Mainland real estate agency experienced big reshuffle inevitable ...

2007 years 11 26, “transit home”蒋飞president卷款missing hearsay been confirmed. Shenzhen police said, as at 21, has received Shenzhen reported 23 buyers, amounting to 2600 million yuan.

By January 21 Xinhua Hong Kong’s “Ming Pao Daily News” published today, signed by a “Feng 10,” the article said, Shenzhen Zhongtian real estate trading companies to buy their own homes to collapse overnight, it seems that overthrew the Mainland the property market intermediaries industry first domino triggered a front-line cities Mainland real estate industry collective knock-on effect from the stock market. Macro-control this year, the mainland will continue and strengthen, so front-line cities to adjust prices and volatility will continue, it appears that an intermediary industry “big earthquake” in the aftermath outstanding.

article pointed out that since October last year, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and other places have emerged one after another decline in housing turnover, the property market due to the impact of policy adjustments are beginning to show. 2007 Beijing一手房turnover of around 135,000 units, year-on-year decline in more than one-third. Hot property market transactions in the period of rapid expansion of real estate in the property market also experienced cold shrink a large area.

2007 end of last year, in Shenzhen, including China’s largest real estate intermediary创辉lease, including 16 intermediate contraction of hundreds of stores; in Beijing, the largest number of stores of the Chinese University of Henderson for the closure of stores, and other well-known intermediary letter one day after another out of the market. The same code also play Canton, Shanghai, Tianjin, Chongqing and other cities staged one after another. It has been reported in the delisting of companies in collusion with real estate developers,收房irregularities, and other issues common to eat the difference.

article said that although the parties to the intermediary to close react differently, but some see it as the guiding principle of falling house prices “signal.” Some scholars believe that housing prices do not rise or only a “myth” seems to quietly change. Currently on the market “priced free city”, “rising volume down” phenomenon highlighted that the majority of people bear the current high prices, the market is nearing the limits of endurance.

However, real estate director of the Institute of Beijing University, believes that Chan Kwok-keung, a number of intermediaries problems, does not mean that the entire industry is the emergence of crises, and it can not be seen as a turning point in the property market. This year, however, continue to strengthen and implement national macro-control, continued credit crunch, some cities believe that housing prices will fluctuate and adjustment, the market will continue the wait-and-see mood on the real estate is concerned, it is necessary to do a good job in “winter” of ready.

a department in charge of the officials said, the macro-control effects appeared, the property market downturn transaction, subject to implicate the closure of an intermediary, like pre-hot property market, the rapid expansion of intermediary companies, are knock-on effect of the market, government departments will not sell to “rescue the market.”

informed sources also said that the mainland real estate agency experienced big reshuffle is inevitable, the Government will not intervene, but would like to see the intermediary industry adjusted toward the direction of the development of healthy norms. Now low, external funding is also the best time to enter. According to reports, the Associated Press, Hong Kong real estate brokerage firm, as well as the 21st century, such as the recent real estate in the Mainland will have a series of expansion and open plan.

Chinese version:内地房地产中介机构经历大洗牌在所难免


中新网1月21日电 香港《明报》今日刊载署名“冯其十”的文章称,深圳房地产买卖公司中天置业的一夜崩盘,似乎推倒了内地楼市中介行业的{dy}张多米诺骨牌,引发出内地一线城市房地产中介行业集体退市的连锁反应。今年内地宏观调控还将继续并且加强,所以,一线城市的房价调整和波动还会持续,看来中介行业的“大地震”余波未了。 







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