What can eat Paiduyangyan? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

Paiduyangyan to eat what can?

friend, hello! read your question, I feel a little bit the same boat.
for your question, my answer is, often eating coarse fiber foods, vegetables and water
fruit, fish, seafood, whole grains should be better, it is best not to eat more fried and
industrial processing of food products. at the same time suggested that appropriate activities and exercise.
even her sister was a doctor.

1. to help liver detoxification

the liver is an important detoxification organ, all kinds of toxins through the liver, a series of chemical reaction into non-toxic or low toxic substances. We are more in their daily diet can eat carrots, garlic, grapes, figs, etc. to help liver detoxification. Carrot: It is a valid row of mercury in food. Contains a large number of pectin combined with mercury, and effectively lowers the blood concentration of mercury ions, accelerate the discharge. Daily ingestion of carrots, but also can stimulate the gastrointestinal blood circulation, improve digestion, resistance to lead to disease and aging free radicals. Garlic: Garlic in the special ingredients reduce the concentration of lead in the body. Grapes: You can help the liver, intestines, stomach gets rid of junk, but also increase the hematopoietic function. Fig: containing organic acids and a variety of enzymes, can nourish the liver and detoxification, heat Runchang, aid digestion, especially for SO2, SO3, etc. must resist the effects of toxic substances.

2. to help kidney detoxification

kidney is an important detoxification organ, which filter toxins and proteins in the blood resulting from decomposition of waste and excreted through the urine. Cucumber, cherry and other fruits and vegetables contribute to kidney detoxification. Cucumber: Cucumber’s diuretic effect can clean the urethra, the urinary system contribute to renal excretion of toxins. Contains cucurbitacin, cucumber acid also helps the lung, stomach, liver detoxification. Cherry: Cherry is a valuable natural food and medicine to help kidney detoxification. At the same time, it also has a mild laxative effect.

3. Runchang detoxification

can be quickly ruled out intestinal toxins, but if you indigestion, it will cause toxins to stay in the intestine, was re-absorbed, to health caused great damage. Konjac, black fungus, kelp, pig’s blood, apples, strawberries, honey, brown rice and many other foods can help the digestive system detoxification. Amorphophallus: also known as “ghost line” in Chinese is called “Snake 6 Valley” is the famous “GI scavenger,” “blood purification agents”, to remove the waste on the intestinal wall.

black fungus: Auricularia auricula contains a gelatinous plants have a stronger adsorption edge and adsorption of residual impurities in the body within the digestive system, cleansing the blood, regular consumption can also effectively remove pollutants.

Kelp: Kelp alginic acid can slow down the rate of intestinal absorption of radioactive strontium, so that strontium excreted, and therefore has a role in the prevention of leukemia. In addition, kelp right into the body of cadmium are also chelating effect.

pig blood: pig blood plasma protein was digested in the enzyme decomposed, resulting in a kind of detoxification and Runchang material, can invade the human body with the dust and metal particles reaction is not easily absorbed into the body material, directly discharged into the in vitro, there is dust, bowel, laxative effect.

Apple: Apple in the galactose Tsuen acid contribute to detoxification, pectin is able to avoid corruption of food in the intestine.

Strawberry: contains a variety of organic acids, pectin and minerals, can clean stomach, strong liver.

Honey: Since ancient times, is the Jiapin Paiduyangyan, contains many essential amino acids and vitamins. Eat honey in the emission of toxins at the same time, prevention and treatment efforts diseases and neurasthenia have some success.

Brown Rice: Yes, clean the large intestine’s “plumbers”, when its adoption will be siphoning off many of intestinal sludge will ultimately excluded it from the body.

4. detox recipes on other food

Celery: Celery contains a wealth of fiber can be the same as the purification device, filtering the body of wastes. Regular consumption can stimulate the body detox, to deal with because of the accumulated body toxins caused by diseases such as rheumatism, arthritis and so on. In addition, water celery can also adjust the balance of the body and improve sleep.

bitter melon: Bitter foods are generally have a detoxification function. The study found that of the bitter gourd, of which a protein can increase the activity of immune cells, gets rid of toxic substances. Women in particular, eat bitter gourd also benefit through the role.

mung: mung bean sweet and a cool nature has always been a very effective antidote for heavy metals, pesticides and a variety of food poisoning, there is a certain preventive effect. It is mainly by accelerating the metabolism of toxic substances in the body to facilitate their excretion to in vitro.

Tea: Tea in the tea polyphenols, polysaccharides and vitamin C to speed up the body of toxic substances have a role in excretion. In particular, tea, the study found tea helps kill cancer cells. Often insist on sitting at a computer for drinking can also jump on the prevention of computer adverse effect of radiation on the human body.

milk and soy products: The rich in calcium contains a useful “toxins move jobs.”

5. more water, intestinal tract, particularly in the large intestine was Excretion from the place.

the water can promote the metabolism, reduce the waste of time to stay in the intestine to reduce absorption of toxins, dissolved water-soluble toxins. Preferably early in the morning to drink a cup of warm water fasting. In addition, the early morning of drinking water can also lower blood viscosity, prevention of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

6. two days a week to eat vegetarian, to stomach a break chance.

because of too much greasy or spicy food, will generate a large number of toxins in the metabolism, resulting in the tremendous burden stomach.

7. eat more fresh and organic foods

eat more fresh and organic foods, eat less processed foods, fast foods and soft drinks, because they contain more preservatives, coloring.

8. in their daily diet to control salt intake

excessive salt will lead to closure of urine, sweat closed, causing water accumulation in vivo. If you have always been biased towards taste, try using celery and other vegetables containing natural savory alternative to salt.

9. antioxidant supplements

appropriate to add the appropriate number of anti-vitamin C, E and other antioxidants to help eliminate free radicals.

10. Do not eat too fast, multi-chewing

that can secrete more saliva, and in a variety of toxic substances, causing a virtuous chain reaction, and expel more toxins.

face long Zhifang Li how to do ah

I tried to eat some brown rice, I feel there is a role, you can try.


类别: 餐饮食品




































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