雅思口语Part 1关于科技类的Q&A_巴格达的星星_新浪博客

Can technology have a downside?


What's your favourite piece of technology and how has it improved your life?
My cellphone, there is no question. I've got a BlackBerry Storm and I like it because the reception in the United States, especially where I live, is perfect. It's even better than the laptop computer because I get my emails on the phone as well. That and the texting is incredible.

When was the last time you used it, and what for?
I have it right here in my lap right now. I also checked my emails this morning. Being able to multitask is great – it's really my office.

What additional features would you add if you could?
Probably more speed. Having to wait to on it sometimes is like the old dial-up days. But it's getting quicker. Also being able to watch films on it would be good.

Will it be obsolete in 10 years' time?
No, I don't think so. I can't even remember what life was like without a phone. They could build a chip that is implanted in the body, or something, but I wouldn't touch that.

What always frustrates you about technology in general?
That we sometimes depend on technology too much.

Is there any particular piece of technology that you have owned and hated?
I don't know if hated is the right word, but let's say, for example, the phone. If you're out with your family, you can be somewhere else, instead of with your family and communicating with them. So that's where the resentment comes from. So I've got to know when to shut the thing off.

If you had one tip about getting the best out of new technology, what would it be?
When something new comes out, don't jump in and get it right away – wait and you'll save yourself some money. Things come out so quickly it's best to wait for them to iron all the bugs out.

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