如何快速修复液压系统中的齿轮泵故障- 中国离心泵- 中国离心泵- 和讯博客
如何快速修复液压系统中的齿轮泵故障 [转贴 2010-05-12 16:22:48]   

CB系齿轮泵常用于农业机械液压系统。齿轮泵使用一段时间后,其性能就会下降,调查表明,齿轮泵损坏的主要形式是轴套、泵壳和齿轮的均匀磨损和划痕,均匀磨损量一般在0.02-0.50mm之间,划痕深度一般在0.05-0.50mm之间。由于受农时的限制,损坏后急需在短时间内修复,而且还必须考虑维修后齿轮泵的二次使用寿命以及维修成本与维修工作的现场可操作性。本文介绍快速修复方法中的电弧喷涂和粘涂技术。 齿轮泵的电弧喷涂修复技术 1、电弧喷涂的原理及特点 电弧涂技术近20年来在材料、设备和应用方面发展很快,其工作原理是将两根被喷涂的金属丝作熔化电极,由电动机变速驱动,在喷枪口相交产生短路引发电弧而熔化,借助压缩空气雾化成微粒并高速喷向经预处理的工作表面,形成涂层。它是一种喷涂效率高、结合强度高、涂层质量好的喷涂方法,具有能源利用率高、设备投资及使用成本低、设备比较简单、操作方便灵活、便于现场施工以及安全等优点。 2、齿轮泵的电弧喷涂修理工艺 轴套内孔、轴套外圆、齿轮轴和泵壳的均匀磨损及划痕在0.02-0.20mm之间时,宜采用硬度高、与零件体结合力强、耐磨性好的电弧喷涂修理工艺。电弧喷涂的工艺过程:工作表面预处理→预热→喷涂粘结底层→喷涂工作层→冷却→涂层加工。 喷涂工艺流程中,要求工件无油污、无锈蚀,表面粗糙均匀,预热温度适当,底层结合均匀牢固,工作层光滑平整,材料颗粒熔融粘结可靠,耐磨性能及耐蚀性能良好。喷涂层质量好坏与工件表面处理方式及喷涂工艺有很大关系,因此,选择合适的表面处理方式和喷涂工艺是十分重要的。此外,在喷涂和喷涂过程中要用薄铁皮或铜皮将与被涂表面相邻的非喷涂部分捆扎。 ⑴工件表面预处理 涂层与基本的结合强度与基体清洁度和粗糙度有关。在喷涂前,对基本表面进行清洗、脱脂和表面粗糙化等预处理是喷涂工艺中一个重要工序。首先应对喷涂部分用汽油、丙酮进行除油处理,用锉刀、细砂纸、油石将疲劳层和氧化层除掉,使其露出金属本色。然后进行粗化处理,粗化处理能提供表面压应力,增大涂层与基体的结合面积和净化表面,减少涂层冷却时的应力,缓和涂层内部应力,所以有利于粘结力的增加。喷砂是最常用的粗化工艺,砂粒以锋利、坚硬为好,可选用石英砂、金刚砂等。粗糙后的新鲜表面极易被氧化或受环境污染,因此要及时喷涂,若放置超过4h则要重新粗化处理。 ⑵表面预热处理 涂层与基体表面的温度差会使涂层产生收缩应力,引起涂层开裂和剥落。基体表面的预热可降低和防止上述不利影响。但预热温度不宜过高,以免引起基体表面氧化而影响涂层与基体表面的结合强度。预热温度一般为80-90℃,常用中性火焰完成。 ⑶喷粘结底层 在喷涂工作涂层之前预先喷涂一薄层金属为后续涂层提供一个清洁、粗糙的表面,从而提高涂层与基体间的结合强度和抗剪强度。粘接底层材料一般选用铬铁镍合金。 选择喷涂工艺参数的主要原则是提高涂层与基材的结合强度。喷涂过程中喷枪与工件的相对移动速度大于火焰移动速度,速度大小由涂层厚度、喷涂丝体送给速度、电弧功率等参数共同决定。喷枪与工件表面的距离一般为150mm左右。电弧喷涂的其他规范参数由喷涂设备和喷涂材料的特性决定。 ⑷喷涂工作层 应先用钢丝刷刷去除粘结底层表面的沉积物,然后立即喷涂工作涂层。材料为碳钢及低合金丝材,使涂层有较高的耐磨性,且价格较低。喷涂层厚度应按工件的磨损量、加工余量及其他有关因素(直径收缩率、装夹偏差量、喷涂层直径不均匀量等)确定。 ⑸冷却 喷涂后工件温升不高,一般可直接空冷。 ⑹喷涂层加工 机械加工至图纸要求的尺寸及规定的表面粗糙度。 齿轮泵的表面粘涂修补技术 1、表面粘涂的原理及特点 近年来表面粘涂技术在我国设备维修中得到了广泛的应用,适用于各种材质的零件和设备的修补。其工作原理是将加入二硫化钼、金属粉末、陶瓷粉末和纤维等特殊填料的胶粘剂,直接涂敷于材料或零件表面,使之具有耐磨、耐蚀等功能,主要用于表面强化和修复。它的工艺简单、方便灵活、安全可靠,不需要专门设备,只需将配好的胶涂敷于清理好的零件表面,待固化后进行修整即可,常在室温下操作,不会使零件产生热功当量影响和变形等。 2、粘涂层的涂敷工艺 轴套外圆、轴套端面贴合面、齿轮端面或泵壳内孔小面积的均匀性磨损量在0.15-0.50mm之间、划痕深度在0.2mm以上时,宜采用粘涂修补工艺。粘涂层的涂敷工艺过程:初清洗→预加工→{zh1}清洗及活化处理→配制修补剂→涂敷→固化→修整、清理或后加工。 粘涂工艺虽然比较简单,但实际施工要求却是相当严格的,仅凭选择好的胶粘剂,不一定能获得高的粘涂强度。既要选择合适的胶粘剂,还要严格地按照正确的工艺方法进行粘涂合适的胶粘剂,还要严格地按照正确的工艺方法理行粘涂才能获得满意的粘涂效果。 ⑴初清洗 零件表面{jd1}不能有油脂、水、锈迹、尘土等。应先用汽油、柴油或煤油粗洗,{zh1}用丙酮清洗。 ⑵预加工 用细砂纸磨成一定沟槽网状,露出基体本色。 ⑶{zh1}清洗及活化处理 用丙酮或专门清洗剂进行。然后用喷砂、火焰或化学方法处理,提高表面活性。 ⑷配制修补剂 修补剂在使用时要严格按规定的比例将本剂(A)和固化剂(B)充分混合,以颜色一致为好,并在规定的时间内用完,随用随配。 ⑸涂敷 用修补剂在先在粘修表面上薄涂一层,反复刮擦使之与零件充分浸润,然后均匀涂至规定尺寸,并留出精加工余量。 涂敷中尽可能朝一个方向移动,往复涂敷会将空气包裹于胶内形成气泡或气孔。 ⑹固化 用涂有脱模剂在钢板压在工作上,一般室温固化需24小时,加温固化(约80℃)需2-3小时。 ⑺修整、清理或后加工 进行精镗或用什锦锉、细砂纸、油石将粘修面精加工至所需尺寸。

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CB series gear pump hydraulic system commonly used in agricultural machinery. Gear pump used for a period of time, its performance will drop, the investigation showed that the main form of damage gear pump is shaft, pump casing and gear wear and scratches of uniform, uniform wear is generally between 0.02-0.50mm, planning mark depth is generally between 0.05-0.50mm. Farming season due to the restrictions, damage repair in a short time after the much-needed, but must also consider the maintenance of a second life after the gear pump and maintenance costs and maintenance of the site operational. This article describes the quick fix method of arc spraying and the adhesive coating technology. Gear pump Arc Spraying Technology 1, the principles and characteristics of arc spraying Arc coating of the past 20 years in materials, equipment and applications, rapid development, its working principle is to be sprayed two wire electrodes for melting, driven by the motor speed, the spray gun exit intersection arc and short circuit caused the melting, atomized into particles using compressed air and high-speed playing in the working surface pretreated to form a coating. It is a spray, high efficiency, combined with high strength and good quality spray coating method, with high energy efficiency, investment in equipment and the use of low cost, relatively simple equipment, easy operation and flexible, easy on-site construction and security advantages. 2, Gear pump repair arc spraying process Sleeve bore, cylindrical shaft, gear shaft and the pump casing of uniform wear and scratches in between 0.02-0.20mm, the appropriate use of high hardness, combined with the strong body parts, wear resistance arc spray repair process. Arc spraying process: the work of surface preparation Preheat → → → spray spray adhesive bottom layer of work → cooling → coating process. Spraying process, the required parts no oil, no rust, even rough surface, preheating temperature appropriate to the underlying combination of even and firm, smooth layer of work, material particles melt adhesive reliable, good wear resistance and corrosion resistance. Spray coating quality and the surface treatment and coating technology has a lot, so choose the right surface treatment and coating process is very important. In addition, use the process of spraying and coating thin metal or copper will be coated with the coating surface of the adjacent part of the non-binding. ⑴ surface pretreatment The bonding strength between coating and basic cleanliness and roughness with the substrate. Before the spraying, the basic surface cleaning, degreasing and surface roughness of such pretreatment is an important process of spraying. First of all, should spray some gasoline, acetone degreasing treatment, with a file, fine sandpaper, whetstone to remove the oxide layer and the fatigue, it exposed metal color. Then roughening treatment, surface roughening treatment to provide compressive stress, increasing the combination of coating and the substrate surface area and purification, cooling to reduce coating stress, stress relaxation within the coating, it is conducive to the increase in bond strength . Sandblasting is the most common coarsening process, sand with sharp, hard to be good, can be used quartz sand, emery, etc.. After the fresh surface roughness can easily be oxidized or affected by environmental pollution, and therefore timely spraying, if placed over 4h will have to re-roughening treatment. ⑵ surface preheating Coating and the substrate surface temperature difference would produce shrinkage stress coating, causing cracking and spalling of coatings. Preheating the substrate to reduce and prevent these adverse effects. But the preheating temperature should not be too high, so as not to cause oxidation of the substrate to affect the surface coating and the substrate bonding strength. Preheat temperature is generally 80-90 ℃, used to complete the neutral flame. ⑶ bottom spray adhesive Spray coating work in advance of spraying a thin layer of metal coating for the follow-up to provide a clean, rough surface, thereby enhancing the coating and the substrate bonding strength and shear strength. Chromium is generally used in the underlying material bonded iron-nickel alloy. Select the main principles of spray parameters to enhance the bonding strength between coating and substrate. Spray gun and workpiece during the relative speed is greater than the flame speed, speed, size of the coating thickness, coating filaments given speed, the arc parameters such as co-decision power. The distance between gun and surface is generally around 150mm. Other standard parameters arc spray coating equipment and coating materials by the characteristics of the decision. ⑷ layer coating work Wire brush should be used to remove the adhesive bottom surface of the sediment, and then immediately spray coating work. Material is carbon steel and low alloy wire, so that coating has high wear resistance, and lower prices. Coating thickness of the workpiece should wear, allowances and other relevant factors (diameter shrinkage rate, clamping deviation, uniform diameter and volume of spray coating, etc.) to determine. ⑸ cooling After spraying the workpiece temperature rise is not high, and can be directly cooled. ⑹ spray coating process Machining to drawing requirements specified size and surface roughness. Gear pump repair surface coating technology 1, surface coating of the principle and characteristics of In recent years, surface coating equipment maintenance in China has been widely used for a variety of materials and equipment repair parts. Its working principle is added to molybdenum disulfide, metal powders, ceramic powders and fibers, and other special packing adhesive coating on the materials or components directly to the surface, so that with wear, corrosion and other functions, mainly used for surface strengthening and repair . It's process is simple, convenient and flexible, safe and reliable, does not require special equipment, just with good adhesive coating on the clean-up a good part surface can be trimmed after curing, usually operate at room temperature, does not make parts mechanical equivalent of heat generated effects and deformation. 2, sticky coating of the coating process Cylindrical sleeve, sleeve end fitting surface, the gear pump shell hole end or even a small area of wear between the 0.15-0.50mm, 0.2mm depth more than scratches, the sticky coating repair process should be adopted. Adhesive coating during the coating process: first pre-processing → Cleaning → activation → final cleaning and preparation of repair agent curing → → → coating finishing, cleaning or after processing. Cohering technique is a relatively simple, but the actual construction requirements are very stringent, a good adhesive choice alone may not be able to get high strength adhesive coating. We must choose the right adhesive, but also strictly in accordance with the right stick coating technology methods suitable adhesive, but also strictly in accordance with the correct method of handling the process line to get a satisfactory coating of adhesive coating effect. ⑴ initial cleaning Part surface must not have oil, water, rust, dust, etc.. Should use gasoline, diesel or kerosene rough wash, and finally washed with acetone. ⑵ pre-processing Ground into a certain groove with fine sandpaper network, exposing the substrate character. ⑶ final cleaning and activation With acetone or specialized cleaning agents. Then sandblasting, flame or chemical means, and improve the surface activity. ⑷ preparation Putty Repair agent when used strictly in accordance with the provisions of the ratio of this agent (A) and curing agent (B) well-mixed, color-line as well, and used within a specified time, with the use allocation. ⑸ coating Repair with a repair agent earlier in the sticky surface of the thin coating layer, repeated scratching and parts to make the full invasion, and then uniformly coated to the required size, and allow precision machining allowance. Coating of moving in one direction as far as possible, reciprocating air wrapped in plastic coating will be the formation of bubbles or pores within. ⑹ curing Coated with release agent used in steel pressure at work, generally take 24 hours at room temperature curing, heat curing (about 80 ℃) take 2-3 hours. ⑺ finishing, cleaning or after processing For fine boring or needle files, fine sandpaper, shaving finishing whetstone will stick to the required size.

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