Possession of luxury villas Meiyan corrupt mistress 5 Secret life ...

corrupt and luxurious like a pair of twins born. In recent years, as countries increase their efforts to investigate and deal with the problem of corruption, a group of corrupt officials have received a number of Palm Springs. And in various news media, which was behind the exposure of corrupt officials, almost all more or less have the luxury. From the provincial and ministerial level officials, down to the county level or even lower-level officials, have reported the news of luxury. Some reports also very into the ink on the degree of luxury mansion has done a detailed description of delicate, it is with emotion again and again. Such a corrupt and luxurious circumstances between the closely related, with a total so that we can not help but want to explore the details behind the correlation.

Yang Qianxian trial

1, Yang Qianxian: Hong Kong to purchase luxury home Kanaya Mainland

identity: the original Xiamen Customs and Excise

luxury: time value of more than 130 million of Regal Garden Villa

outcome: the death penalty in the first instance

story: Yang Qianxian reign, received the Yuanhua smuggling group more than one hundred million yuan in bribes, he can share the luxury in Hong Kong, the Mainland is also home of the Hidden Concubine Kanaya, and evenxxfor his mistress gave birth to a child. Central Commission for Discipline Inspection task force found evidence that bribes are also at least tens of millions of dollars, Lai Changxing were provided to them the value of more than 130 million Regal Garden villas, and a huge renovation.

commented: “In its place, seeking its governance”, Yang and Excise, but the “G” word a meaning understood as fiscal color, I do not know when he was out of the start, is there any guess come to the final outcome?

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2, Li Zhen: accepting the house did not live a day

identity: the former party secretary of Hebei Province, State Administration of Taxation, the Secretary

outcome: the death penalty

story: in April 1994, Li Zhen, through to the contractors秦某borrowing Forwarders projects,秦某received 500,000 yuan and the value of a set of housing one million yuan. Later, also received any other house.

It is said that Li said after the incident: “I worked hard to get money, others took to my house I look at the time, did not live a day. And I’d like to now sent to the scaffold, which I心有不甘! “

Comments:天网恢恢,疏而不漏, everything is self-created. Succeed even if temporarily, the bitter is brewed their own drink must go on.

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3, Ma Jianguo: corruption villas starting price 13,500,000 yuan

identity: the original deputy head of Chengdu Jinniu District

luxury: Chengdu “Royal Garden Villa” Villa No. 7,8,9 within the

< p="">ending: 15 years in prison

story: Chengdu Jinniu District, Ma Jianguo, former deputy governor of corruption were nationalized three of the villas have been auctioned. At that time, in order to attract more buyers, the auction is responsible for the East auction company announced a starting unit of the reference price: 5800 yuan / sq m, compared to the market price of about 6 fold hit. 3 villas starting price, the overall reference price tentative 1350 million, split reference price is tentatively scheduled for 4.6 million yuan each.

has been commissioned to auction the three villas on “Royal Garden Villas” in Villa No. 7,8,9, both single-family villas, on the ground two-story, underground layer. Each covers an area of 1000 square meters, including building area of 350 square meters basement, and the rest as green space.

Comment: As a high official of the Deputy Governor, was able to purchase 3 million total over the villa, but also in a real estate to buy within three villas, such as handwriting are also considered enough style. Unfortunately作法自毙become the joke went 1:00.

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4, Xia Renfan: the use of public funds to build 20 million private estate

identity: the original general manager of the Shenyang Passenger Transport Group

luxury: an area of 2000 acre private estate

outcome: the death penalty in the first instance

story : Xia Renfan and the then Mayor of Shenyang, Mu iron relationship. Xia Renfan spend public funds nearly 2,000 million yuan, covers an area of the construction of their 2000 acre “private estate.”

Xia Renfan found a self-employed child buddies to this buddy, child registered in the name of the “seedlings century company.” He has repeatedly called buddies infants: whoever asked manor matter, we must stand up to not use it. Where were arrested in the summer term before the majority of the estate has been completed, the degree of luxury and Xiamen Lai Changxing is entirely possible “red chamber” match. Manor A total of three buildings, two of the more than 1000 square meters of the villa, a more than 2000 square meters of the complex. Villas, each layer using high-grade marble from the walls of shops to the ground, each floor has a large floor-standing rear projection screen TV. Manor there are ponds, modern flower base. Flower base covers an area of 5000 square meters of SHELTER, all automation and control, planting a variety of imported flowers. Many years working in the estate gardener, there are nearly a hundred workers were.

Comments: such a move, audacious in the extreme, can be described as shocking moment. Justice may be late, but certainly not absent.

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5,李玉书1.07 million Kanaya possession of 16-year-old Gillian

identity: Leshan City, Sichuan Province, former deputy mayor

luxury: Baihua East Road, Chengdu and other places of luxury and旺铺

outcome: the death penalty

story: First,李玉书spent 1.07 million for its 16-year-old mistress, bought a street旺铺, that is, “long Tea House”, the Tea House in Chengdu on the 12th Hundred Flowers East, covering an area of up to 141 square meters, and later when the auction to 10,100 yuan per square meter of the hammer.

The second is located on East Road, Chengdu flowers on the 1st of the two sets of housing. Namely the “Hundred Flowers Neighborhood” auspicious floor D106 and “flowers Neighborhood” Celebrity House No. F104, with an area of 156 square meters and 134 square meters, the two sets of housing price per square meter was 4,000 yuan more than in . There are also two underground garage.

It was learned that the acquisition of these two luxury李玉书when they did not bother to decoration, room decoration房产商already have flowers, only the owner at any time, etc. Check.

Comment: The Merry was not spent in vain teenagers, Mayor Lee is rewritten as a “Merry not be wasted as corrupt officials”, but when he was Finance color integrated, there did not think the law is waiting for him ?

under 1: 1.5 million units this year, limit the Housing insufficiency does not exclude the introduction of open-account

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Chinese version:豪华别墅藏美艳情妇 5大贪官豪宅生活揭秘

贪官与豪宅仿佛一对天生的孪生子。 近年来,随着国家加大对腐败问题的查处力度,一批接一批的贪官纷纷落马。而在各种新闻媒体上,这些被曝光的贪官背后,几乎都或多或少拥有豪宅。上至省部级的官员,下至县处级甚至更低级别的官员,都有传出豪宅的消息。有些报道还极进笔墨,对豪宅的奢华程度做了详尽细腻的描写,令人感慨再三。这样的贪官与豪宅之间的紧密关联情形,总让我们忍不住想探究一下关联背后的详细情况。








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