
在生产过程自动化调节系统中,调节阀是一个重要的、必不可少的环节,被称之为生产过程自动化的“手脚”,是自动控制系统的终端控制元件之一。   角型调节阀流路简单、阻力小,一般情况下适用于正向使用(安装)。然而在高压降场合推荐角型调节阀反向使用,以改善不平衡力和减少对阀芯的损伤,同时也有利于介质的流动、避免调节阀结焦和堵塞。角型调节阀在反向使用时,特别应该避免长时期小开度开启的情况,以防引起强烈振荡而损坏阀芯。特别在化工装置试生产阶段,由于试生产时负荷较低、设计工艺条件不可能很快达到要求, 反向使用的角型调节阀应尽可能避免较长时间的小开度开启状况,以防角型调节阀损坏。   关键词:角型调节阀;反向使用(安装);小开度;易损坏   在生产过程自动化调节系统中,调节阀是一个重要的、必不可少的环节,被称之为生产过程自动化的“手脚”,是自动控制系统的终端控制元件之一。它是由执行机构和阀两部分组成。从水力学观点来看,调节阀是一个局部阻力可以变化的节流元件,调节阀是按照输入信号通过改变行程来改变阻力系数,从而达到调节流量的目的。 角型调节阀的结构与使用   1角型调节阀的结构   角型调节阀除阀体为角型外,其他结构均和单座阀相似,其特点决定了它的流路简单,阻力小,特别有利于高压降、高粘度、含有悬浮物和颗粒状物质流体的调节。它可以避免结焦,粘结和堵塞等现象发生,也便于清洗和自净。   2角型调节阀正、反向使用比较   一般情况下,角型调节阀均采用正向安装,即底进侧出。只有在高压差场合和高粘度、易结焦、含悬浮颗粒物介质的情况下,才推荐反向安装,即物料侧进底出。角型调节阀反向使用的目的是为了改善不平衡力和减少对阀芯的磨损,同时也有利于高粘度、易结焦和含悬浮颗粒物介质的流动,避免结焦和堵塞。 角型调节阀反向使用剖析   吉林化学工业股份有限公司从西德引进的乙醛装置中,pv-23404角型调节阀在高压降的工艺条件下,推荐反向使用。在水联动试车时,角型调节阀产生强烈振荡,且发出刺耳的噪声,试车4h后阀芯就断裂了。当时外国专家认为是阀芯制造质量不好所致。笔者认为并非质量问题,而是由于使用不合理所致。下面就其断裂原因进行分析。   我们知道,目前除了蝶阀和隔膜阀在结构上xx对称外,所有其他结构的调节阀都是不对称的。当调节阀改变流动方向时,由于流路的变化会引起)值变化。各类调节阀的正常流向均为使阀芯打开的方向(正向使用),生产厂也只提供正常流向时的流通能力)值和流量特性。当调节阀反向使用时,既流体沿着使阀芯关闭的方向流动时,调节阀的流通能力会增大。水联动试车时,模拟工艺条件不可能很快达到正常状态,调节阀在较长时间内处于小开度状态下使用,由于不平衡力的作用,会出现严重的不稳定。所以调节阀会产生强烈的震荡并发出刺耳的噪声,因而导致阀芯很快断裂。而在正常工艺条件下,调节阀的开度是适中的,即使小开度也是短暂的,所以调节阀可正常安全使用。 结论   一般情况下,角型调节阀均不推荐反向使用,只有在高压差、高粘度、易结焦和含悬浮颗粒介质才推荐反向使用。反向使用时,应避免长期小开度情况下运行,尤其在试车时更应注意。

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Regulation in the production process automation systems, the control valve is an important and indispensable aspect of automation of the production process is called the "hands", is the automatic control system, one of the terminal control elements. Angle valve flow path is simple, low resistance, generally applies to positive use (install). However, pressure drop occasions recommended the reverse angle valve used to improve the imbalance of power and reduce the damage on the spool, but also conducive to the flow of media to avoid coking and plug valves. Angle valves used in reverse, in particular should be avoided for a long time to open the case of small opening to prevent damage caused by the strong oscillation valve. Particularly in the chemical equipment pre-production, pilot production load as low design conditions can not meet the requirements quickly, using the reverse angle valve should be avoided for a longer time to open a small opening status, to prevent angle valve damage. Keywords: angle valve; reverse-use (installation); small opening; easily damaged Regulation in the production process automation systems, control valve is an important and indispensable aspect of automated production process is called "hands", is the automatic control system, one of the terminal control elements. It is the executing agency, and valve two parts. From the mechanical point of view of water, regulating valve is a local resistance to change spending components, regulating valve is in accordance with the input signal by changing the schedule to change the drag coefficient, so as to achieve the purpose of regulating traffic. Angle valve structure and use An angle control valve structure Angle valve body except for the angle, the other structures are similar and single seat valve, characterized by its flow path decision is simple, low resistance, in particular, is conducive to high pressure drop, high viscosity, containing suspended solids and granular Regulation of fluid substances. It avoids coke, bonding, and blockage phenomenon, but also easy to clean and self-purification. 2-angle valve forward and backward using the comparison In general, angle adjustment valves are being installed, that is, into the side of the bottom. Occasions and only in the high pressure differential viscosity, easy to coke, including the case of suspended particulate medium, the reverse was recommended to install that material into the bottom side out. Reverse angle valve is intended to improve the use of unbalanced force and reduce the wear on the spool, but also conducive to high-viscosity, easy to medium coke and flow with suspended particles, to avoid coking and blocking. Use the reverse angle valve analysis Jilin Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. imported from West Germany acetaldehyde devices, pv-23404 angle valve in high pressure drop conditions, the recommended use of the reverse. Linkage test in the water when the valve angle produces strong oscillations, and the issue of harsh noise, 4h after the test valve on the broken. Foreign experts were considered to be caused by poor manufacturing quality valve. I do not think that the quality issue, but due to the use of unreasonable. The following analysis of the causes of its fracture. We know that, with the exception of butterfly valves and diaphragm valves are completely symmetrical in structure, all other structures of the control valve is asymmetrical. When the control valve to change flow direction, due to changes in flow path will cause) values. Various types of flow control valves are normally open to the spool direction (positive use), the production plant to provide normal flow only when the flow capacity) values and flow characteristics. When the control valve used in reverse, when both fluid along the flow direction so that when the valve closed, the flow control valve capacity will be increased. Water linkage test, the simulation conditions can quickly reach the normal state of valve opening in a longer period in a small state to use, because the role of unbalanced force, there will be serious instability. So Valve will produce a strong shock and issued harsh noise, resulting in valve breaks quickly. In normal conditions, the control valve opening is moderate, even a small opening is short, so the normal safety valve can be used. Conclusion In general, angle valves are not recommended to use the reverse, only in the pressure differential, high-viscosity, easy to coke and suspended particles in medium containing only recommended to use the reverse. Reverse use, should avoid prolonged case of small opening run, especially when the test should pay attention.

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