
记者从靖江质监局标准化科获悉, 质监部门最近对泵、耐磨钢无标产品进行了为期两个月的专项检查,共发出了56份整改通知书,帮助40个企业产品制定了生产标准。 前两天,江苏云辉泵阀有限公司刚刚制定了一项化工离心泵生产标准,并在质监部门的帮助下,申请生产许可证。位于新桥镇的光大冶金设备制造公司,日前也制订了耐磨钢产品的企业标准,并严格按照标准生产,得到了客户的认同,为公司长远发展奠定了基础。 质监局标准化科科长朱洪兴介绍,为消灭无标生产现象,质监部门从3月份开始,以泵、耐磨钢产品为重点,检查了新桥镇和生祠镇的109家企业, 发放无标产品责令改正通知书56份。检查结束后,质监部门开始帮助所有无标生产企业制定标准, 力争做到企业生产标准全覆盖。

“ Jingjiang strengthen the pump and wear-resistant steel products, special inspection ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Reporter from the standardization of Jingjiang Bureau of Quality Supervision Bureau was informed that the quality supervision department recently pumps, wear resistant steel products, non-standard two-month special inspection, issued a total of 56 corrective notices in 40 companies to help develop the production of products standard. Two days ago, Jiang Su Yunhui Valve Co., Ltd. recently developed a chemical pump production standards and quality supervision department with the help of a production license. New Town is located in the Everbright metallurgical equipment manufacturing company, has also developed a wear-resistant steel products, enterprise standards, and strictly in accordance with the standards of production, obtained the customer's identity, the company laid the foundation for long-term development. Standardization of Quality Supervision Bureau Chief, Zhu Hongxing introduced to eliminate the phenomenon of non-standard production, quality supervision departments starting from March to the pump, wear-resistant steel products for the key, check the new Town and Shengci town of 109 enterprises released ordered to correct non-standard product notices 56. After the inspection, quality supervision departments began to help all non-standard manufacturers to develop standards, and strive to ensure production standards for complete coverage.

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