Sarah Brightman_尖嘴钳子_新浪博客


Sarah Brightman Stage -section from CAD dwg

Set up in Mexico


     The main stage area conprised of a 20mtr crescent shaped stage incorporating two hydraulic & one ribbon lift. From the centre of the crescent ran a 20mtr catwalk linking the main stage to a 6mtr star shaped B stage in the middle of the arena. The B stage also featured a central ribbon lift. Forming a semicirle to the rear of the crescent stage were two 7mtr band platforms each on two hydraulic lifts. Centre SL of the main crescent stage we fabricated a 10mtr curved arm. The arm is counter balanced & rotates to bring Sarah to the front of the stage. In keeping with the Harem tour title the whole set had an Eastern theme including drapes Minarets & printed flooring.

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