashed out at the time, radish Weixian how chaotic the city who was not a surprise attack? For solving one of doubt, the journalists visited.

“On a sale, and the price has always been strong, which is a manifestation of other fruits and vegetables should be the main origin study.” Speaking of fall vegetables, however, stores opened in the fruit market Weixian radish, for many years engaged in the wholesale fruit Mr. Chang considerable emotion: “Dongzao wholesalers market are over, year after year of low prices.” “Although the start was near, we have sold 200,000, a 2.5 yuan. sales momentum even better than last year! “Yesterday morning, in the八里桥fruit wholesale markets, Jinan store Weixian radish popular former faction, made a special trip around the city came from one of the members of the public dial-up wave, the store is busy telephone orders. Weixian about the development of radish in Jinan, store charge, Shandong sun bussan City Development Co., Ltd. General Manager, told reporters this荆海波.

2005年10月, in the Weifang City Government under the impetus of radish Weixian entered Jinan market and fruit wholesale market in八里桥store opened. In those years, “On a sale” of Weixian turnip reminded the public interest, and one hit, selling 300,000 in one fell swoop. The following year, more are sold over 40 million, prices are each 2.

Now, in Jinan, the supermarkets and farmer’s market, Weixian radish agricultural products have also become hot. Journalist visits to see, radish were a lot of the supermarket before the fruit zone, subject to a number of young female consumers in hot pursuit. With fresh apple and pear fruit, such as the road compared to the price of turnips to much higher, authentic Weixian turnip price has never fallen below 5 yuan per kilogram. In one supermarket, 4 yuan per kilogram of Weifang Green radish or even promotional items.

last weekend, “Lu Business Carnival 2007″ opening ceremony was held in Quancheng Square. At the scene, from across the province gather together the native products, which is also Weixian radish出尽风头: Gift-binding and bulk sales pack of hot radishes.

the past few days, reporters visited were found, whether in the八里桥Fruit Wholesale Market, or in large supermarkets, Weixian radish fruiterer competition has become the “fat meat.” The face of customers, many wholesalers are the much vaunted themselves only carrots Weixian authentic agent, even in some large supermarkets, from Shouguang, Green Island and Tyan radish also put the “Weixian radish” brand. This沾化冬枣a few years ago, “scrap” into the scene after Jinan are almost identical, then the mistakes will Dongzao Weixian radish found in the recurrence of such incidents?

This year, in八里桥fruit wholesale markets, a number of ten sold “沾化冬枣” a booth next to a per kg price from a few dollars to more than a dozen per month. Weixian radish and the firm maintained a雷打不动price. How long this pattern can be sustained? Reasons, then what is it?

this,八里桥fruit wholesale market, a person in charge give their own opinion: the current fundamental reason for this difference lies in its very different development. 2000, the price per kilogram沾化冬枣to maintain more than 30 yuan, Since then, the origin of plant families rushing headlong into mass action, more sales channels are “many flowers”, making the market extremely high reputation Dongzao from “aristocratic “not completed” the poor “, producing quality product wholesale prices fell to 45 yuan a kilogram. Weixian radish in the production and sales channels to implement扎口management, from the sale of sand, sold on burden of the current month to sell, so prices are rising all the way.

registered trademarks, and “one-stop” production and marketing

“Weixian radish fire, some under the banner of ‘Green Weifang Radish’ those who immediately followed up.” Speaking of the market chaos of枕戈待旦were,荆海波do not think there is much pressure. He told reporters that authentic Weixian radish, in fact, refers to the licensing Weixian Weixian radish. For the development of the traditional staple of resources, specifically for the Weifang municipal government has applied for a radish Weixian origin protection, licensing Weixian registered trademarks, and in 2004 adopted the National Green Food Certification. “In fact, as long as the public have become aware of these Jinan is not unpalatable to the origin of authentic products.” (07-11-29)

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