Learn the Chinese Language Phrase运动鞋for Sports Shoes

运动鞋 (yùndòngxié) Sneakers (Intermediate)

In this Chinese phrase, “运动 (yùndòng)” means sports and “鞋 (xié)” means shoes.


???? Hāi, bùmáng ba? Péi wǒ qù mǎi shuāng xié ba
A: 嗨, 不? 忙???? 吧?陪? 我? 去?? 买???? 双????? ?鞋???吧。??

?????Hi, are you free? How about accompanying me to go buy a pair of shoes?
????? Hǎo ā, nǐ zhǔnbèi mǎi shénme xié?
B: 好 啊,你???准备???? 买???? 什么??? 鞋?

???? Ok, what kind of shoes do you want to buy?
??? Dāngrán shì yùndòngxié le
A:? 当然?????? 是???????? 运动鞋??? 了。

??? ?Sneakers of course.

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