Energy consumption and power to open a new list of America worry ...

The United States, Australia, China, India, Korea, Japan is the world’s most important source of energy power. The total population of the six countries accounted for 45% of the world’s population, gross domestic product (GDP) accounted for the sum of 49% of the world’s total energy consumption accounts for 48% of the world’s total, while 48% of the world’s greenhouse gases from this six national emissions. The six countries play a decisive role.

1 12, 6 representatives gathered in Sydney, Australia to start the “Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Program” is committed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase the use of traditional energy efficiency, promotion of renewable energy efforts.

“Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Program,” is the six countries to address climate change established a constructive framework for cooperation.

complement rather than replace

“Kyoto Protocol”

the United States and Australia have not signed the “Kyoto Protocol” of the two major industrialized countries. The United States is the world’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases, while Australia is the world’s largest coal exporter. As in the “Kyoto Protocol” position on the issue, the two countries has been heavily criticized. “Kyoto Protocol” legally binding, signatories need in 2012 to reach emission reduction targets under the protocol.

“Asia-Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate Plan” provides a different from the “Kyoto Protocol” framework. Partnership aims to establish a voluntary, non-legally binding framework for international cooperation partner countries through cooperation for the development and effective, cleaner, more efficient transfer of technology. The participating countries that the plan in line with “United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,” will complement rather than replace the “Kyoto Protocol.”

Australian Prime Minister John Howard on the 12th at the conference, announced in the next five years, Australia will spend 100 million Australian dollars (75 million U.S. dollars) for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to combat global warming, of which 500 million Australian dollars (375 million U.S. dollars) directly for the new Partner Program.

U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said he would Congress for 52 million U.S. dollars budget for the development of environmental projects.

Chinese State Councilor Hua Jianmin delivered a speech at the launch meeting said the Chinese government all help to promote development, poverty eradication will help protect the environment, mitigate climate change will help to strengthen international exchange and cooperation initiatives are supportive of attitude, will actively participate in and promote the “Partnership Program” implementation.

Hua Jianmin said that the Chinese Government takes environmental protection as a basic national policy, from their own national conditions, in order to protect the environment has taken a series of effective measures, including adjustment of industrial structure, energy structure, afforestation, population control growth and development of “Atmospheric Pollution Prevention and Control Law,” and a series of laws and regulations, and popularizing knowledge of environmental protection, and achieved remarkable results. From 1990 to 2004, China’s average annual growth of about 5% of the energy consumption, supporting an average annual growth of 9.3% of the economic development.

Minister of Environment and Forests of India A · Raja said the Indian government has set up a department specifically responsible for the coordination of various government departments to improve energy efficiency. The Government has also developed the power bill and help build a more energy-efficient electricity market structure. In addition, as one of energy-saving measures, India is also planning the development of passenger traffic in some major cities public transport.

as signed the “Kyoto Protocol” of the developing countries, China and India have not been forced to reduce greenhouse gas emissions restrictions. But both governments have indicated that within its capacity to take measures to improve air pollution.

“We can not promise anything, but that does not mean that we will not take measures to further reduce emissions,” Raja said, “our system has began to move toward this goal reduction, we are gradually take measures. In many areas, we introduced a reduction of new technology. “

China and India have proposed, the transfer of new technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions for developing countries is essential.

“Partner Program” to discuss clean energy technologies

1, clean coal. In order to measure the greenhouse gas emissions, coal is the most unclean fossil fuels, but the use of coal in the next decade will continue to increase, which is due to sufficient supply of coal at low prices. To reduce emissions, to come from coal combustion to reduce the release of carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide gas to proceed.

the so-called clean coal technology is a way to significantly reduce greenhouse gases and pollutants, a new combustion process. For example: an integrated gasification combined cycle coal into gas in the process of eliminating most of sulfur dioxide and other polluting gases, and combustion gases to drive turbine generators. Turbine heat arising from the work will be the water into steam, and then drive a steam engine, to increase generating capacity.

Another program is “coal - liquid” process: coal crushing, heating, thus producing gas, and then the gas condensed into an almost non-sulfur liquid fuels.

of the most promising clean coal technology is the use of coal to produce hydrogen from water, and then the carbon dioxide produced by-product of synthetic burial, the use of hydrogen as fuel.

2, carbon capture and storage. This process is the burning of coal and gas power plants release carbon dioxide capture, and then pressed into the abandoned underground oil and gas fields. The problem is that this technology in the underground storage of carbon dioxide can be long.

3, hydrogen. Hydrogen is a very environmentally friendly fuel. If you burned in the combustion chamber, will only produce electricity and water. However, the use of hydrogen is very expensive to produce hydrogen also needs large amounts of energy.

4, methane. Methane from municipal waste, coal mines, paddy fields, peat bogs produced Tanaka is the most potential areas of environmental protection heating gas.

in the garbage and coal seam methane capture technology in order to supply a small power plant already exists. Global warming makes the Arctic permafrost zone permafrost, releasing huge amounts of methane.

5, gas - liquid. This technology is natural gas, coal and hydrogen molecules in the combination of ingredients made into synthetic liquid petroleum products, such as diesel fuel.

of this technology in the oil-rich countries become increasingly popular. At present, Malaysia has a small factory, Qatar is building a number of large projects. The fuel, made use of this technology than the crude oil produced by the fuel cleaner.

6, nuclear power. In theory, nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gases. But the nuclear power generated by a radioactive waste storage costly. Nonetheless, in today’s soaring oil prices, nuclear power became an option. The long term, the United States and other countries are developing the next generation nuclear fission reactors and fusion technology.

7, other technologies.

geothermal energy - the use of deep strata of the heat steam turbine driven power generation.

bio-fuels - this may be the oldest human use of energy, such as firewood, manure, sugar cane and other crops but also to extract the ethanol.

hydro, wind power, solar energy - all of these energy sources have to be technically guaranteed, but the cost is too high compared to fossil fuels. In many countries, since the implementation of a higher environmental standards, more and more difficult to build large-scale hydropower stations.

in development

“cleaner use of fossil fuels”

six countries on the two-day “Partnership Program” to reach agreement to start at the end of its “core point” Yes, ” We recognize that the pursuit of development and poverty eradication urgent needs. ” Based on this starting point, the six countries that use less fossil fuel is not currently feasible because of coal, oil and other fossil fuels underpin their economies, but also in a generation or even a long time, this reality still seems difficult to change.

However, this does not mean that they give up the six-nation efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Representatives of the six countries indicated that they had been aware of renewable energy and nuclear energy will be in future a larger share of the energy mix.

“By working together, we will better meet the growing demand for energy to cope with the accompanying challenges, including those relating to air pollution, energy security and greenhouse gas emissions increase in the challenge,” issued after the six countries in , said in a declaration.

declaration added: “The important thing is that we need to work together to develop, display, use of cleaner and low-emission technologies to ensure the establishment of the fossil fuels on the basis of sustained economic development, while addressing air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. “

the two-day ministerial-level” Partnership Program “to start the meeting an important outcome is the establishment of the eight working groups to develop action plans, plan involves the use of cleaner fossil energy, renewable energy and distributed power supply, steel, aluminum, cement, coal mining, power generation and transmission, construction and household appliances and many other aspects.

relative fossil fuels, nuclear energy is a cleaner source of energy. However, due to the sensitivity of nuclear technology, the six countries of the “Partner Program” is not particularly dwell on the nuclear energy.

U.S. Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said the participants are not deliberately said nothing about nuclear energy, is not interested in nuclear energy from the working group’s action plan is omitted. The Associated Press quoted the U.S. nuclear industry’s trade organization “Institute of Nuclear Energy,” the source, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission will soon be receiving applications for construction of nine nuclear power plants.

Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Tang Natan words, nuclear power is indeed much cleaner, but the industry faces other complex factors, such as “nuclear waste disposal and security issues.”

Associated Press that the U.S. does not seem to determine this issue should be taken to promote nuclear energy, what kind of attitude. Boardman 11, said it was clear that nuclear energy will be the next 20 years to meet the world’s growing demand for electricity a choice, but he also expressed the terrorists to steal nuclear materials from nuclear power plants, develop nuclear weapons concerns.

“Since our country has undergone ‘9 · 11 ‘incident, the terrorist threat has become that we must face seriously the problem, it is feared terrorists could find ways to obtain nuclear materials,” Bodman said.

in the recent Iranian nuclear crisis, Iran has repeatedly shown that he is entitled to develop civilian nuclear power, but the United States believes that Iran’s development of nuclear technology in order to create nuclear weapons, so hope that through the UN Security Council sanctions against Iran.



1 12,6代表在澳大利亚悉尼开始就聚集清洁发展和气候计划的“亚太伙伴关系”,是致力于减少温室气体排放,提高传统能源效率,可再生能源的推广使用工作。




美国和澳大利亚尚未签署“京都议定书”的两个主要工业化国家。美国是世界上{zd0}的温室气体排放国,而澳大利亚是世界上{zd0}的煤炭出口国。正如在“京都议定书”在这个问题上,两国的立场一直强烈批评。 “京都议定书”具有法律约束力,签署方必须在2012年实现议定书所规定的减排目标。






环境和印度A ·森林部长拉贾说,印度政府已成立了一个部门专门为各政府部门协调,以提高能源利用效率。政府还制定了电费,并帮助建立一个更加节能的电力市场结构。此外,作为一项节能措施,印度还计划的客运量在一些主要城市公共交通的发展。

































由于我们的国家“,经历了’9 · 11′事件后,恐怖分子的威胁,已经成为我们必须面对的严重问题,人们担心恐怖分子可能设法获得核材料,”博德曼说。



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