M-zone 英语
May 4,2010



The important thing is not to stop questioning.重要的是,不要停止问问题。





Wu Yulu, a 49 year old farmer from the outskirts of Beijing, has become a household name in China for his homemade robots. Now, the creations that he calls his “children” are about to gain international renown.


Made from scrap materials including wire and screws, Wu has invented 47 robots.


Now foreign media have taken an interest in him ahead of his appearance at the Shanghai World Expo.


"I have been doing this for over twenty years. I am representative of all farmers; this is something very glorious." Wu told Reuters.


Wu invented tools to help farm more effectively. His latest project is a robot that can give massages.



>outskirts [n.市郊]

>household name [家喻户晓的人]

>renown [n.声望]

>scrap [n.碎片;废料]

>representative [n.代表]




This is one of Kenya's most recognizable sights -- but one that rarely features in tourist brochures.


The tin-roofed shacks that constitute Kibera, are often described as one of the world's largest slums.


Slum tourism is taking off in Kenya. Several local organizations have started selling guided trips through Kibera, a short drive from the luxury hotels that serve most foreign visitors in Nairobi.


For about £20, tourists are promised a glimpse into the lives of the hundreds of thousands of people crowded into tiny rooms. Outside, dirt paths are littered with excrement-filled plastic bags known as "flying toilets", as one tour agency explains on its website.



>brochure [n.宣传小册子]

>slum [n.贫民窟]





-She looks very happy. She ____ have passed the exam.

-I guess so. It’s not difficult after all. (2007江苏)

A. should

B. could

C. must

D. might


[解析]本题考查“情态动词+have done”的用法!一起回顾这个知识点!

1.should have done表示过去本应该做某事,而实际上却未做。

例:You should have kept your word.你本应当遵守诺言的。

2.must have done表示对过去肯定情况的推测,它只用于肯定句中,表示一定做了某事。

例:I don’t know it. She must have forgotten to tell me.我不知道这件事。她肯定是忘了告诉我。

3.could have done表示本来能够做成某事但结果没能做成,含有遗憾的意味。

例:-I stayed at a small hotel in Beijing.

-Oh, did you? You could have stayed with my brother.



4.may/might have done表示“也许已经做过某事”, 表示对过去情况不肯定的推测。might have


例:He might have been too busy to do it.他可能太忙,没做这件事。






The earthquake in Yushu, Qinghai Province caused great damage.发生在青海省玉树的地震损失惨重。

We students are encouraged to donate money or clothes and so on to help the people in the disaster-stricken areas to go through it.学校鼓励我们学生捐款捐衣物等帮助灾区人们度过难关。

Some students prefer giving money. In their opinions, with money, the victims of Yushu can buy whatever they starve for, including food and clothes.一些学生愿意捐钱。他们认为,玉树灾区的人们可以拿钱买任何他们急需的东西,包括食物和衣服。

However, other students don’t agree. They think students can’t earn money by themselves, and it is a burden for them to donate money.然而,另一些同学则不同意。他们认为学生不能自己挣钱,因此让他们捐钱会成为他们的负担。

What’s more, some students are very poor themselves.而且,有些学生自身也很穷。

They suggest that students donate things such as stationery, bags, books, clothes and so on.他们建议学生捐些如文具、书包、书、衣服等等。

As for me, either opinion should be respected. We should leave it to individuals.在我看来,每一种意愿都值得尊重。应当让每个学生自由选择。






Alex: He broke up with you over text message?他发短信和你分手?

Ryan: It's kind of like firing someone over the Internet.就像在网上开除别人一样。

Alex: What a weaselly prick.狡猾的混蛋。

Natalie: Yeah. But what does that make me? Someone who falls for a prick.没错,那我变成什么了?爱上混蛋的笨蛋。

Alex: We all fall for them. Pricks are spontaneous, they're unpredictable, and they're fun. And then we're surprised when they turn out to be pricks.我们都会爱上混蛋的。混蛋很有野性,难于捉摸,而且有趣。当发现他们是混蛋时,我们依旧会惊讶。


1. It's kind of like firing someone over the Internet.就像在网上开除别人。kind of 的意思是“有一点,有几分”,作状语,表示程度,等于kinda。over the Internet指在网上,由此我们可以链接相似短语:over the phone在电话上,over the meal在吃饭的时候。

例:I was kinda surprised that I got the highest mark in the test.这回考试我居然得了{zg}分,我有点惊讶。

2. What a weaselly prick.狡猾的混蛋。weaselly,狡猾的。weasel作名词时指“黄鼠狼”,引申为“告密者、狡猾的人”,或“逃避、推诿责任”的意思。prick,刺,刺痛。来看一些带“刺”的短语吧:prick your conscience,唤醒你的良知;your conscience pricks,你受到良心的谴责;prick (up) your ears,竖起耳朵,细心倾听。

例:Their boss escaped to weasel out of his responsibility.他们的老板为逃避责任溜走了。

3. Someone who falls for a prick.爱上混蛋的笨蛋。fall for,爱上,喜欢,倾心于某人。

例:They fell for each other at the first sight.他们俩一见倾心。





1919年5月4日,为了抗议帝国主义国家在巴黎和会上企图迫使中国签订丧权辱国的条约,more than 3,000 students in Tiananmen Square called for action from all walks of life(社会各界) to defend China's territory and sovereignty(保卫中国的领土和主权). 这一运动得到工人和各阶层人士的声援和支持,{zh1}发展成为全国人民参加的反帝反封建的爱国运动。May 4 Movement in China's modern history is a thorough and uncompromising campaign against imperialism and feudalism(彻底的反帝反封建运动)。 “五四”运动表现了中国人民保卫民族独立与争取民主自由的坚强意志。Its victory marks the beginning of the new-democratic revolution in China(中国新民主主义革命)。1949年国务院正式宣布每年的5月4日为中国青年节。

印度青年节:Youth Day in India is celebrated on 12 January. It is the birthday of Swami Vivekananda(斯瓦米-维伟卡南达).斯瓦米-维伟卡南达是位伟大的哲学家,他将西方的卫生和尊重妇女等观念引入印度的宗教生活之中,对印度的进步起到重要的推动作用。

南非青年节:Youth Day on 16 June in South Africa commemorates the start of the Soweto riots (索韦托学生运动)of 1976. It was initially sparked(引发) by a government law.该法令要求所有黑人学校都必须学习Afrikaans(南非官方语之一,南非荷兰语) 和英语,黑人当地语言只是限于宗教学习。新南非成立后,把这{yt}定为南非青年节和公共假日。

土耳其青年节:土耳其青年节是每年的5月19日,是为了纪念“土耳其之父”穆斯塔法-基马尔(Mustafa Kemal Atatürk)而设立。It is the commemoration of the beginning of the national liberation movement initiated by Atatürk in 1919.

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