
随着我国国民经济的高速发展,城市的建筑建设规模越来越大,人们对室内环境的要求也越来越高。尤其是建设在黄金地带的商业建筑,如何能提高有效的商用面积率:保证空调系统的使用和运行并不由此而增加能耗?是暖通专业及建筑开发商共同xx的问题。 一、暖通空调设计中水力系统的现状 无论是空调或采暖工程中,由于条件的制约及不可能xx采用同程系统。而异程系统在实际的设计中,为了保证系统最不利环路末端的资用压头,所有其他空调采暖设备末端的资用压头往往大于设计工况的需要值,特别是在规模大建筑功能复杂的工程中,异程管线长,末端设备的阻力差异大及空调末端启停差异大的系统,在靠近冷热源位置的资用压头余量过大,往往出现流量分配偏离设计状态,导致其系统水力失调。流量的偏差会产生冷热源近端的空调太凉或采暖不热的现象。不但不能保证使用的功能,还造成了能源上的浪费。 二、解决水利失调的办法 1、加节流孔板 在热力入口或空调靠近冷源环路的部分管段上增加节流孔板。采用这种办法解决水力失调的前提是:水系统阻力计算准确、热力或空调末端流量不能发生变化。因此在末端流量变化时仍会造成水力失调及能源上的浪费。 2、安装手动调节阀 对大型空调系统而言,采用手动调节阀调节过程复杂,手动调节前端阀门,后端流量会受影响。后端调整流量,前端流量又会变化。因此调节费时费力;对于复杂系统,要求调节阀门的工程师经验丰富。并且一旦系统压力或负荷发生变化仍需要重新调整水力系统。 3、安装动态流量平衡阀 热力入口或空调设备末端的设计流量确定后,根据流量及阀门处的压力变化范围选定动态平衡阀,安上设置好的阀门既可使用。只要阀门处的压差变化在阀门的设计压力范围内,无需任何人为的调节。 三、动态平衡阀的特点 1、动态平衡阀的工作原理: 通过改变平衡阀的阀芯的过流面积来适应阀门前后的变化,从而达到控制流量的目的。动态平衡阀是一个局部阻力可以变化的节流元件,对于不可压缩的流体其简化流量的方程为: Q=KA(△P) 式中:Q——通过平衡阀的流量; K——阀门开度的流量系数; A——阀芯的过流面积 △P——阀门进出口压差 由于在阀门的开度不变的前提下,K值的变化可忽略,因此阀门的流量要保持恒定应控制A(△P)不变。而平衡阀由可变过流面积的阀胆和高精度(±5%)的弹簧及支撑装置构成。弹簧受压差的作用自动控制阀胆上过流面积的大小,从而使通过阀门的流量恒定。 2、阀门的工作过程: 当平衡阀前后压差小于最小启动压差是弹簧未被压缩,流通面积{zd0}。当阀门前后压差在工作范围时阀胆压缩弹簧,进入工作状态,水流通过阀胆两边的圆孔和几何型的通道流过;由于阀胆在运动,两边几何流型的通道也因此变化—阀体的流通面积不断变化,在这一压差范围内水流流量基本保持恒定。当平衡阀前后压差超越工作范围是,阀胆xx压缩弹簧,水流只从阀胆两边的圆孔流过,此时阀胆变成了固定的调节器,流量与压差成正比,随压差的增大而增大。 动态平衡阀具有在一定的压力范围内限制空调末端设备的{zd0}流量、自动恒定流量的特点,在大工型、复杂、空调采暖负荷不恒定的工程中,简化了系统调试过成,并缩短了调试时间。特别是在异程水系统中使用平衡阀,可以容易实现水力工况平衡、满足设计环境温度的要求,并且在空调系统的运行中末端设备可以不受其他末端的启停干扰。 四、动态平衡阀在实际工程中的应用 1、区域供暖 热力入口处采用动态平衡阀,保证系统所需流量。 室内采暖系统,温控阀保证每个散热器通过所需流量,动态平衡阀保证各立管流量恒定,解决水平失调。 2、空调系统 大型集中空调系统中,在空调设备(空气处理机及风机盘管)末端设置平衡阀,通过三通(或两通)电动阀保证设备所需流量,平衡阀实现水力工况调节。在冷热源,冷却塔、水泵等处当设计管线受限时。用平衡阀来避免负荷偏载,保证设备的正常运行。 五、空调系统设计动态平衡阀反感因该注意的问题 1、动态平衡阀只起水力平衡的作用,不能用于负荷调节 由于对动态平衡阀的误解,容易认为平衡阀也能平衡空调或采暖负荷,用平衡阀取代电动三通阀或两通阀。但随着维护结构负荷或室内负荷(人员、设备、照明等)的动态变化,要求空调设备提供的水量也动态变化,才能如人所愿——既能保证室内温度的要求、又起到了节省的作用。在大型空调系统中,空调设备设置了平衡阀后;各个设备的启停不会干扰影响其他设备的水流量,平衡阀起到了水力平衡的作用;而电动三通或两通阀节流,能够调节环境负荷所需数量。 目前,带电动自控制功能的动态平衡阀已经面市,按负荷需求动态平衡空调系统实行节能就更容易实现了。因此采用带电动自控功能的动态平衡阀,可以将水力平衡与负荷调节合二为一,并直接用电脑控制设定流量,还简化了安装及便于安装在狭小的空间内。 2、动态平衡阀不应该多极设置 在空调设置中,手动调节阀是多极设计的。而按照这一方法多极设置动态平衡阀设计概念是不对的。其理由是:如果下级的一个或多个设备关闭电动阀,而上级平衡阀扔保持流量不变,则会造成下级未关闭的设备流量增加,不但加大了水流噪声,还会影响使用功能,并且也增加了不必要的经济投资。 3、空调设计中应根据冬夏供回水温差水量合理设置动态平衡阀 在四管制空调系统中用两个平衡阀是可以满足冬季及夏季不同的水量要求的,当冬、夏季节空调供热、冷水温差不同时,水流量差异很大,因此在两管制水系统中则应根据冬、夏季不同流量的要求设置平衡阀:方法一,设置可变流量型动态平衡阀,冬夏换季时转换阀门。 方法二,设置两个平衡阀,阀1按冬季流量选择阀门,阀2按夏、冬季{zd0}水量之差选择阀门,冬季阀1,夏季开两个阀,用两个阀门实现空调设备的四管制功能。方法三,采用带自控装置的动态平衡阀通过电脑设置流量。否则,由于冬季夏季空调水流量不同,而简单在空调末端上设置固定流量的动态平衡阀是不可能满足两个季节的水量平衡的。 六、动态平衡阀工程设计实例 1、工程简介 座落在北京繁华的王俯井商业街的新东安市场,是由北京东安集团与香港新鸿基房地产发展有限公司合资兴建的工程,占地面积约21400m2。工程建设规模庞大,建筑平面分为A、B、C、D四个区,其中A、B、区为新东安市场部分;D区为动城区回迁部分。地下三层,地上六层,裙房之上的写字楼为十一层。 新东安市场冷冻机房总负荷为10450RT(约36750KW)。 空调水由地下三层冷冻房引至地下二层。为了减小非商用面积。水系统为下供下回双管异程式系统。从地下二层至各区的20个空调水管井。 风机盘管水系统根据建筑负荷特点分为内区,外区两个环路。内区只供冷冻水,外区冬季供热水。根据气候及室内符合情况,通过楼宇自控系统在地下二层按竖井电动切换控制外区双温水的冷、热水开关。 2、空调设计的平衡阀方案 对于冷冻机组和冷冻泵来说,为了避免由于各种因素造成的负荷偏载发生,在冷冻机和定水流量的二次泵出口上安装了平衡阀。 由于新东安市场建筑平面大,并且业主及建筑师要求“黄金之地”有效商用面积率高,因此设备用房和管井面积小,并其位置也很不利,这样对纵向达108m,横向跨越270m的管路系统来说,管路的阻力平衡和系统调试的困难是相当大的。为了解决水系统“管线长,难平衡”的困难, 设计过程中拟订了两套平衡方案。 方案一:多极设置普通水管井间安装平衡阀 ① 在主管线与20个暖通水管井间安装平衡阀 ② 在竖井出口位置安装平衡阀 ③ 在每个空调箱上安装平衡阀 ④ 在每个租户的出水口上安装平衡阀 方案二:使用动态平衡阀 ① 在末端装置风机盘管上安装平衡阀 ② 在末端装置空调箱上安装平衡阀 经过经济比较,最终采纳的平衡阀方案是 ①空调箱末端安装平衡阀及自控阀 ②零售和内区写字楼两或三个风机盘管合用一个平衡阀及自控阀,外区写字楼每个风机盘管自用一个平衡阀及自控阀 3、平衡阀应用总结 ① 长管线异程大系统多级安装普通平衡阀价格高于末端设备一级动态平衡阀。 ② 在末端装置上安装动态平衡阀,维修时影响的范围小,并各租户空调设备启停的影响。 ③ 动态平衡阀自带过滤器,避免了水系统管路中的污垢对自控阀门的损伤。 ④ 由于动态平衡阀在某一段压力范围内的误差只有±5%,其些设备的开或关对其他设备的流量几乎没有影响,保证了末端装置水流量的稳定性。 新东安市场工程是政府xx的工程,工期紧;随着市场的变化也引起了工程设计的多次变化。因此工程等不及调试就马上开业,虽然调试工作仍未全面进行,但由于使用了动态平衡阀,空调面积达18万平方米的异程水系统,“不调即用”的确使业主受益。整个新东安市场建筑功能比较复杂,内含写、,计算机网络中心、商场、零售店铺、餐饮、电影院等,其建筑平面复杂、变化多端。其建筑功能也不可能相对集中。业主要求设计要作到动态适应市场的变化—以不变应万变,因此空调负荷的性质多变、各区、各类的空调{zd0}负荷时刻也不相同。然而正式采用了正确的设计方案和这种不受其他空调末端启停干扰的动态平衡阀,动态保持各开启末端的流量,使这个庞大的异程空调水系统的安全正常运行得到保证。至今为止尚未发现由于水力失调而引起的“租户投诉”,从目前情况看来,新东安市场工程中使用动态平衡阀是成功的。

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Along with the rapid economic development, urban construction scale of the building more and more people demanding the indoor environment, more and more. Especially the construction of commercial buildings in the gold zone, how to improve the effective rate of the commercial area: to ensure the use and operation of air conditioning system is not the resulting increase in energy consumption? HVAC and building developers are matters of common concern. First, the design of water HVAC system status Whether air-conditioning or heating work, because conditions in the same way and can not fully use the system. The DRS system in the actual design, in order to ensure that the most unfavorable loop system with a pressure head end funds, all other air-conditioning with heating equipment at the end of the funding is often greater than the design pressure head necessary condition of value, especially in large functional complex construction project, DRS pipeline length, the resistance between terminal equipment and air conditioning end of the start and stop a large difference in large systems, cold and heat source location near the capital over excessive use of pressure head, are often deviate from the design state flow distribution , leading to the hydraulic system disorders. Flow deviation will produce cold and heat source or heating the proximal air-conditioning too cold not hot phenomenon. Not only can not guarantee that use of the function, also caused a waste of energy. Second, to address the imbalance in the way water 1, plus throttle plate Entrance in the heat or air conditioning loop near the cold source to add some pipe orifice plates. Use this solution to water imbalance on the premise that: accurate calculation of water system resistance, heat or air conditioning end of the flow can not be changed. Therefore, changes in the end will cause water flow imbalance and energy waste. 2, the installation manual control valve Large air conditioning systems, with manual adjustment process valve complex, manual adjustment of the front valve, back-flow will be affected. Adjust the flow of the back-end, front-end flow will change. Therefore, time and energy regulation; for complex systems require valves by experienced engineers. And once the system pressure or load changes still need to re-adjust the hydraulic system. 3, installation of dynamic flow balance valve Heat or air conditioning at the end of the design entry flow to determine, based on the flow and pressure changes in the scope of the valve selected valve dynamics, the placement of the valve can set a good use. As long as the pressure changes the valve in the valve pressure range of design, without any artificial adjustment. Third, the characteristics of dynamic balancing valve 1, dynamic balancing valve works: Balancing valve spool by changing the area to accommodate over-flow changes before and after the valve to achieve the purpose of flow control. Dynamic Balance valve is a local resistance to change spending components, the incompressible fluid flow equation is simplified as: Q = KA (△ P) The formula: Q - flow through the balance valve; K - Flow coefficient of valve opening; A - flow area of spool over △ P - the pressure drop valve Since opening the valve without changing, K value of the change can be ignored, so the flow valve should be controlled to maintain a constant A (△ P) unchanged. The balance valve area by the variable over-current and high-precision valve bile (± 5%) of the spring and the supporting device constituted. The role of spring pressure difference over flow control valve guts on the size of the area, so that the flow through the valve constant. 2, valve work process: When balancing valve pressure is less than the minimum start pressure is not compressed spring, the largest circulation area. When the valve before and after the pressure in the range of work lamps valve compression spring, into the working state, bile flow through the valve on both sides of the hole and the geometry-based channel flow through; as valves guts in sports, both sides of the flow channel geometry and therefore changes - the ever-changing body of the circulation area, the water flow within the pressure remained constant. When balancing valve and pressure beyond the scope of work is fully compressed spring valve gallbladder, bile flow only from both sides of the valve hole flow, when valves guts into a fixed regulator, flow and pressure difference in proportion with the pressure difference increases. Dynamic balancing valve with pressure in certain limited range of maximum flow air terminal equipment, automatic constant flow characteristics, in the large-type, complex, air conditioning heating load is not constant in the project, simplifying the system debugging, and shorten the debugging time. Particularly in the use of different process water system balancing valves, hydraulic conditions can be easy to achieve balance, to meet the requirements of the design ambient temperature, and air-conditioning systems running at the end of the end device can not start and stop other interference. 4, dynamic balancing valve in the actual engineering 1, regional heating Thermal dynamic balancing valve at the entrance to ensure the system flow requirements. Indoor heating systems, temperature control valve to ensure the required flow through each radiator, dynamic balancing valve to ensure constant flow of all risers, address the level of imbalance. 2, air-conditioning system Large central air conditioning system, the air conditioning (air handler and fan coil) end of the set balancing valve, through the links (or two pass) equipment required to ensure flow of electric valve, balance valve adjustment to achieve the hydraulic conditions. In the heat source, cooling towers, water pumps, etc. When designing pipeline limited time. With a balancing valve to prevent load partial load, to ensure normal operation of equipment. 5, air conditioning system because of the dynamic balance valve offensive Problems 1, dynamic balancing valve only played the role of water balance can not be used for load regulation Because of the misunderstanding of the dynamic balancing valve, balance valve that can easily balance the air conditioning or heating load balancing valve replacement with two electric three-way valve or valve. But with the load to maintain the structure or interior load (personnel, equipment, lighting, etc.) of the dynamic changes in the amount of water required to provide air-conditioning is also dynamic changes to as we wish - can guarantee the requirements of the indoor temperature, but also played a savings role. In large air conditioning systems, air conditioning set up after the balance valve; start and stop all the equipment does not interfere with other equipment affected the water flow, balance valve has played a role in water balance; and electric three or two-way valve throttling, can environmental load adjustment quantity required. At present, with power from the control of dynamic balance valve has been available, according to load demand to implement energy-saving air-conditioning system dynamic balance more easily achieved. Therefore, with power controlled by the dynamic balance valve functions can be combined hydraulic balance and load regulation, and set the flow rate directly controlled by computer, but also simplifies installation and easy installation in tight spaces. 2, dynamic balancing valve should not be multi-polar set In the air conditioning settings, manual control valve is a multi-polar design. According to this method of multi-polar set dynamic balancing valve design concept is wrong. The reason is: if one or more devices lower close Electrical valve, while the higher balance valve to maintain flow throw the same, will result in lower flows did not shut down the equipment, not only increased the flow noise, also affect the use of function and also increased the economic investment necessary. 3, summer and winter air conditioning design should be based on a reasonable set of water supply and return water temperature dynamic balancing valve In the four control air-conditioning system using both winter and summer balance valve is to meet the requirements of different water, when the winter and summer air-conditioning heat, and cold water temperature is not the same time, very different water flow, so water systems in the two control should be under the winter and summer flow requirements in different settings balancing valve: Method 1, set the variable flow type dynamic balancing valve, when winter and summer seasonal change valve. Method 2, set the two balance valve, valve 1 according to the winter flow selection valves, valve 2 by the summer, winter, the difference between the largest selection of water, valves, valve 1 in winter and summer for two valves, two valves to achieve with air-conditioning The four control function. Method 3, use of dynamic balance valve with a controlled device to set flow through the computer. Otherwise, due to different water flow in winter summer air-conditioning, and simple set up in the air conditioning fixed end of the dynamic flow balance valve is not possible to satisfy the water balance of the two seasons. 6, dynamic balancing valve design examples 1 Brief Introduction of King is located in Beijing's downtown commercial street overlooking the well Sun Dong An Plaza, Beijing Dongan by the Group and Sun Hung Kai Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. joint venture to build the project, covering an area of about 21400m2. Large-scale construction projects, construction plane is divided into A, B, C, D in four areas, including A, B, area as part of Sun Dong An Plaza; D Area for the City to move back to some action. Ground three, six floor, podium level above the office to 10. Chui said the total load of frozen room 10450RT (about 36750KW). Air conditioning chilled water from the ground three two-story room lead to the ground floor. In order to reduce non-commercial area. Water system for the next time for the next two-tube system of different programs. Second floor from the ground to the 20 air-conditioned water wells. Fan coil water system load characteristics under construction within the area is divided into, two outside the zone loop. Only frozen water within the district, outside the district heating water in winter. According to comply with conditions of climate and indoor, through underground two-story building automation system by switching control shaft electric double-warm water of the cold outside the area, hot water switch. 2, air conditioning program designed to balance valve Pump for refrigeration units and freezers for a variety of factors in order to avoid the load partial load occurred in the freezer and set the second water flow balancing valves installed on pump outlet. As the Sun Dong An architecture major, and requirements of owners and architects "Golden Land" effective rate of commercial space, equipment, buildings and tube wells, therefore the small size and its location is also very negative, so that on the vertical reach 108m, 270m horizontally across piping systems, piping resistance balance and system debugging problems is considerable. In order to solve the water system "pipeline long, difficult balance" of the difficulties, the design process developed two sets of balanced program. Option One: a multi-polar set of ordinary water pipe installation balancing valve hole ① in charge of water pipe line and the 20-hole HVAC balancing valves installed ② Install a balancing valve in the shaft exit ③ air box installed in each balancing valve ④ In each of the tenants on the installation of balancing valve outlet Option Two: Using the Dynamic Balance valve ① fan coil unit installed in the end of the balancing valve ② air-condition the box at the end of the balancing valve is installed After the economic comparison, the final adoption of the balance valve program ① air box end of the installation of balancing valve and the automatic control valve ② retail and office space within the District, a combination of two or three fan coil balancing valves and automatic control valves, each fan coil outside the district office for personal use of a balance valve and automatic control valve 3, balance valve application summary ① long pipeline DRS installation of large multi-level system price higher than the end of the normal balance valve device a dynamic balance valve. ② Install the device at the end dynamic balancing valve, repair of small areas affected, and start and stop of the tenants air conditioning. Dynamic Balance valve ③ own filters, to avoid the water system piping in the dirt on the automatic control valve damage. ④ As the dynamic pressure balance valve within a certain period of error of only ± 5%, the more equipment on or off the flow of other devices have little impact, ensure the stability of water flow terminal devices. Sun Dong An Plaza project is a government concerned about the project, short construction period; as the market changes have also caused numerous changes in project design. So can not wait to debug project opening soon, although not fully carry out commissioning work, but due to the dynamic balancing valve, air-conditioned area of 180,000 square meters of different process water system, "not transfer or use" does allow property owners to benefit. Function of the Sun Dong An Plaza building complex, containing writing, computer network centers, shopping malls, retail shops, restaurants, cinemas, their architecture complex, varied. The building features can not be relatively concentrated. Owners to design made to achieve dynamic adaptation to market changes - maintaining the status quo, so air conditioning load of the dynamic nature of the district, the maximum load moment of various types of air conditioning is not the same. Formally adopted, however, the correct design and air-conditioning at the end of this start and stop interference from other dynamic balancing valve, keeping the open end of the dynamic flow, different way to make this huge air-conditioning running water system security is guaranteed. So far not been found because the hydraulic imbalance caused by the "tenant complaints," from the present situation, Sun Dong An Plaza project using dynamic balancing valve is a success.

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