吃火锅是有害健康« City life wiki 城市百科







重庆,四川,可以说是一个“锅王国”的各种火锅,无处不在。辣,营养……一切完成后,能够炒锅热,冲洗,沸腾的是充满了奇迹。有句话来形容两者的火锅菜去,广泛呼吁:“一只脚凳子不要吃,有飞机的翅膀,不要吃,别人吃任何东西。”一些xx的连锁锅业,不仅开创了北方,而且也打开了国外。然而,迄今为止,没有因吃火锅引起的疾病的报告,但也没有长远的重庆火锅,在短暂的四川人!相反,长寿,很多人。因此,不要因为“担心吃火锅,会影响身体健康”和怀念美味的食物。当然,不同的人士对个人的人身注:例如,如何那些谁不吃营养补品型锅,一个“三高”谁不去热内脏疾病,脑食品,….. ..像花卉等等。此外,这些是不是“有罪”锅啊!












Eat hot pot is harmful to health

pot cooking method itself is of such a problem will affect the health, I eat shabu dish (non-spicy), president of packets after toothache hot flashes, and whether it is cooking itself has a problem

Answer :
pot while tasty, but the disease caused by a pot really a lot of Gesanciwu to “like” to eat cause gout, parasitic diseases, oral mucosal diseases such as quiet upper body injury.

According to reports, three kinds of serious parasitic diseases — Trichinella, tapeworm, and cysticercosis may be spread through the pot. Dirty piece of pork and beef, the film was likely to contain these three types of parasites. At present, although not sure whether they contain Trichinella Mutton Lane, tapeworm, and cysticercosis, it has been reported it was a result of eating boiled mutton and got trichinosis events. If you got parasites, will be whole body fatigue, muscle aches, body swelling, and sometimes feet on the ground will have a tingling feeling. Therefore, when you eat hot pot, but also note that meat hygiene, particularly shabu pork pieces, beef films, be sure to rinse cooked eat. At the same time, depends on the availability of a white meat, grain-like material, and if so, it may be egg sac.

during autumn and winter, oral disease in people who love to eat hot pot will increase. Eat hot pot oral diseases mainly caused by the oral mucosa. Because of very high temperature of hot pot soup, heat the food is still higher temperatures, will inevitably undermine the oral mucosa and trigger mouth ulcers and other oral diseases. If the person eat hot pot
find themselves often have a sprained toe, numbness and other phenomena, it should be immune to the hospital to check whether subjects suffering from gout. It is understood that each year into the autumn and winter, caused by eating hot pot of acute gouty arthritis attack a minority of patients. Many fans tend to eat hot pot hot pot when the bulimia delicious seafood, animal offal, mushrooms, etc., coupled with a large number of alcohol, resulting in deposition of uric acid in the blood, gout disease follow. In particular, lesions around the joint will be repeated fever, swelling, pain and other phenomena, if unchecked, will lead to further joint deformity, until the cause kidney damage, failure.

gout are “rich man’s disease,” mental workers, the elderly, obese people are at high risk. In recent years, gout patients younger emerging trends in incidence after the age of advanced age from 50 to 30-year-old, a number of high income, exercise less, entertainment and more white-collar office workers often hot pot dinner sudden onset of acute gouty joints after Yan. Therefore, when such a crowd a hotpot should pay attention.

try to eat less, especially those who slow the liver, it should not eat, healthy people should eat less spicy things, that thing I also like to eat, but I eat one, the first quasi-two days to Zhangdou.

Chongqing, Sichuan, can be described as a “pot kingdom,” all kinds of hot pot, everywhere. Spicy, nutritious …… everything is complete, be able to wok hot, rinse, boiling thing is full of wonders. There is a saying to describe a wide range of both hot pot cuisine goes, called: “a foot stool do not eat, there are wings of the aircraft, do not eat, others eat anything.” Some well-known chain pot industry, not only opened to the north, but also open to a foreign country. However, to date there is no due to reports of illness caused by eating hot pot, but also no long-term Chongqing hot pot, Sichuanese on the short-lived! On the contrary, longevity has a lot of people. Therefore, Do not due to “worry about eating hot pot will affect their health” and miss the delicious food. Of course, different people have to the individual physical Note: For instance, how can those who do not eat nutritious tonic type pot; a “three high” those who do not go to hot visceral disease, brain food ,……. like flowers, etc. and so on. Moreover, these are not a pot of “guilty” ah!
eat all you want, like the hot iron. This is my answer to a friend, are you satisfied?

hot pot need to prevent gout and other diseases,
the weather gradually cools, and more and more and more people started to eat something hot pot. This time every year, the total was incurred due to eating hot pot, such as carbon monoxide poisoning. Experts remind people that eating hot pot, the best choice a well-ventilated room, in order to avoid unfortunate incidents. Again, although the delicious hot pot, but when the heart disease from the mouth.

■ Shabu-shabu is also required to master the essentials

eat shabu shabu stress, especially meat, belly and so on. Many people like to put all of these things down pot, a lot of things hard-boiled, and a direct violation of the hot pot dishes. The correct way is to use chopsticks clamped in the pan shabu, shabu allegedly a good three seconds, the most tender lamb. Most of shabu shabu meat cut very thin, only the pork should be thick, but not raw pork, but have cooked Qi Bafen cooked and then cooked in the pot.

a lot of people say that eating hot pot enough to eat, eat eat not move for a while, but would go home hungry, it is because the speed of eating right. Eat hot pot can not be rushed, no matter you more hungry, we can not overeating, to uniform, one with a rinse to eat, in no hurry do not wait, can not cook a pot of hot pot which is one of the reasons.

■ shabu-shabu to pay attention to “issue” out of food

Under normal circumstances, most people like to eat white, white Duck, squid, yellow throat, soaked bamboo slices doubled appetite people watching. However, the relevant departments examination revealed a large number of these foods on the market went so far as to disable the use of the country’s industrial base, hydrogen peroxide, formalin and other toxic substances foam. With industrial alkali, hydrogen peroxide, formalin and other foam out of the food, it appears white, Shui Ling, eat them fresh, crisp, but also can increase the volume and weight of food, the operator a profit, but extremely harmful to human body Great. According to reports, the black-brown Duck with 70 ℃ -80 ℃ hot off the hot water, after skin, exposing the milk yellow lining. Duck hot pot shop while others were dazzling white, eat up and brittle hair may be is the use of bleaching agents, preservatives results, in which hydrogen peroxide can corrode the people’s stomach, leading to ulcers, formalin, sulfur can cause cancer. It is understood that even with these lawless elements, “poison” would have been corrupt smelly squid, Duck, Yellow-throated and other treatment, so that they are water Lingling’s sold to consumers.

■ eat hot pot to prevent parasitic diseases and gout

pot though tasty, but the disease caused by a pot really a lot of Gesanchaiwu to “like” to eat cause gout, parasitic diseases, oral mucosal injury diseases such as upper body quiet.

According to reports, three kinds of serious parasitic diseases — Trichinella, tapeworm, and cysticercosis may be spread through the pot. Dirty piece of pork and beef, the film was likely to contain these three types of parasites. At present, although not sure whether they contain Trichinella Mutton Lane, tapeworm, and cysticercosis, it has been reported it was a result of eating boiled mutton and got trichinosis events. If you got parasites, will be whole body fatigue, muscle aches, body swelling, and sometimes feet on the ground will have a tingling feeling. Therefore, when you eat hot pot, but also note that meat hygiene, particularly shabu pork pieces, beef films, be sure to rinse cooked eat. At the same time, depends on the availability of a white meat, grain-like material, and if so, it may be egg sac.

during autumn and winter, oral disease in people who love to eat hot pot will increase. Eat hot pot oral diseases mainly caused by the oral mucosa. Because of very high temperature of hot pot soup, heat the food is still higher temperatures, will inevitably undermine the oral mucosa and trigger mouth ulcers and other oral diseases.

eat hot pot of people found their toes, if often sprain, numbness and other phenomena, it should be immune to the hospital to check whether subjects suffering from gout. It is understood that each year into the autumn and winter, caused by eating hot pot of acute gouty arthritis attack a minority of patients. Many fans tend to eat hot pot hot pot when the bulimia delicious seafood, animal offal, mushrooms, etc., coupled with a large number of alcohol, resulting in deposition of uric acid in the blood, gout disease follow. In particular, lesions around the joint will be repeated fever, swelling, pain and other phenomena, if unchecked, will lead to further joint deformity, until the cause kidney damage, failure.

gout are “rich man’s disease,” mental workers, the elderly, obese people are at high risk. In recent years, gout patients younger emerging trends in incidence after the age of advanced age from 50 to 30-year-old, a number of high income, exercise less, entertainment and more white-collar office workers often hot pot dinner sudden onset of acute gouty joints after Yan. Therefore, such people eating hot pot more, it should05-12-21

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