什么醋食用,药用价值? « City life wiki 城市百科














What vinegar edible, medicinal value?

vinegar what edible, medicinal value?

vinegar, ancient writing “intoxicated”, alias aldehyde, another bitter known. It is our daily lives - an indispensable condiment. Vinegar flavor the United States, but also healing fitness, since ancient times has been that people like to eat. What vinegar edible and medicinal value?
the main component of vinegar is acetic acid. In addition, also contains a small amount of lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid, succinic acid and other organic acids. Therefore, an increase of appetite vinegar can help digestion, as well as good fungicidal and antibacterial effect. Therefore, the sweet and sour radish, sweet and sour fish, sweet and sour pork ribs fliers gallery popular dishes.
vinegar in their daily lives in a wide range of food value, some people say that it is a nutrient enhancer, is no exaggeration. When cooking dishes add a little vinegar, can make food in the water-soluble B vitamins and vitamin C, the chemical structure of stable, not easily destroyed by cooking and, thereby protecting the food nutrients. Vinegar sharpens dishes crisp refreshing, while promoting foods of copper, zinc, chromium and other trace elements of the dissolution and absorption; vinegar can dissolve plant fiber and animal bone, Shao Yu, stew meat when you put some vinegar, can not only lift the Anabaena so bad wei shiang meat, but also to dissolve the calcium in food in order to facilitate the body’s absorption and utilization; edible seaweed, first put a few drops of vinegar to use boiled look, kelp can become soft and delicious; eat oily food when you add a little vinegar or dipped in vinegar to eat, does not feel greasy mouth; drunk people, drink a few mouthfuls of vinegar to relieving hangovers.
vinegar which pharmaceutical and health effects? Vinegar to streptococcus, pneumococcus, staphylococcus and influenza virus, such as white have some killing effect; vinegar can cure diseases such as vinegar or a vinegar soak can cure tinea medicine, hand, foot and ringworm; He Cu can be rid of intestinal worms .
In addition, vinegar can be bactericidal and inhibit bacterial growth, can prevent food-borne diseases, therefore, in the summer to eat salad when you put some vinegar appropriate, not only delicious and tasty, but also helps bacteria. In winter and spring often vinegar, there are certain pairs of respiratory control effect. Burning room vinegar, vinegar can steam room air disinfection to prevent transmission of colds.

addition upstairs to say, you can also lose weight.

dishes in the cooking time add a little vinegar, can make food in the water-soluble B group vitamins and vitamin C, chemical structure is stable, not easily destroyed by cooking and, thereby protecting the food nutrients.

vinegar can not only eliminate fatigue, or a very good diet food. Vinegar contains amino acids, there are seven kinds of amino acids known as the weight of amino acids. Because they can inhibit the binding between the fat cells, which can reduce the fat accumulation, to achieve weight loss goals.

jealous justified!

“salt and more vinegar”! Chinese ancient dietary traditions. Vinegar in their daily lives in a wide range of food value, while others say that it is nutrient enhancer, and “vinegar” really what the human body can benefit from it?

the summer of Ibis, MD, United States studied, living in the U.S. Northeast over Bamond Island (Vermont State) population over the age of 70, ranking second all continents living in America, in addition to the natural environment factors, they have every day of water will bubble 2 tablespoons of honey and vinegar to drink. Since vinegar contains acetic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid and other ingredients, so add a little vinegar in the cooking can make food in the water-soluble B group and vitamin C, the chemical structure of stability in order to reduce the cooking time of the loss caused by the nutritional , and can free up the calcium in food, easy absorption into the body and can stimulate the appetite. In addition, vinegar can be bactericidal and inhibit bacterial growth, such as eating fresh oysters, the dip in vinegar and eat together, not only adds flavor, better prevention of intestinal infectious diseases.

vinegar rinse, except for cooking outside, but also when used for external use. As vinegar to the streptococcus, pneumococcus, Staphylococcus albus and others have a definite bactericidal effect, if the gauze wipe with vinegar drenched body odor affected area, then 4 ~ 5 hours there will be no smell; heating the water to be soaked in vinegar, can be treated tinea pedis and other diseases caused by mold.

naturally brewed vinegar, contains 20 kinds of amino acids, they can help the human body metabolism, elimination of fatigue; In addition, the human body when the event, there will be accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, these muscles will harden lactic acid, triggering shoulders, neck, etc. of the pain, time, vinegar, lactic acid contained in the metabolism of organic acids could help to reduce lactic acid accumulation occurred discomfort.

In addition to vinegar, the market is flooded with various demands of the health effect of vinegar, in fact, that some effect is an exaggeration. The experiment confirmed that the diet can reduce the vinegar after a meal blood sugar values, but at a cost of only salad dressing containing vinegar in the amount you can. Although acetic acid is indeed the body in the metabolic process necessary, but as long as a balanced diet, food or fruit in general can be obtained through the metabolism of the human body can also be produced in the course of similar compounds for this purpose, when the human body photo into the excess acetic acid, the synthesis of fatty acids, but will be stored.

According to medical reports, the maintenance of body fluid was alkaline the body’s health state, so it was suggested that the He Cu can improve the physical acidity argument. In fact, the human body itself to maintain a fixed pH value of the mechanism, if the intake of too much acid, alkaline substances, the body will be excluded, thus can not be forced to change the body pH.

intake is adequate for the health of the opponents are, therefore, appropriate to their daily diet with a mixture of vinegar, that is, to achieve efficiency, so why spend money on buying more so-called “healthy vinegar” mean?


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