蚂蚁的房子里,如何啊? « City life wiki 城市百科




2,使用市场,如百虫,灭蚁灵下降xxxx,和其他人居署进行了蚂蚁喷雾数目; 3,可以在洒针对当地良好的洗衣粉水,蚂蚁爬将被淹没;







专家建议,蚂蚁可能是{dy}次在家里用来打开洪水淹没,然后放入诸如预防和xx方法,洗涤剂沟屏障。也可用于杀死蟑螂,蚊xx,这些xx必须杀死了红蚂蚁的成效的。然而,一个半红蚂蚁一般的社会只能通过对走出巢蚂蚁,一群蚂蚁注射药剂杀死昆虫的活动,在蚁巢仍然在这些繁殖机器国王疯狂地繁殖。女王可以生出每秒600个,小蚂蚁,白蚁处理,采取全层,因此,集体行动较为可取。{zh0}的办法是选择一个良好的适口性,不反对以蚂蚁毒饵的作用药剂,工蚁会回来后,诱饵,使蚂蚁巢国王,王后和中毒死亡的幼虫,整个巢破坏。 (泰铭:泰的白蚁诱饵明有这种蚂蚁特别效果)








Ants inside house, how do ah?

winter, indoor heating, and the kind of ordinary, small ants appeared in all the warm corner, for example ah bathroom, kitchen or something, Know-order will not affect the person’s health and can eliminate these small ants do?

way to deal with them is to use egg shells to the micro-roasted coke, then it is broken up into a powder, and then drive a mixing point of sugar, placed in a place frequented by ants. And other ants to eat this stuff on the drug died. Will be put in more days to get rid of this annoying ants. Can also use cornmeal instead of sugar, you may wish to try. If the gap between the wall at home in possession of ants, you will use rubber bands to solve, the rubber band gap on the plugs in the block Haojiu Hang. Because ants taste of fear of rubber band, so they will not be drilled out. Toothpaste or a candle with the oil plug gap is also very useful for

are several ways you can try the following

one, with meat and other food to lure ants gather, and then use water to its being burnt to death , can be repeated several times eradication;
2, using the market-treatment drugs, such as drops of 100 insects, mirex, and other habitat Department conducted a number of ant spray; 3, can be sprinkled on the water against a good laundry detergent on the ground, ants climb will be drowned;
4, as long as attention to family health, mopping the floor in recent days may shed some Lysol water, try to avoid some of the material to attract ants, red ants that will soon disappear ;
5, preferably after the closure of the doors and windows with aluminum phosphide tablets and liquid alkanes potassium bromide fumigation, but these two drugs are harmful, so when using the best people to go out.

with the harm-reduction Spirit, quite useful for

pesticides a one-stop

ant drug release dedicated

that is that it found a warm nest, I have a fish tank into the bottom of ants, where warm, I did not ignore it.

sprinkling ant powder

■ Family ■

Collection In addition to ants, ants are sensitive to temperature, mostly in the hot weather events. They prefer sweet foods such as cakes, honey, maltose, red pond, eggs, fruits, nuclear, pork skin, dead insects. They can identify the road, actions are very hasty, if individual worker ants dead, their bodies will be transported back to the colony. But they are impatient of hunger, in the absence of food and water, circumstances, and after four days and nights there will be half of the deaths.
experts suggest that ants may be the first to use at home to open the flooding submerged, and then put detergent into the ditch barrier methods such as prevention and treatment. Can also be used to kill cockroaches, mosquito sprays, these drugs have to kill all of the effectiveness of red ants. However, a semi-red ants are social insects in general can only be killed by injection of pharmaceutical activities of the group out of the nest ants, ants, the ant nest is still king in these breeding machines crazy breed. A queen can give birth to 600 per second, a small ant, termite treatment to take the whole floor, so collective action is more desirable. The best way is to choose a good palatability, not averse to the role of ant baits Pharmacy, worker ants will be back after the bait, enabling ants nest king, queen and the larvae poisoned to death, to the whole nest destruction. (Thai-ming: Thai-ming of the termite bait has special effects for such ants)
features of the eradication of the use of ants:
ants more things in the kitchen, there is oil in food area, which could take advantage of this feature of its eradication. At night before going to sleep first Move all food ants do not go to a place, and then a fat pork fat on the ground, and are ready to a thermos bottle water. The next morning, ants gathered in the fat is to eat fat on the incense, do not panic, scattered ants, immediately scalded with boiling water dead. so a few can be exterminated.

■ indoor ant species and their control methods

indoor ants of home hazards are often ignored, we have investigated a small indoor ants mainly Huang ants Pheidole , Rockwell Road Agency ants and stink ants often nest in the street, corner, and Qiang Feng, endangering the main mode of stealing food, bite, and the spread of bacteria. for its activities, the characteristics of some physical or chemical methods can be used for prevention and treatment. as resistance off the route that block nests, etc.. conditions can also be used in case of hormonal methods of biological control.

ant genus Arthropoda, Insecta, Hymenoptera. although it is only one Branch (Formicidae), but its next There are more than 360, it is estimated there should be 14,000 or so, China has almost 300 species. and its distribution range from desert to forest, from the tropics to the arctic, from the plains to the mountains are traces. ant diet heterogeneous, all kinds of animals and plants body as well as organic residues can become their food. Therefore, that ants have a strong ability to adapt to different environments.

now, with the rapid development of our city-building ants of the living environment has undergone tremendous changes and gradually adapted to the construction-intensive and densely populated urban environment, often invaded indoor feeding, nesting. as indoor ants contaminate food, destroy buildings, the spread of bacteria, bite humans, so human life will cause some harm. We better prevention and treatment of such hazards is necessary to understand the types of indoor ant and its habits, and then put forward some specific situations and effective way.

■ Materials and Methods:
through common pests on the family survey, in which the main ant small Huang ants, Pheidole megacephala, Rockwell Road, four kinds of social ants and stink ants. through the analysis of characteristics of these four kinds of ants, although the harm far and cockroaches, flies and so on, but home is still a hidden danger. Therefore, the path for its cave and activities of the special chemical smell left on the characteristics of the following methods can be taken to remove:
○ wet wipe except:
if found to have one or more columns ant activity, can be used wet cloth Kai Qu, and placed with wash Powder clothing of their pot of water drowning;
○ detergent ditch block:
into a laundry detergent because of ants will be drowned in the water, so this method can be used to protect a certain area;
○ flooded:
-use method of watering drowned ants nest, more suitable for nesting in the pot in an ant.
○ Chemical Control:
dust: commonly used silica (silicon dioxide) powder inhalation of dust so that the body dry ant died;
○ silicate powder insect powder mixture of permethrin:
this method is improved on the method can shorten the time to kill, but it should avoid their own stag or dust inhalation powder inhalation chamber;
spray chemical agents around the mouth and the ants in the nest way to spraying chemicals to kill ants
direct contact with this method could easily lead to environmental pollution and resistance. are multi-purpose agents are as follows:
90% more than dope 500-1,000 times of Trichlorfon spray;
Dichlorvos 50% EC or 80% dichlorvos EC 1000-1500 times of 2000 to-3000 times of spray;
0.1% pyrethrin spray kerosene solvent.
of these methods have better results, bear fruit quickly, but not complete, difficult to eradicate, and easy to cause environmental pollution and resistance.
○ bait:
bait that is, chemicals and ants eating the food bait mixture. According to cross-feeding behavior of ants, a worker ants feeding bait, just its short period of time does not die, you can then bait into the nest, causing other individual death, the time of death usually within seven days, but the pupae do not eat ants, and therefore may survive, so that except ants incomplete.
○ juvenile hormone analogues bait:
that accompanied the bait within the juvenile hormone analogues, such as chlorfluazuron (Chlorfluazuron), methoxy juvenile hormone (Methoprene) and so on, hormone concentrations generally re-feeding 0.6% to 1.5%. At present being developed to the juvenile hormone analogue adding synergists, so to perfect this method.

■ Life Tips:
the egg shell fire burned after inquiry into powder and scatter it around the corner, or the colony may be set ants on the death. There are ants closet can put some coriander and celery flavored vegetables, you can drive away ants. In areas frequented by ants to put some of walnut leaves or tobacco, pepper, can play a role in expulsion of ants.

is actually very simple: in the place where ants frequent point of camphor ball (preferably a dry powder and keep the surrounding environment, do not wet) a few days later would not have emerged. I was in life found in a small magazine, I immediately tried it very good. You can give it a try05-12-19

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