Bicycle and motorcycle traffic one year after the incident how to ...

06 end 12 years my friends in the village-level road bike to be the opposite direction hit the motorcycle fracture (because the treatment of the injured would like to report to the police there would be no), hospital plate installed after the operation (the cost of has been paid by the other side), hospitals require the removal a year later again. That one year after the other to help拆完plate, the talk about other matters relating to compensation! Period has been several times to co-ordinate the other side claimed that it will return after.
over a year now and they do that too much money, do not want the tube.
would like to ask how can such a situation under the law to solve the click.
through the law of what the result will be. Thank you

investigation first of all, you want to go local is not what you can ride a motorcycle, and look at the planes he has pictures of his car to see whether they are my all, the most important thing is motorcycle and bicycle accident the day of which side is going retrograde, but the provisions of the new Exchange Act also made it clear, and motor vehicle groups are strong, non-motor vehicle belonging to vulnerable groups, in the event of a negative {bfb} of motor vehicle accident liability, so you fully can to resolve the matter in accordance with the law, traffic control team, or to pay the HKMA to the record, although晚了点but can still help to resolve, and friends to remember that the country’s law enforcement agencies is to serve the people, you do not contact the police their own private Without the ability to solve the case would be counter-productive, you know? So you
Now, in addition to the report, the can and the other on the conditions of the problem a year later after a year to solve this is nonsense, ah, you two ways to choose: 1, directly asked how many doctors need to spend money there postoperative nutrition, etc., and then direct him to
2, if he did not paid directly to the local courts to civil lawsuits, you may rest assured that legal fees must be spent each other, because you are {bfb} successful! Finally

friends wish you a speedy recovery, we must remember that after the law, the study of law!2008-04-20



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