

2010-05-10 17:01:15 阅读4 评论0 字号:

导热油是一种热量的传递介质,由于其具有加热均匀,调温控制温度准确,能在低蒸汽压下产生高温(200-400℃)、传热效果好,节能,输送和操作方便等特点,被广泛用于各种行业。考虑到其低压、高温和渗透性特别强的特性,按照标准技术设计规范,应该使用波纹管密封截止阀。与其他阀门对比,波纹管截止阀主要是解决了如下问题: 1、因为导热油的渗透性很强(大约是蒸汽的50倍),若选用填料截止阀、闸阀或球阀,都非常容易外漏,导致热油浪费,弄脏设备和地面,而波纹管结构可以xx零泄漏,而且没有易损件。 2、因为一般的填料由石墨加工成型,若石墨的纯度不够时,其耐油性能变得很差,当导热油浸到石墨填料时,石墨中的部分杂质很容易被导热油溶解,导致石墨粉状化,无法使石墨填料达到密封效果,这就是造成填料阀经常性外泄露的主要原因。 3、因为高温,若选用通用球阀,则内部PTFE不耐高温,很快老化而导致阀门泄漏;而波纹管截止阀内部零件材质全部为不锈钢,可耐425℃,开关也特别轻松。从总体寿命上,一般波纹管截止阀使用寿命在3年以上。因此,为了保证生产的稳定,也为了降低实际运行成本,导热油系统应该选用波纹管截止阀,不能选用填料密封的截止阀或闸阀。

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Conducting oil is a heat transfer medium, because of its uniform heating, precise temperature control and temperature can be generated under the low temperature steam (200-400 ℃), good heat transfer, energy, transport and easy to operate , is widely used in various industries. Considering its low-voltage, high temperature and permeability characteristics of particularly strong, according to the standard technical design specifications, should be used bellows sealed valve. Compared with the other valve, bellows globe valve is mainly to solve the following problem: One, because the permeability of highly heat-conducting oil (about 50 times the steam), if the selected filler valve, gate valve or ball valve, very easy to leak, resulting in hot oil waste, soil and ground equipment, and corrugated structure could completely zero leakage, and no wearing parts. 2, because the general shape of fill from the graphite processing, if the purity of graphite is not enough, its oil resistance becomes poor, when conducting oil dipped when graphite packing, graphite part of the dissolved impurities are easily heat-conducting oil, resulting in graphite like technology, can not make up Graphite packing sealing effect, this is the cause of recurrent valve packing leak outside the main reason. 3, because the high temperature, if the selected common valve, the internal PTFE is not high temperature, aging quickly lead to valve leakage; and bellows globe valve stainless steel internal components, all materials, can withstand 425 ℃, switches are also particularly easy. Overall life expectancy, the general life of bellows globe valve more than 3 years. Therefore, in order to ensure the stability of production, and to reduce the actual running costs, oil system should use bellows globe valve, packing seal can not use the cut-off valve or gate valve.

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