3p 鎶芥牱||sampling with probability proportional to prediction, 3p sampling H鍥犲瓙||H factor PVC 璐撮潰||PVC film overlay Z鍥犲瓙||Z factor [鍗曟澘鍒ㄥ垏]鏈ㄦ柟||flitch [娲绘€х偔]娲诲寲鐐墊|activating oven [闆嗘潗]鎾瑋|logging sledge, sled; 淇楃О“[闆嗘潗]鐖妬”銆?br />[鏋剁┖]绱㈤亾||skyline, cableway [鏋剁┖]绱㈤亾闆嗘潗||skyline yarding, suspended cable yarding [鏋剁┖]绱㈤亾杩愭潗||cableway hauling [缁忔祹鏉怾鍑烘潗閲弢|merchantable volume [閿痌榻挎枡||tooth setting [娴侀€乚娌抽亾鏁存不||floating channel realignment [鏈ㄦ潗]娑插帇璧烽噸鑷倈|hydraulic log loading boom [鍒ㄨ姳]鎷岃兌鏈簗|blender [鍒ㄨ姳]骞茬嚗鏈簗|chip dryer [浜洪€犳澘]鏉挎潗||panel [妫灄]閲囦紣鏈烘||felling machinery [妫灄]閲囦紣鑱斿悎鏈簗|forest harvesting combine, tree harvester; 瀹屾垚浼愭湪鍜屽叾瀹冧竴绉嶆垨澶氱浼愬尯浣滀笟鐨勫鍔熻兘鑷寮忔満姊扮殑鎬荤О銆?br />[妫灄]閲囪繍鏈烘||logging machinery; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄦ潗鐢熶骇鏈烘”銆?br />[妫灄]閲囪繍鏈烘鍖東|logging mechanization [妫灄]閲囪繍鏈烘绯荤粺||logging machine system [鏍慮骞插舰[鐘禲||stem form [鐢淽姗欐补||orange oil, sweet orange oil [鏃犳灄鍦癩閫犳灄||afforestation [灏忚牴]浜ら厤瀹|nuptial chamber [鍙虫棆]娴锋澗閰竱|pimaric acid, dextropimaric acid [鍘熸湪]鍑烘潗閲弢|mill run [绉嶅瓙]鍘熶骇鍦皘|provenance, seed source; 鍙堢О“绉嶆簮”銆?br />“涓夊寳”闃叉姢鏋梶|“Three North ” protection forest; 鎸囨垜鍥戒笢鍖楄タ閮ㄣ€佸崕鍖椼€佽タ鍖楀湴鍖虹殑闃叉姢鏋椾綋绯汇€?br />鈼忓効鑼剁礌||gallocatechin 鈼忛吀||gallic acid; 鍙堢О“浜斿€嶅瓙閰?rdquo;銆?br />鈼忔湜濉攟|lookout tower 鈼忕儻||limonene 鈼忓瓙鍗曞畞||Chinese tannin; 鍙堢О“浜斿€嶅瓙鍗曞畞”銆?br />α绾ょ淮绱爘|α-cellulose β绾ょ淮绱爘|β-cellulose γ绾ょ淮绱爘|γ-cellulose 闃跨璞嗙礌||afzelechin 闃挎媺浼崐涔宠仛绯東|arabinogalactan 闃挎媺浼兌||gum arabic 闃挎媺浼憽绯栭啗閰告湪鑱氱硸||arabinoglucuronoxylan 鐭灄||coppice forest 鐭灄浣滀笟||coppice method 鐭Р瀵勭敓||dwarf mistletoe 闉嶅骇||saddle set, intermediate support 瀹夋伅棣欐爲鑳秥|gum benzoin 鏆楅攢||dowel pin 鎷旀牴鏈簗|stump extractor 鐧藉害||brightness 鐧借厫||white rot 鐧借湣铏珅|white wax insect, pe-la insect 鐧芥偿||mud 鐧芥按||white water 鐧界偔||white charcoal 鐧芥恫||white liquor 鐧借殎||termite 鐧借殎閬搢|termite runway 鏌忔湪鑴憒|cedrol 鏌忔湪娌箌|cedar oil 鎽嗛敮||swing saw 鏂戣厫||mottled rot 鏉胯竟娆犲帤||dubbing 鏉挎潗||board 鏉垮澂妯埅閿瘄|flying cut-off saw 鏉跨毊||slab 鏉挎潯||strip 鏉胯嫳灏哄師鏈ㄦ澘绉〃||board-foot log rule 浼寸敓鏍戠||associated tree species 鍗婃垚鏉恷|shop lumber 鍗婂共娉晐|semi-dry process 鍗婂浐瀹氭矙涓榺|semifixed dune 鍗婂寲瀛︽祮||semi-chemical pulp 鍗婄幆瀛旀潗||semi-ring-porous wood 鍗婃満姊版祮||semi-mechanical pulp 鍗婃祮||half stuff 鍗婂叿缂樼汗瀛擺瀵筣||half bordered pit [pair] 鍗婃紓娴唡|partly bleach pulp 鍗婁钩钁$敇闇茶仛绯東|galactoglucomannan 鍗婃暎瀛旀潗||semi-diffuse porous wood 鍗婄氦缁寸礌||hemicellulose 鍗婄‖璐ㄧ氦缁存澘||semi-hard board 鍗婃父绂荤姸鎵撴祮||semi-fast beating 鍗婂渾鏉恷|half-round wood 鍗婂渾楗皘|bead and reel 鍗婅嚧姝诲墏閲弢|lethal dosage 50锛? LD50 鑳炲鐗╄川||cell wall substance 鑳為棿灞倈|middle lamella 鍖呮娉晐|containning method; 鍙堢О“灏侀棴娉?rdquo;銆?br />鍓ョ毊鏈簗|debarker 鍓ヨ殌||denudation 钖勫缁勭粐||parenchyma 钖勫缁勭粐缁嗚優||parenchyma cell 钖勬湪璐撮潰||veneer overlay 鏆村彂鎬х伀||blow-out 鑳屾澘||back veneer 璐濆3鏉夎兌||kauri gum 璐濆3鏉夋补||kauri oil 琚帇鏈▅|suppressed tree 宕╁矖||collapsing hill 宕╁||collapse 缁风储||guy line 搴囪崼鏍憒|shade tree 闂悎闄堝寲鏃堕棿||closed assembly time 閬垮績涓嬮敮娉晐|side cut 杈规潗||sapwood 杈规潗鑵愭溄||sap rot 缂栨帓||rafting, booming 缂栨帓鏈簗|rafting machine 鏍囧噯閲囦紣閲弢|standard cut 鏍囧噯鏈▅|sample tree; 鍙堢О“鏍锋湪”銆?br />鏍囧噯鏀惰幏琛▅|normal yield table 琛ㄢ棌鍎胯尪绱爘|epigallocatechin 琛ㄦ澘||face veneer 琛ㄥ眰鐮寸┛||show through 琛ㄥ効鑼剁礌||epicatechin 琛ㄥ3鑴戦唶閰竱|epilaksholic acid 琛ㄨ||surface check 琛ㄩ潰缁撳悎寮哄害||surface bonding strength 琛ㄩ潰纭寲||casehardening 琛ㄧ传鑳跺3鑴戦吀||epilaccishelbolic acid 鍒||villa 婵掑嵄绉峾|theratened species, endangered species 鍐伴洩婊戦亾||snow chute 鐥呰櫕瀹崇患鍚堟不鐞唡|integrated pest management 鎾鑻梶|tree seedling; 鍙堢О“瀹炵敓鑻?rdquo;銆?br />鎾閫犳灄||seeding,direct seeding; 鍙堢О“鐩存挱閫犳灄”銆?br />鎷ㄦ枡||briar dressing, spring set 琛ュ厖钀ュ吇||supplemental nutrition 琛ュ厖涓讳紣||supplemental final cut, relogging 琛ヨ妭||patching 琛ヨ妭鏈簗|patcher 琛ュ潡姣涚硻||rough patch 琛ョ儳||reburn 琛ユ||reinforcement planting 涓嶈鍒欏紡||informal style, irregular style 涓嶉€忔槑搴|opacity 姝ョ煶||stepping stone 瑁佽竟閿瘄|edger; 鍙堢О“榻愯竟鏈?rdquo;銆?br />鏉愰潰鎺ュ悎||face joint 鏉愮||log assortment, log type 閲囦紣甯|cutting strip 閲囦紣鍗曞厓||cutting unit 閲囦紣杩瑰湴||cutting blank, cut-over area 閲囦紣杩瑰湴娓呯悊||slash disposal 閲囦紣瀛h妭||felling season 閲囦紣璁″垝||cutting plan 閲囦紣鍒楀尯||cutting series, felling series 閲囦紣鍓╀綑鐗﹟|logging slash 閲囦紣鍓╀綑鐗╁埄鐢ㄦ満姊皘|slash utilization machinery 閲囦紣椤哄簭||cutting sequence 閲囦紣闄愰||cutting limit, cutting quota 閲囦紣璁稿彲璇亅|felling licence 閲囦紣浣滀笟||logging operation 閲囩鍦億|cutting orchard 閲囪剛||wood tapping 閲囩||seed collection 鑽夊湴||turf 鑽夌毊娉勬按閬搢|grass waterway 鑽夊潽||lawn 鑽夊潽妞嶇墿||lawn plant 鑽夌敯杞綔||rotation of crops and grass 渚ф柟閬崼||side shading 渚ф矡||side gutter 渚ф矡瑙抾|side gutter angle 渚ч潰鐏珅|flank fire; 鍙堢О“鐏考”銆?br />渚ч潰鎵戠伀||flank fire suppression 渚ч潰鍥緗|side view 渚у集||crook, spring, edge bend 渚у悜渚佃殌||lateral erosion 娴嬮珮鍣▅|hypsometer 娴嬬毊鍣▅|bark gauge 娴嬫爲鍣▅|dendrometer 灞傜Н||stacked volume 灞傜Н鏉恷|laminated wood 灞傛||open pile, layered pile 鎻掓潯鏈簗|cutting planter 鎻掓潯閫犳灄||planting by cuttings 浜у湴璇曢獙||provenance trial; 鍙堢О“绉嶆簮璇曢獙”銆?br />甯哥豢闃斿彾鏋梶|evergreen broadleaved forest 甯告€佷镜铓€||normal erosion 甯稿帇绾ょ淮鍒嗙||atmospheric refining 甯稿帇绾ょ淮鍒嗙鏈簗|atmospheric refiner 闀垮帤姣攟|slenderness ratio 闀垮姣攟|aspect ratio 闀挎潯钖勭墖鍒ㄨ姳||strand 闀跨綉鎴愬瀷鏈簗|fourdrinier machine 闀垮彾鐜儻||longicyclene 闀垮彾鏉鹃吀||palustric acid 闀垮彾鐑瘄|longifolene 闀垮彾钂庣兎||longipinane 闀垮彾钂庣儻||longipinene 杞﹁締鏉恷|timber for vehicle 娌夋穩[鏈╙鐒︽补||precipitated wood tar 娌夋湪||deadhead, sweep wood 娌夐鏈ㄦ补||agilawood oil 娌夊洯||sunken garden; 鍙堢О“鍑瑰洯”銆?br />闄堝寲鏃堕棿||assembly time 鍩庡競鏋椾笟||urban forestry 鍩庡競缁垮湴绯荤粺瑙勫垝||urban green system planning 鎴愭潗||lumber 鎴愬勾鏉恷|mature wood, adult wood; 鍙堢О“鎴愮啛鏉?rdquo;銆?br />鎴愮啛鏋梶|mature forest 鎴愬瀷鏈簗|forming machine, former 鎴愬瀷鑳跺悎鏉縷|moulded plywood 鎴愬瀷閾e簥||molder 鎵胯浇绱|skyline 榻垮舰楗皘|dentil, dentels 灏哄绋冲畾鎬|dimensional stability 鍏呰剛鏉恷|resin-soaked wood, light wood; 瀵规爲鏈ㄦ敞灏勮嵂鐗╀娇涔嬪厖鑴傘€?br />鍐叉礊||punching 鍐叉礊鏈簗|puncher 铏櫧铚|Chinese insect wax 铏溂||pinhole, wormhole 鎶藉績||splinter pulling 鎶藉績涓嬮敮娉晐|box heart sawing 鑷澗娌箌|apinclum, apinol 鍒濇湡[鎬瀹宠櫕||primary insect 鍒濇湡鑵愭溄||incipient decay 鍒濆閲囦紣閲弢|initial harvest 鍑烘潗閲忚〃||timber assortment table 鍑烘潗鐜噟|out-put, percentage of cut-turn 闄ょ亴鏈簗|scrub-clearing machine 闄ゆ箍骞茬嚗||dehumidification 闄よ槚||tiller cutting 澶勭悊鎬|treatability 涓插潯||ground sliding, ball hooting 搴婁綔||bedding culture 鍒涗激鏍戣剛閬搢|traumatic resin duct, traumatic resin canal 閿ゅ紡纰庢湪鏈簗|hammer mill 绾灄||pure forest 绾敹鐩婃渶澶ф垚鐔焲|maturity of the highest income, maturity of maximum forest net income 鍒烘瀹殀|robinetinidin 娆℃灄灞倈|substorey 娆℃湡[鎬瀹宠櫕||secondary insect 娆$敓鏋梶|secondary forest 涓涙灄鐏珅|bush fire 涓涙灊鐥厊|witch's broom 涓涙||bunch planting 绮楁斁鏋椾笟||extensive forestry 绮楄厫娈栬川||raw humus, mor 绮楃粨鏋剕|coarse texture 绮楅敮鏉恷|unwrought timber 缈犻泙瀹殀|delphinidin 鎼寕鏍憒|lodged tree, hang-up tree 鎵撴祮||beating 鎵撴祮姣斿帇||specific beating pressure 鎵撴祮搴|degree of beating 鎵撴灊-閫犳潗-褰掑爢鏈簗|delimber-bucker-buncher 鎵撴灊||trimming, branching 鎵撴灊鏈簗|delimber 澶х伀鎺у埗||large fire control 澶х伀鍥|mass fire 澶ч潰绉殕浼恷|large area clearcutting 澶х墖鍒ㄨ姳||flake 澶х墖鍒ㄨ姳鏉縷|flake board 甯︽挱||belt sowing 甯﹂敮||band saw 甯︾毊鏉愮Н||volume outside bark 甯︾毊鐩村緞||diameter outside bark, DOB 甯﹀湡鏍芥||ball planting 甯︾嚎||zone line 甯︾姸鑰曚綔||strip cropping 甯︾姸娓愪紣||strip-shelterwood cutting 甯︾姸鐨嗕紣||clearcutting in strips 甯︾姸鐑ч櫎||strip burning 甯︾姸鏁村湴||strip soil preparation 鍗曟澘灞傜Н鏉恷|laminated veneer lumber, LVL 鍗曟澘甯|veneer band 鍗曟澘骞茬嚗||veneer drying 鍗曟澘骞茬嚗鏈簗|veneer dryer 鍗曟澘鍓垏鏈簗|veneer clipper 鍗曟澘鎷兼帴||veneer splicing 鍗曟澘鎷兼帴鏈簗|veneer splicer 鍗曞眰鏋楀垎||uniform stand 鍗曞畞||tannin; 鍙堢О“闉h川”銆?br />鍗曞畞閰竱|tannic acid 鍗曟紓娴侀€亅|river driving, floating; 淇楃О“璧剁緤娴侀€?rdquo;銆?br />鍗曠汗瀛擺瀵筣||simple pit [pair] 鍊掓湪||blow-down, dead-and-down 瀵肩||vessel 瀵肩鍒嗗瓙||vessel member, vessel element 瀵艰剛鍣▅|apron, gutter 閬撹矾闃叉姢鏋梶|road protection forest 绛夐珮鑽夊甫||contour sod strip 绛夐珮鑰曚綔||contour tillage 绛夊鏉恷|cull 浣庡緱鐜囨祮||low yield pulp 浣庡瘑搴﹀埁鑺辨澘||low-density particleboard 浣庡帇鐭懆鏈熷伐鑹簗|low pressure short cycle processing 鍦拌妞嶇墿||ground cover plant 鍦拌〃鐏珅|surface fire 鍦板甫鎬ч《鏋亅|zonal climax, primary climax 鍦板喌璋冩煡||description of locality 鍦板尯鏀惰幏琛▅|local yield table 鍦颁綅绾|site class 鍦颁綅鎸囨暟||site index; 鍙堢О“绔嬪湴鎸囨暟”銆?br />鍦颁笅鐏屾簤||sub-irrigation; 鍙堢О“蹇冨湡鐏屾簤”銆?br />鍦颁笅鐏珅|ground fire 鍦板舰鏀归€爘|topography reform 鍦板舰璁捐||topographical design 鐐规挱||spot sowing 鐐规娊鏍穦|point sampling 鐐圭姸鐢ㄧ伀||spot burning 鐢靛姩閾鹃敮||electric powered chain saw; 绠€绉?ldquo;鐢甸敮”銆?br />鐢佃鎺㈢伀||television detection 鐢垫煴||telephone poles 閽撴娌箌|kuromoji oil 璋冩俯璋冩箍||conditioning 璋冩暣鏈焲|regulation period, regulatory period 璺屾按||cascade 璺屾按渚佃殌||waterfall erosion 鍙犺姱||overlap 閽夋帴||nailed joint 瀹氶噺鐤忎紣||quantitative thinning 瀹氭湡鐢熼暱閲弢|periodic increment 瀹氬悜鍒ㄨ姳鏉縷|oriented strand board, OSB 鍔ㄧ墿鍥瓅|zoo 鍐绘嫈||frost heaving 鍐绘澘閬搢|frozen road 鍐昏||frost cleft, frost cracking 鍐昏瀺渚佃殌||freeze-thaw erosion 姣掓€ф瀬闄恷|toxicity limit 姣掓€ц瘯楠寍|toxicity test 鏉滀徊鑳秥|gutta percha 绔||end check 绔摚||end milling 绔悜鍒囧墛||end grain cutting 绔帇娉晐|Boucherie process; 鍙堢О“鏍戞恫缃崲娉?rdquo;銆?br />鏂潰瀵嗗害[鍒嗗竷]||profile density; 鍙堢О“鍓栭潰瀵嗗害”銆?br />鏂潰鍥緗|cross section 鏂哀鐏伀||smothering 鍫嗙Н鏉愮Н||stacked volume 鍫嗙儳||pile burn 閽濇1鏉恷|waney lumber 澶氭婕傜櫧||multistage bleaching 澶氶厷||polyphenol 澶氬勾鐢熸簝鐤|perennial canker 澶氫紛灏斿師鏈ㄦ澘绉〃||Doyle log rule 鍎胯尪绱爘|catechin 鍎跨鍏洯||children park 鍎跨娓告垙鍦簗|children's playground; 鍙堢О“鍎跨涔愬洯”銆?br />浜屾寰幆娉晐|double Rueping process 浜屾阿娴锋澗閰竱|dihydropimaric acid 浜屾阿寮傛捣鏉鹃吀||dihydroisopimaric acid 浜屾阿鏋為吀||dihydroabietic acid 浜屽厓鏉愮Н琛▅|standard volume table, general volume table 浼愬€掓湪||felled tree 浼愬€掓湪闆嗘潗||whole tree logging 浼愭牴||stump 浼愭牴鑵愭溄||stump rot 浼愭牴楂榺|stump height 浼愭牴鍓婄墖鏈簗|stump chipper, stump cutter 浼愭湪-鎵撴灊-褰掑爢鏈簗|feller-delimber-buncher 浼愭湪-鎵撴灊-閫犳潗-褰掑爢鏈簗|feller-delimber-bucker-buncher 浼愭湪-褰掑爢鏈簗|feller-buncher 浼愭湪-闆嗘潗鏈簗|feller-skidder 浼愭湪||felling 浼愭湪鍦簗|logging headquarter, logging camp 浼愭湪鏂|felling axe 浼愭湪鏈簗|feller, felling machine 浼愭湪鍓獆|tree shears 浼愭湪閿瘄|felling saw 浼愭湡鏀跺叆||final income; 鍙堢О“涓讳紣鏀跺叆”銆?br />浼愬墠鏇存柊||prefelling regeneration 浼愬尯||cutting area 娉曟鏋梶|normal forest, balanced forest 娉曟鏋楀垎鎺掑垪||normal distribution of stand 娉曟榫勭骇鍒嗛厤||normal age-class distribution, normal age-class arrangement 娉曟鐢熼暱閲弢|normal increment 娉曟鏀惰幏閲弢|normal yield; 鍙堢О“娉曟骞翠紣閲?rdquo;銆?br />娉曟钃勭Н娉晐|method of regulating yield [by comparing actual with normal crops]; 鍙堢О“鏁板紡娉?rdquo;銆?br />娉曟钃勭Н閲弢|normal growing stock 鑺虫閱噟|linalool 鏂规潗||square 闃叉姢鎴愮啛||protection maturity 闃叉姢甯|protective belt 闃叉姢鏋梶|protection forest 闃叉姢鏋椾綋绯粅|protection forest system 闃茬伀甯|fire belt 闃茬伀灏佺瀛h妭||close[d] fire-season 闃茬伀娌焲|fire trench 闃茬伀鐘亅|fire plow 闃茬伀鍖簗|fire district 闃茬伀绔檤|fire control station 闃茬伀闅渱|fire barrier 闃茬伀妞嶇墿甯|living fire break 闃插集鍘嬭緤||back-up roller 浠垮舰杞﹀簥||copying lathe 鏀惧嵎||unreeling 鏀惧嵎鏈簗|unreeling machine 鏀剧墽鍦皘|pasture range 鑿茬憻瀹殀|fisetinidin 闈炲湴甯︽€ч《鏋亅|azonal climax 闈炴灄鍦皘|non-forestry land; 鎸囨灄鍖哄唴闈炴灄涓氱敤鍦般€?br />闈炴湪鏉愪汉閫犳澘||non-wood based panel 椋炵伀||spotting 椋炴満鎾||air seeding, aerial seeding; 绠€绉?ldquo;椋炴挱”銆?br />椋炴満绉嶅瓙鎾掓挱鏈簗|helicopter-mounted broadcaster 鍒嗗眰||delamination 鍒嗙瓑||grading 鍒嗘牴閫犳灄||planting by rootcuttings 鍒嗙骇鏍囧噯鏈ㄦ硶||class mean sample tree method 鍒嗘硨缁嗚優||epithelial cell 鍒嗕笣||devillicate 鍒嗘畺閫犳灄||planting [by vegetative propagation] 鍒嗚槚閫犳灄||planting by tillers 绮夎牴||powder-pest beetle, dry wood beetle 灏佸北鑲叉灄||closing the land for reforestation 铚傜獫瑁倈|honeycombing 椋庢櫙鐐箌|scenic spot 椋庢櫙瑙勫垝||landscape planning 椋庢櫙鏋梶|amenity forest 椋庢櫙鍖簗|scenic area 椋庢櫙璁捐||landscape design 椋庡姏鐏伀鏈簗|pneumatic extinguisher 椋庤殌||wind erosion 椋庤殌绋嬪害||degree of wind erosion 椋庤殌寮哄害||intensity of wind erosion 缂濇嫾鏈簗|stitching machine 缂濋殭鍧潀|slit dam 缂濇娉晐|slit planting, planting in notches 娴洉||embossing 娴补||tall oil 娴补鏉鹃||tall oil rosin 鎶氳偛閲囦紣||intermediate cutting 瑕嗙洊||mulching 澶嶅眰娣蜂氦鏋梶|stratified mixed stand 澶嶅眰鏋楀垎||multi-storied stand 澶嶅悎鏉縷|composite board 闄勭敓妞嶇墿||epiphyte 鏀硅壇鍦熷¥鏍戠||soil improving tree species 鏀规帓||rerafting 鏀规€ф湪||improved wood, modified wood 骞查儴鑵愭溄||stem rot; 绠€绉?ldquo;骞茶厫”銆?br />骞插害||dryness 骞叉硶||dry-process 骞叉棻||drought 骞叉棻绋嬪害||degree of drought 骞插熀鑵恷|butt rot 骞茶||check 骞查閲渱|retort 骞叉祦||stemflow 骞茬爩鐭宠胺鍧妡|mortarless stone check dam 骞叉洸绾縷|stem curve 骞茬缉||dry shrinkage 骞茬缉姣攟|ratio of tangential to radial shrinkage 骞茬嚗鍩哄噯||drying schedule, kiln schedule 骞茬嚗缂洪櫡||drying defect 骞茬嚗搴斿姏||drying stress 閽笣閿瘄|fret saw 閽笣缁抽泦鏉愭嫋鎷夋満||cable skidder; 鍙堢О“绱㈠紡闆嗘潗鎷栨媺鏈?rdquo;銆?br />楂樺緱鐜囨祮||high yield pulp 楂樹綆缂濇帴鍚坾|ship-lap joint 楂橀敯閰搁捑鍊紎|K value 楂樺瘑搴﹀埁鑺辨澘||high-density particleboard 楂橀骞茬嚗||radio-frequency drying, high-frequency drying 楂樺北妞嶇墿||alpine plant 楂樻俯骞茬嚗||high-temperature drying 鎴堝||gobi 鍓茬亴鏈簗|brush saw 鍓查潰||tapping face 鍓茶剛鍒€||hack 鏍兼||package pile 鏍兼爡鍧潀|horizontal grilled dam 鏍肩姸娌欎笜||latticed dune 闃亅|loft 闅斿勾浣滀笟||intermittent working 闅斿潯姊敯||alternation of slope and terrace 鏍归儴鑵愭溄||root rot; 绠€绉?ldquo;鏍硅厫”銆?br />鏍硅槚鏇存柊||regeneration from root suckers 鏇存柊鎴愮啛||regeneration maturity 鏇存柊鏈焲|regeneration period 鏇存柊淇壀||renewal pruning 鏇存柊钀ュ吇||regenerative nutrition 宸ヨ壓鎴愮啛||technical maturity; 鍙堢О“鍒╃敤鎴愮啛”銆?br />渚涙枡||furnishes; 鍙堢О“鏉ユ枡”銆?br />鍏洯||public park 鍏洯绠$悊||park management 寮撳集||bowing 鎷辨ˉ||arch bridge 娌熼亾闃叉姢鏋梶|gully erosion control forest 娌熷瀯鑰曚綔||furrow and ridge tillage 娌熷ご闃叉姢||gully head protection 娌熷瀵嗗害||gully density 榧撴场||blister 鍙や唬渚佃殌||ancient erosion 鍙や唬鍥灄||ancient garden, historical garden; 鍙堢О“鍘嗗彶鍥灄”銆?br />鍙ゅ吀鍥灄||classical garden 鍙よ抗||historic site, historic relic 璋峰潑||check dam 鍥哄畾鑻楀渻||permanent nursery 鍥哄畾娌欎笜||fixed dune 鍥哄畾鏍峰湴||permanent sample plot; 鍙堢О“鍥哄畾鏍囧噯鍦?rdquo;銆?br />鍥烘矙閫犳灄||dune fixation afforestation 鍒甗鐨甝鍒€||bark shaver 鍒甗鐨甝闈|bark shaving face 鍒厜鏈簗|scrapper 鍒毊||rossing 鍒剛||dipping 鎸傝€硘|side notching 鍐犳穻||crown wash 瑙傛灉鏍戞湪||ornamental fruit trees and shrubs 瑙傝祻鏍戞湪||ornamental trees and shrubs 绠¤優||tracheid 绠″瓟||pore 鐏屾湪鏋楀湴||shrub land 骞夸箟娉曟鏋梶|generalized normal forest; 鍙堢О“涓€鑸硶姝f灄”銆?br />瑙勫畾鐏儳||prescribed burning; 鍙堢О“璁″垝鐏儳”銆?br />瑙勫垯寮弢|formal style, regular style 褰掑爢||bunching 杈婄瓛骞茬嚗鏈簗|roller dryer 杈婃秱鏈簗|roller coater 婊氱瓛鐮傚厜鏈簗|drum sanding 鍥介檯鍘熸湪鏉跨Н琛▅|international log rule 鍥藉澶╃劧鍏洯||national park 鍥藉湡鏁存不||land reclamation 鍥借惀鏋楀満||state owned forest farm 鍥芥湁鏋梶|national forest 鍥芥湁鏋楀尯||national forest area 鏋滅||fruit hedge 杩囦紣||over cut, excessive felling 杩囩儹钂告苯骞茬嚗||superheated steam drying 杩囩啛鏋梶|overmature forest 鍝堣开缃憒|Hartig net 娴锋帓||ocean-going raft 娴锋澗浜岀儻||pimaradiene 娴锋澗閰稿瀷鏍戣剛閰竱|pimaric type acid 娴锋澗鐑穦|pimarane 鍚按鐜囨搴|moisture gradient 鏃辩敓鏍戠||xerophilous tree species 姹夊吂鍒╁厠鍏紡||Hanzlik's formula 鑸┖鏉愮Н琛▅|aerial volume table 鑸┖鎶ゆ灄||aerial forest fire protection 鍙烽敜||marking hammer 鍙峰嵃||log mark 鍚堟垚妯熻剳||synthetic camphor 鍚堟帓||joining rafts 娌冲哺渚佃殌||bank erosion 娌崇粻||boom 瑜愬彉||brown stain 瑜愯厫||brown rot 榛戠偔||black charcoal 榛戝績鏉恷|black heart 榛戞恫||black liquor 妯渤缁爘|transverse boom 妯埅||cross cutting 妯垏闈|cross section, transverse section; 鍙堢О“妯埅闈?rdquo;銆?br />妯汗鎶楀壀寮哄害||shear strength perpendicular to grain 妯汗鎶楁媺寮哄害||tensile strength perpendicular to grain 妯汗鎶楀帇寮哄害||compression strength perpendicular to grain 妯悜鍒囧墛||transverse-longitudinal cutting 鎭掔画鏋梶|continuous forest 绾㈠彉||red stain 绾㈣厫||red rot 绾㈡爲鏋梶|mangrove forest 绾㈠鎺㈢伀浠獆|infrared fire detector 绾㈠績鏉恷|red heart 鍚庡闀垮害||bucking allowance 鍚庝紣||removal cutting 鍚庡浐鍖東|postcure 鍚庢湡鑵愭溄||advanced decay 鑳′集灏旀眰绉紡||Huber's formula; 鍙堢О“涓ぎ鏂潰绉眰绉紡”銆?br />鐙愬熬閿瘄|drag saw 鎶ゅ哺鏋梶|stream bank protection forest 鎶ょ墽鏋梶|pasture protection forest 浜掓儬鍏辩敓||mutualistic symbiosis 鑺辨牸瀛愭灦||trellis 鑺卞||flower border 鑺辩||flower hedge 鑺辨鏋秥|pergola 鑺遍潚瀹殀|cyanidin 鑺辫壊绱爘|anthocyanidin 鑺卞潧||flower bed 鑺卞洯||garden 鍗庡か鍒ㄨ姳||wafer 鍗庡か鍒ㄨ姳鏉縷|wafer board 鍗庡か鍒ㄨ姳鏈簗|waferizer 婊戦亾||chute, slide 婊戦亾闆嗘潗||chuting 婊戝潯||landslide, slip 鍒掔嚎涓嬮敮||pattern line sawing 鍖栨劅浣滅敤||allelopathy; 鍙堢О“寮傜鍏嬬敓”銆?br />鍖栧[鏈╙娴唡|chemical [wood] pulp 鍖栧闃叉不||chemical control 鍖栧鐏伀||inhibition 鍖栧纾ㄦ湪娴唡|chemical-ground pulp 鍖栧閫忓厜浼恷|chemical cleaning 鐜澏鎬ф簝鐤|target canker 鐜缁垮寲||environmental greening 鐜瓟鏉恷|ring-porous wood 鐜||ring shake 鐜樆娉晐|banding 鑽掑湴||waste land, wild land 鑽掓紶鍖東|desertification 鑽掓邯渚佃殌||torrent erosion 鑽掓邯娌荤悊||torrent control 榛勯叜绫诲寲鍚堢墿||flavonoids 榛勭兎閱噟|flavanol 鐏版澘鏉|lath 鍥炵┖绱|haulback line 鍥炶壊||color reversion 娣蜂氦鏂规硶||pattern of mixture 娣蜂氦绫诲瀷||type of mixture 娣蜂氦鏋梶|mixed forest 娲诲湴琚墿灞倈|ground vegetation 娲荤儳||live burning 娲绘€х偔||active carbon, activated carbon 鐏枻||fire scar 鐏毚||fire storm 鐏満鍨媩|burn pattern 鐏儓搴|fire severity 鐏敁寤秥|fire spread 鐏己搴|fire intensity 鐏儳杩瑰湴||burned area 鐏敓鎬亅|fire ecology 鐏娍||fire behavior; 鍙堢О“鐏涓?rdquo;銆傛寚鍙劧鐗╃潃鐏€佽敁寤躲€佹墿澶у憟鐜扮殑鐘舵€併€?br />鐏ご||fire head 鐏熬||fire rear 鐏櫓||fire danger 鐏櫓绾|fire danger rating 鐏櫓棰戝害||fire frequency 鐏櫓鏈焲|fire danger season 鐏櫓鍖簗|fire danger division 鐏櫓澶╂皵||fire danger weather 鐏櫓澶╂皵棰勬姤||fire weather forecast 鐏櫓鍥緗|fire risk map 鐏櫓鎸囨爣||fire danger index 鐏棆椋巪|fire whirl 鐏劙浼犳挱閫熷害||rate of flame spread 鐏紭||fire edge 璐у竵鏀惰幏琛▅|money yield table 鍩虹绉嶆||foundation planting 鍩哄洜璧勬簮||genetic resources 鏈洪檷鐏伀闃焲|helitack crew 鏈烘鐤忎紣||mechanical thinning 鍚変竵铏珅|flatheaded borer 闆嗘潗||skidding, yarding 闆嗘潗鍦簗|upper landing, forest depot; 鍙堢О“灞变笂妤炲満”銆?br />闆嗘潗閬搢|skidding road, skidding trail 闆嗘潗鏉唡|spar 闆嗘潗鏈烘||skidding machinery 闆嗘潗鎷栨媺鏈簗|skidder, logging tractor 闆嗘垚鍗曟澘||integrated veneer; 鍙堢О“闆嗘垚钖勬湪”銆?br />闆嗕綋鏋梶|collectively owned forest 闆嗙害鏋椾笟||intensive forestry 闆嗚繍鏈簗|forwarder 鎸ゆ秱鏈簗|extrusion coater 宸辫仛绯東|hexosan 绾康鍏洯||memorial park 澶归敮||binding, pinching 澶圭敓娴唡|undercooked pulp 澶瑰績鏉縷|sandwich panel 鍔犳嬁澶ч鑳秥|Canada balsam 鍔犻€熶镜铓€||accelerated erosion 鍔犳||wedging 鍔犲帇绾ょ淮鍒嗙||pressurized refining 鍔犲帇绾ょ淮鍒嗙鏈簗|pressurized refiner 鍋囧北||artificial hill 鍋囨||heel in 浠锋牸鐢熼暱||price increment; 鍙堢О“鑵捐吹鐢熼暱”銆?br />浠峰€煎钩鍒嗘硶||value frame work 鏋舵潌鍏滃嵏鏈簗|frame unloader 鏋舵潌瑁呰溅鏈簗|A-frame loader 鏋剁┖鍙噧鐗﹟|aerial fuels 鏋剁┖鍥瓅|hanging garden; 鍙堢О“鎮洯”銆?br />鍧氭湪鏍茶兌||quebracho extract 闂存柇寮€娌熸鏍戞満||intermittent furrow planter 闂存帴鎵戠伀||indirect fire suppression 妫€鏌ユ硶||method of control, control method, check method, examination method; 鍙堢О“绋芥牳娉?rdquo;銆?br />妫€灏洪暱||length class; 鍙堢О“闀跨骇”銆?br />妫€灏哄緞||diameter class 纰卞鐞唡|alkaline treatment 纰辨硶娴唡|alkali pulp 纰辨硶钂哥叜||alkaline cooking 纰辫€梶|alkali consumption 纰卞洖鏀秥|soda recovery 纰辨湪绱爘|alkali lignin 鍓崏鍧獆|mowing 鍓垏||clipping 鍓垏鏈簗|clipper 鍑忓弽鐜囨硶||Gentan probability method 閿畖|key 閿帴||keyed joint 娓愪紣||shelterwood cutting; 鏇剧敤鍚?ldquo;浼炰紣”銆?br />婧呰殌||splash erosion 娴嗘枡||stuff 娴嗙爩鐭宠胺鍧妡|mortar stone check dam 闄嶉洦渚佃殌||rainfall erosion 鐒︹棌閰竱|pyrogallic acid 鑳舵枒||glue stain 鑳跺悎鏉縷|plywood 鑳跺悎鏉挎潗||peeler log, veneer bolt 鑳舵帴||glued joint 鑳惰啘[绾竇||film adhesive 鑳跺洟||glue ball 浜ゅ弶妤瀨|cross pile 浜ら敊绾圭悊||interlocked grain 浜ょ粐||interfelting 鑴氭墜鏉唡|poles for scaffold 瑙掕||angle gauge 瑙掕甯告暟||basal area factor; 鍙堢О“鏂潰绉郴鏁?rdquo;銆?br />缁炵洏鏈簗|winch 缁炵洏鏈洪泦鏉恷|high lead yarding 杈冨樊娉晐|difference method 鎺ラ敮鏈簗|brazer 鐨嗕紣||clear cutting 琛楅亾鑺卞洯||street garden 琛楅亾缁垮湴||street green area 琛楅亾缁垮寲||street planting 琛楀潑鑺卞洯||neighbourhood garden 鎴ⅱ||topping 鎴ご閿瘄|trimmer 鑺傝厫||knot rot 鑺傚瓙||knot 瑙f斁浼恷|liberation cutting 閲戝睘绠旇创闈|metal foil overlay 绱у害||closeness 杩涚晫鐢熼暱||ingrowth 绂佺寧鍖簗|refuge, wildlife reserve 杩戠啛鏋梶|near-mature forest 娴歌兌[灞俔鍘媅缂鏈▅|compreg, compregnated wood 娴歌兌鏈▅|impreg 娴告彁鏉捐妭娌箌|steam distilled wood turpentine; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄦ澗鑺傛补”銆?br />娴告彁鏉鹃||steam distilled rosin, wood rosin; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄦ澗棣?rdquo;銆?br />娴告敞鎬|impregnatability 娴告笉||dipping 鑽嗘爲鏍茶兌||wattle extract, mimosa extract 绮剧(鏈簗|refiner 绮鹃€夋爲||elite tree 绮炬补||essential oil 绮惧埗鏉鹃||refined rosin 缁忔祹鎴愮啛||economical maturity 缁忔祹鏋梶|non-timber product forest; 鍩硅偛鏈ㄦ潗浠ュ鐨勫叾瀹冩灄浜у搧涓轰富鐨勬.鏋椼€?br />缁忔祹钃勭Н||economic volume 缁忕悊鏈焲|working plan period; 鍙堢О“鏂戒笟鏈?rdquo;銆?br />缁忛獙鏀惰幏琛▅|empirical yield table; 鍙堢О“鐜板疄鏀惰幏琛?rdquo;銆?br />缁忚惀绫诲瀷||working group, working section, management class; 鍙堢О“浣滀笟绾?rdquo;銆?br />缁忚惀鎷╀紣||management selection cutting, intensive selection cutting 寰勭骇鎷╀紣||diameter limit selection cutting, extensive selection cutting 寰勯樁||diameter grade, diameter class; 鍙堢О“寰勭骇”銆?br />寰勮||radial shake 寰勬祦绯绘暟||runoff coefficient 寰勫垏闈|radial section 寰勫悜涓嬮敮娉晐|center sawn 鍑€淇濇寔閲弢|net retention 鍑€闈㈡潗||clear cutting board 灞呬綇鍖哄叕鍥瓅|residential district park 灞呬綇鍖虹豢鍦皘|residential district green area 灞呬綇灏忓尯鑺卞洯||community park 灞€閮ㄥ垎甯冨尯浜у湴璇曢獙||limited range provenance trial 灞€閮ㄦ暣鍦皘|partial soil preparation 鑱氬悎鏉鹃||polymerized rosin 鎷掑彈鐐箌|refusal point, virtual refusal 鍏风紭绾瑰瓟[瀵筣||bordered pit [pair] 閿潗||sawn timber 閿潗鍘熸湪||saw log 閿満||sawing machine 閿摼閿夌(鏈簗|saw chain filing machine 閿矾||saw kerf 閿墫鍥緗|sawing pattern 閿垏鍗曟澘||sawn veneer 鍗峰彇||reeling 鍗蜂笣||curl 鍗风瓛鏈簗|reeling machine 缁濆褰㈢巼||absolute form quotient 鍧囧寑娓愪紣||uniform shelterwood cutting 鑿屾牴||mycorrhizae 鑿屾牴鐪熻弻||mycorrhizal fungi 鑿屽渻||fungus garden 寮€妲芥満||groover 寮€妲介敮||grooving saw 寮€鏀鹃檲鍖栨椂闂磡|open assembly time 寮€鏀炬€х己闄穦|open defect 寮€姒珅|tenoning 寮€姒満||tenoner 绯犻啗||furfural 鎶楁棻淇濆鑰曚綔||storing water tillage 鎶楀紶寮哄害||tensile strength 鏌粠鍕掗吀||chebulinic acid 鏌瓙閰竱|chebulic acid 澹宠剳閱涢吀||jalaric acid 鍙彉瀵嗗害鏀惰幏琛▅|variable density yield table 鍙彉鏍峰湴娉晐|variable plot method 鍙噧鐗╁惈姘撮噺||fuel moisture content 鍙噧鐗╃被鍨媩|fuel type 鍏?璐濈氦缁寸礌||Cross and Bevan cellulose 鍏嬫媺澶壒鍒嗙骇娉晐|Kraft's tree classification 鍏嬫媺鏉炬湪绱爘|Klason lignin 鍒绘Ы||impression 鍒荤棔||incising 鍨﹀||improvement of stand condition; 鎸囨繁鏉惧湡銆佸帇闈掋€佷慨鏋濄€侀櫎铇栫瓑缁煎悎鎶氳偛,涓昏鐢ㄤ簬缁忔祹鏋椼€?br />鍧戦亾绯荤粺||gallery pattern system 鍧戞湪||pit props, mine timber 绌虹粏鑳炴硶||empty-cell process 绌哄績缁嗘湪宸ユ澘||hollow-core board 瀛斿彛鎷︽矙鍧潀|sediment storage dam with hole 鏋珛鏈▅|snag, dead standing tree; 鍙堢О“绔欐潌”銆?br />鏋ⅱ鐥厊|die-back 鏋崯閲弢|mortality 鏋崯妯″瀷||mortality model 鏋灊钀藉彾灞倈|litter 鍧楃姸娓愪紣||group-shelterwood cutting 鍧楃姸鏁村湴||spot soil preparation 蹇€熻捀鐓畖|high speed cooking 瀹藉甫鐮傚厜鏈簗|wide-belt sanding 鐙傜噧鐏珅|conflagration fire 妗嗛敮||frame saw 鎹嗘湪绱|chocker 鎵╂暎娉晐|diffusion process 鎵╂暎娲楁钉||diffuser washing 鎵╁睍鎬ф簝鐤|diffuse canker 闃斿彾鏋梶|broad leaved forest 闃斿彾鏍戞潗||hardwood 闃斿彾鏍戝铏珅|pests of broadleaf trees 钃濆彉||blue stain; 鍙堢О“闈掑彉”銆?br />鎷︽湪鏋秥|catching trestle 鎷︽矙鍧潀|sediment storage dam 鎷︽按娌熷焸||retaining ditch and embankment 缂嗚溅閬搢|cable-railroad 缂嗙储璧烽噸鏈簗|cable crane 寤妡|gallery 鍔冲姩鐢熶骇鐜囨渶楂樻垚鐔焲|maturity of largest labor productivity 娑濇睜||pond 闆峰嚮鐏珅|lightning fire 妫遍暅瑙掕||prism, optical wedge; 鍙堢О“鍏夋”銆?br />妤炲爢||log pile, log stack 妤炲尯||log pile area, stacking area 鍐锋潐閱噟|abienol 鍐锋潐閰竱|abieninic acid 鍐锋潐棣欒兌||abies balsam 绡辨灦寮忔暣鏋潀|espalier 绂荤紳||gap, open joint 鐞嗚储鎴愮啛||financial maturity; 鍙堢О“璐㈡斂鎴愮啛”銆?br />閲屽厠姹傜Н寮弢|Riecker's formula 鏍楁湪鏍茶兌||chestnut extract 鍒╃敤鐜囨硶||utilization percent method, rational method; 鏇剧敤鍚?ldquo;瀛︾悊娉?rdquo;銆?br />绔嬪湴||site 绔嬪湴鍒嗙被||site classification 绔嬪湴绫诲瀷||site type 绔嬪湴璇勪环||site evaluation 绔嬮潰鍥緗|elevation 绔嬫湪||standing tree 绔嬫湪鏉愮Н琛▅|tree volume table 绔嬫湪搴|stocking percent 绔嬫湪鑵愭溄||decay of living tree 绔嬫湪钃勭Н[閲廬||growing stock 绮掕兌||seed lac 杩炲勾鐢熼暱閲弢|current annual increment 杩炲勾浣滀笟||annual working, current yield system 杩炵画寮€娌熸鏍戞満||continuous furrow planter 閾鹃敮||chain saw 閾惧紡杈撻€佹満||chain conveyor 閲忓昂||measuring for bucking 瑁傜幆||split ring 瑁傜汗||craze 鐚庡叿||hunting tackles 鏋梉涓氱敤]鍦皘|forestry land; 涓庨潪鏋楀湴鐩稿搴斻€?br />鏋楃彮||compartment 鏋椾骇鍖栧浜у搧||forest chemical products, silvichemicals; 绠€绉?ldquo;鏋楀寲浜у搧”銆?br />鏋椾骇鍖栧鍔犲伐瀛|chemical processing of forest products 鏋楀満||forest farm 鏋楀満缁忚惀妗f||management archives of forest farm 鏋楅亾||forest road 鏋楅亾瀵嗗害||forest road density 鏋楅亾缃憒|forest road network 鏋楀湴娓呯悊鏈烘||site preparation machinery 鏋楀湴鍦熷¥鏀硅壇||forest land amelioration 鏋楀垎||stand 鏋楀垎琛▅|stand table 鏋楀垎鍑烘潗鐜噟|outturn of stand 鏋楀垎璋冩煡鍥犲瓙||stand description factors 鏋楀垎鏀归€爘|stand improvement 鏋楀垎鏇存柊鏂圭▼||stand renewal equation 鏋楀垎缁撴瀯||stand structure 鏋楀垎缁忚惀娉晐|management by compartment; 鍙堢О“鏋楀垎缁忔祹娉?rdquo;銆?br />鏋楀垎瀵嗗害||stand density 鏋楀垎瀵嗗害鎺у埗鍥緗|stand density control diagram 鏋楀垎瀵嗗害鎸囨暟||stand density index 鏋楀垎璧锋簮||origin of stand 鏋楀垎鐢熼暱閲弢|stand growth 鏋楀垎鏀惰幏妯″瀷||stand yield model 鏋楀垎淇℃伅||stand information 鏋楀垎璐ㄩ噺||stand quality; 鍙堢О“鏋椾綅”銆?br />鏋楀垎缁勬垚||stand composition 鏋楀壇浜у搧||forest by-product 鏋楀啝灞倈|forest canopy 鏋楃伀||forest fire 鏋楃伀绛夌骇||forest fire size class 鏋楃伀绠$悊||forest fire management 鏋楃伀鐮村潖鍔泑|forest fire destructive power 鏋楃伀鎺㈡祴||forest fire detection 鏋楃伀閫氳绯荤粺||forest fire communication system 鏋楃伀宸℃姢鍛榺|fire patrol 鏋楃伀棰勬祴棰勬姤||forest fire prognosis and prediction 鏋楃伀棰勯槻||forest fire prevention 鏋楃伀绉嶇被||kinds of forest fire 鏋椾环||stumpage price, forest value; 鍙堢О“绔嬫湪浠?rdquo;銆?br />鏋楀喌璋冩煡||stand description 鏋楀喌鍏紡||formula of forest condition 鏋楅緞||stand age 鏋楅緞绌洪棿||age-class space 鏋楅緞鍚戦噺||age-class vector 鏋楅緞杞Щ姒傜巼||age-class-transition probability 鏋楁湪鍒嗙骇||tree classification 鏋楁湪鏀硅壇||forest tree improvement 鏋楁湪娓呭崟鏂囦欢||tree list file 鏋楁湪鐢熼暱棰勬祴绯荤粺||tree growth projection system 鏋楁湪淇℃伅||tree information 鏋楁湪閫夋嫨||selection of tree 鏋楁湪寮曠||introduction of exotic species 鏋楁湪鑲茬瀛|forest tree improvement, forest tree breeding 鏋楁湪绉嶅瓙||forest tree seed 鏋楀尯鍏矾||forest highway 鏋楃浉||forest form 鏋楃浉鍥緗|stock map, stand map 鏋楀瀷||forest type 鏋楀||forest science, forestry 鏋椾笟||forestry 鏋椾笟娉曡||forestry regulation 鏋椾笟宸ョ▼瀛|forest engineering 鏋椾笟鏈烘||forestry machinery 鏋椾笟璁″垝浣撶郴||forestry planning system 鏋椾笟缁忔祹||forest economy 鏋椾笟缁忔祹瀛|forest economics 鏋椾笟灞€||forest enterprise; 鎸囦紒涓氬眬銆?br />鏋椾笟灞€鎬讳綋璁捐||overall project of forest enterprises 鏋椾笟鍙瞸|forestry history 鏋椾笟鏀跨瓥||forest policy 鏋楃敤榫欓棬璧烽噸鏈簗|forestry gantry crane 鏋楃敤瑁呭嵏妗|forestry overhead travelling crane 鏋椾腑绌哄湴||clearing 鏋楃||forest category 涓存椂鑻楀渻||temporary nursery 涓存椂鏍峰湴||temporary sample plot; 鍙堢О“涓存椂鏍囧噯鍦?rdquo;銆?br />槌炵墖鐘朵镜铓€||squamose erosion 娣嬪け||leaching 娣嬫秱鏈簗|curtain coater 娣嬫礂渚佃殌||leaching erosion 鑿卞舰鍙樺舰||diamonding 榫勭骇||age class 榫勭骇姣斾緥杞紣闈㈢Н||proportionate area by age class 榫勭骇琛▅|age-class table 榫勭骇娉晐|age class method 榫勭骇鏈焲|age-class period 榫勯樁||age gradation 榫勭粍||age group 纭吀鐩愭祮||kraft pulp, sulfate pulp 纭吀鐩愭湪绱爘|kraft lignin 纭吀鐩愭澗鑺傛补||sulfate turpentine 鐣欏鸡||holding wood, leave 鐦ら攬鐥厊|gall rust 娴佸姩娌欎笜||active dune 娴佹矙||shifting sand 娴佸煙绠$悊||watershed management 鏌宠胺鍧妡|willow pile check dam 榫欒剳||borneol 妤紎|storied building 婕忕獥||leaking window 婕忓埁||skip-in-planing 璺墮||curbstone; 鍙堢О“娌跨煶”銆?br />姘寲鏈ㄧ礌||chlorinated lignin 姘寲鏉鹃||chlorinated rosin 婊ゆ按鎬|drainability 缁垮湴||green area, green space 缁垮湴瑕嗙洊鐜噟|green cover percentage 缁垮寲||greening 缁挎偿||dregs 缁挎恫||green liquor 缁挎床||oasis 杞昂||caliper, diameter-gauge 杞紣鏈焲|rotation, regulatory rotation age 铻洪拤鎺ュ悎||screw joint 铻烘棆绾圭悊||spiral grain 缃楁眽鏉剧兎||podocarpane 缃楀嫆鐑瘄|ocimene 瑁告牴鑻梶|bareroot seedling 钀藉彾闃斿彾鏋梶|deciduous broadleaved forest 钀藉彾鏉炬牪鑳秥|larch extract 钀介拡鐥厊|needle cast 椹潵鏉鹃||maleated rosin 鍩嬫潯閫犳灄||planting by layerings; 鍙堢О“鍩嬪共閫犳灄”銆?br />婊$粏鑳炴硶||full-cell process 鑺掓灉鑳秥|mango gum 姣涙澘涓嬮敮娉晐|through-and-through sawing 姣涜竟鏉恷|unedged lumber 姣涘竷闈|felt side 姣涘埡||fuzzy grain, woolly grain 姣涙柟||cant 姣涙澗棣檤|barras 姣涙鑺卞潧||carpet bed 姣忔湪璋冩煡||tally; 鍙堢О“姣忔湪妫€灏?rdquo;銆?br />缇庡浗鐧借浘||American white moth 钀岃娊鏇存柊||regeneration from sprouts 鍏嶈€曟硶||no tillage 闈㈠眰||covering, surface layer 闈㈢Н鎺у埗娉晐|area control method, area regulation method 闈㈢Н骞冲垎娉晐|area frame work, area period method 闈㈣殌||surface erosion 鑻楀簥||seedbed 鑻楁湪||nursery stock, planting stock 鑻楁湪鍖呰||seedling packing 鑻楁湪鍑哄渻||outplanting 鑻楁湪鎵撳寘鏈簗|seedling packing machine 鑻楁湪鍒嗙骇||seedling sorting 鑻楁湪绉绘鏈簗|seedling transplanter 鑻楁湪璐棌||seedling storage 鏄庡瓙||light wood, stump wood 鍚嶈儨||famous site, tourist interest 妯℃嫙[妫灄]璋冩煡鏁版嵁鏇存柊||simulated inventory data updating 纾ㄦ祮鏈簗|attrition mill 纾ㄩ敮鏈簗|saw sharpener 纾ㄦ湪娴唡|groundwood pulp, mechanical pulp 纾ㄦ湪鏈ㄧ礌||milled wood lignin 鎶瑰ご||heading back 姣嶅潙閬搢|mother gallery 姣嶆爲||seed tree 姣嶆爲鏋梶|seed production stand 澧撳洯||cemetery 鏈ㄦ澘閬搢|plank road, fore-and-aft road 鏈ㄦ潗||wood 鏈ㄦ潗璐ュ潖||wood deterioration 鏈ㄦ潗淇濈||log preservation and management, wood protection in storag 鏈ㄦ潗淇濇姢||wood protection 鏈ㄦ潗鍙樿壊||wood stain 鏈ㄦ潗鏍囧噯||timber standard, log standard 鏈ㄦ潗鍙夎溅||log fork-lift truck 鏈ㄦ潗鍑烘渤||dewatering, hauling up logs from water 鏈ㄦ潗鑸硅繍||wood barging 鏈ㄦ潗鐨勫悇鍚戝紓鎬|anisotropy of wood 鏈ㄦ潗绛夌骇||log grade 鏈ㄦ潗璋冩嫧||log allotment; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄦ潗鏀嫧”銆?br />鏈ㄦ潗闃茶厫||wood preservation 鏈ㄦ潗闃茶厫鍓倈|wood preservative 鏈ㄦ潗鑵愭溄||wood decay 鏈ㄦ潗骞查||wood destructive distillation 鏈ㄦ潗骞茬缉||wood shrinkage 鏈ㄦ潗骞茬嚗||wood drying 鏈ㄦ潗骞茬嚗绐憒|lumber dry kiln 鏈ㄦ潗宸ヨ壓瀛|wood technology 鏈ㄦ潗鏋勯€爘|structure of wood, wood structure 鏈ㄦ潗褰掓||piling, stacking, banking 鏈ㄦ潗杩囧潩||transfer logs over dam 鏈ㄦ潗鑺辩汗||wood figure 鏈ㄦ潗鍖栧||wood chemistry 鏈ㄦ潗鍖栧鍙樿壊||wood chemical stain 鏈ㄦ潗鍔犲伐瀛|wood processing 鏈ㄦ潗妫€灏簗|log scaling 鏈ㄦ潗闄嗚繍||log land transportation 鏈ㄦ潗璐告槗||timber trade 鏈ㄦ潗鑶ㄨ儉||wood swelling; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄦ潗娑﹁儉”銆?br />鏈ㄦ潗鐮寸||hogging 鏈ㄦ潗璧烽噸杈撻€佹満姊皘|log handling and conveying machinery 鏈ㄦ潗姘斿寲||wood gasification 鏈ㄦ潗鍒囧墛||wood cutting, wood machining 鏈ㄦ潗鐑В||wood pyrolysis 鏈ㄦ潗锠曞彉||creep of wood 鏈ㄦ潗鐢熶骇||timber production 鏈ㄦ潗璇嗗埆||wood identification; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄦ潗閴村埆”銆?br />鏈ㄦ潗甯傚満||timber market 鏈ㄦ潗姘磋В||wood hydrolysis 鏈ㄦ潗姘磋繍||log transportation by water 鏈ㄦ潗鐐寲||wood carbonization 鏈ㄦ潗绯東|wood sugars 鏈ㄦ潗鎻愬彇鐗﹟|wood extractives 鏈ㄦ潗鍗歌溅||timber unloading 鏈ㄦ潗瀛|wood science, wood technology 鏈ㄦ潗铔€瀛斿铏珅|wood boring insect 鏈ㄦ潗璐瓨||log storage 鏈ㄦ潗瑁呰溅||log loading 鏈ㄦ潗瑁呰浇鏈簗|log loader 鏈ㄦ潗缁煎悎鍒╃敤||wood comprehensive utilization 鏈ㄦ潗闃荤噧||fire-retarding of wood 鏈ㄦ潗闃荤噧鍓倈|wood fire retardant 鏈ㄩ唻娑瞸|pyroligneous liquor 鏈ㄦ||billet, bolt 鏈ㄦ瀹氬績||centering 鏈ㄦ瑁呮満||log charging 鏈ㄩ厷绱爘|lignan; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄨ剛绱?rdquo;銆?br />鏈ㄧ矇||wood flour 鏈ㄨ渹||carpenter bee 鏈ㄨ厫鑿寍|wood decay fungi 鏈ㄥ伐杞﹀簥||lathe 鏈ㄥ伐鏈烘||wood working machinery, wood processing machine 鏈ㄥ伐閾e簥||milling machine 鏈ㄦ粦閬搢|timber chute 鏈ㄦ祮||wood pulp 鏈ㄧ劍娌箌|wood tar 鏈ㄧ簿||wood spirit; 鍙堢О“鐢查唶”銆?br />鏈ㄨ仛绯東|xylan 鏈ㄦ崋鎺掕繍||bundle rafting 鏈ㄦ播闈抾|wood pitch 鏈ㄧ叅姘攟|wood gas 鏈ㄦ帓||raft 鏈ㄦ帓鎷栬疆||tug boat 鏈ㄧ墖||chip 鏈ㄧ墖鎵撳寘鏈簗|chip packing machine 鏈ㄧ墖椋庨€佹満||chip blower 鏈ㄧ墖鏂欎粨||chip bin 鏈ㄧ墖姘存礂||chip washing 鏈ㄧ墖杩愯緭杞|chip van 鏈ㄧ墖钂哥叜||chip steaming 鏈ㄥ皠绾縷|wood ray, xylem ray 鏈ㄤ笣||excelsior, wood wool 鏈ㄤ笣鍒ㄥ垏||wood wool machining 鏈ㄧ礌-纰虫按鍖栧悎鐗╁鍚堜綋||lignin-carbohydrate complex 鏈ㄧ礌||lignin; 鍙堢О“鏈ㄨ川绱?rdquo;銆?br />鏈ㄧ礌鍒嗚В||lignolysis 鏈ㄧ礌鍘熶綋||lignin precursor 鏈ㄧ偔||charcoal 鏈ㄧ硸||xylose 鏈ㄧ硸閱噟|xylitol 鏈ㄥ績||core 鏈ㄨ殎||carpenter ant 鏈ㄦ潅閰氭补||wood creosote 鏈ㄥ埗鍝亅|wooden article 鏈ㄨ川閮▅|xylem 鏈ㄨ川閱噟|lignols 鏈ㄨ川鍖東|lignification 鏈ㄨ川鍖栫氦缁磡|lignified fiber 鏈ㄨ川浜洪€犳澘||wood-based panel; 绠€绉?ldquo;浜洪€犳澘”銆?br />鏈ㄨ牴铔緗|carpenter moth 鐩爣鏋梶|objective forest 鑰愬瘨鏍戠||winter hardy tree species 鑰愮伀鏋侀檺||limit of fire resistance 鑰愮牬搴|burst 鑰愭弶鎬|crumpling resistance 鑰愯崼鏍戠||shade-tolerant tree species 鑰愭姌搴|folding endurance 鑰愮毐鎬|crease resistance 鍐呯儹[骞查]閲渱|internal gas-heated retort 鍐呯敓鑿屾牴||endomycorrhiza 鍐呭鐢熻弻鏍箌|ectendotrophic mycorrhiza 鍐呰幇鐑瘄|endocamphene 鑳芥簮鏋梶|energy forest 娉ユ祦||mudflow 娉ユ矙杈撶Щ姣攟|sediment delivery ratio, SDR 娉ョ煶娴亅|debris flow 娉ョ煶娴佷镜铓€||debris flow erosion 鎷熶镜濉綋||tylosoid 閫嗛摚||up milling, conventional milling 骞翠紣閲弢|annual cut, annual yield 骞翠紣闈㈢Н||annual coupe, annual cutting area 骞磋疆||annual ring 楦熺被淇濇姢鍖簗|bird sanctuary 楦熺灠鍥緗|bird's-eye view 鏌犳娌箌|lemon oil 鐗涢】姹傜Н寮弢|Newton's formula 鎵洸||twisting, winding 鍐滄灄澶嶅悎鐢熸€佺郴缁焲|integral agroforestry ecosystem 鍐滅敯闃叉姢鏋梶|farmland shelter-belt 鎺掕妭||raft section 鎺掓崋||raft bundle 鎺掕繍||rafting; 淇楃О“鏀炬帓”銆?br />鏀€缂樻鐗﹟|climbing plants, twining plants 鎶涙湪鏈簗|log kicker, log ejecter 鍒ㄨ姳鏉縷|particle board, chipboard; 鍙堢О“纰庢枡鏉?rdquo;銆?br />鍒ㄨ姳鎵撶(鏈簗|chip grinder 鍒ㄨ姳璁¢噺||chip metering 鍒ㄨ姳妯″帇||particle moulding 鍒ㄧ墖||flaking 鍒ㄧ墖鏈簗|flaker 鍒ㄥ垏鍗曟澘||sliced veneer 鍒ㄥ垏鏈簗|veneer slicer 璺戣溅||carriage 璺戦敮鏉恷|miss cut lumber 鍠疯兌鏈簗|glue sprayer 鍠锋硥||fountain 鍠锋秱鏈簗|spraying coater 鐩嗘櫙||penjing, miniature landscape, bonsai 鐗囪殌||sheet erosion 婕傜櫧||bleach 婕傜櫧娴唡|bleach pulp 婕傜櫧绱兌||bleached lac 婕傜巼||bleachability 鎷兼帴||jointing 棰戝帇娉晐|alternating pressure process 骞虫澘骞茬嚗鏈簗|plate-press dryer 骞冲垎娉晐|frame work method, allotment methods; 鍙堢О“鍒嗘湡娉?rdquo;銆?br />骞宠 鍚按鐜噟|equilibrium moisture content 骞冲潎鏍囧噯鏈ㄦ硶||method of mean sample tree, mean tree method 骞冲潎鏈▅|average tree; 鍙堢О“涓ぎ鏈?rdquo;銆?br />骞冲潎骞寸敓闀块噺||mean annual increment 骞冲埁鏈簗|planer, surfacer 鍧″湴妞嶆爲鏈簗|steep slope tree planter 鍧″紡姊敯||sloping terrace; 鍙堢О“瀹藉焸姊敯”銆?br />鎵戠伀||fire suppression 閾鸿崏鐨畖|turfing 閾哄湴璁捐||paving design 閾鸿||felting 閾鸿鏈簗|felting machine 钁¤仛绯東|glucan, glucosan 钁$硸閱涢吀鏈ㄨ仛绯東|glucuronoxylan 鐎戝竷||water fall 鏈熷垵钃勭Н||initial volume 鏈熶腑鏁版嵁鏇存柊||midcycle data updating 婕嗛厷||laccol 婕嗚湣||lacquer wax 婕嗛叾||laccase 婕嗗彾鏍茶兌||sumach extract 姝у寲鏉鹃||disproportionated rosin 榻愯竟||trimming 璧疯剨瑁呰溅娉晐|ridging loading method 璧疯嫍||lifting [of seedlings] 璧疯嫍鏈簗|seedling lifter, plant lifter 璧疯嫍鑱斿悎鏈簗|seedling harvester 璧峰鍓傞噺鍊紎|threshold value 璧烽湝||bloom 姘斿共鏉恷|air-seasoned timber 姘旂悆闆嗘潗||balloon logging 姘旂敓妞嶇墿||aerial plant 姹借溅鍒楄溅杩愭潗||truck-trailer log hauling 姹借溅杩愭潗||log transportation by truck, truck hauling 姹藉皠娉晐|steam blow, vapour injection process; 鍙堢О“钂告苯鍠峰皠娉?rdquo;銆?br />姹芥补鍔ㄥ姏閾鹃敮||gasoline powered chain saw, chain saw; 绠€绉?ldquo;娌归敮”銆?br />鐗靛紩绱|haul line, main line 娴呰壊鏉鹃||pale rosin 鏋敞娉晐|gun-injection process 澧欏洯||wall garden 寮哄寲鏉鹃||fortified rosin 涔旀灄||high forest 涔旀湪灞倈|tree stratum 缈樻洸||warp, warping, distortion 鍒囨牴鏈簗|root cutter 鍒囨矡渚佃殌||gully erosion 鍒囩鏈簗|cutter mill 鍒囨潯鏈簗|cutting cutter 鍒囧墛宕╃棔||chipped grain 鍒囧墛娉㈢汗||raised grain 鍒囧墛娌熺棔||torn grain; 鍙堢О“姣涘埡娌熺棔”銆?br />绐冭牴||furniture beetle, drug store beetle 渚佃殌鍩哄噯闈|erosion basis 渚佃殌妯℃暟||erosion modulus 渚靛~浣搢|tylosis 杞诲害鐏儳||light burn 姘㈠寲鏉鹃||hydrogenated rosin 娓呯悊鐏満||mopping up 鐞冩灉閲囬泦鏈簗|cone harvesting machine 鐞冩灉閲囨憳鏈簗|cone picking machine 鐞冩灉骞茬嚗鏈簗|cone kiln 鐞冩灉鐮寸鏈簗|cone breaker 鐞冩灉鑴辩矑鏈簗|seed extractor 鐞冩灉閿堢梾||cone rust 鐞冭殰||gall aphid 鍖哄垎姹傜Н||sectional measurement 鍖哄叕鍥瓅|district park 鍖哄垝杞紣娉晐|division into annual coupes 鍘荤繀鏈簗|dewinger 鍘诲姡绉嶅瓙鍥瓅|rogued seed orchard 鍘荤毊鏉愮Н||volume inside bark 鍘荤毊鐩村緞||diameter inside bark, DIB 鍏ㄥ垎甯冨尯浜у湴璇曢獙||wide range provenance trial 鍏ㄩ潰鐢ㄧ伀||broadcast burning 鍏ㄩ潰鏁村湴||overall soil preparation 鍏ㄧ儳||clean burn 鍏ㄦ爲鍒╃敤||whole-tree utilization, complete-tree utilization 鍏ㄦ爲鍓婄墖鏈簗|whole-tree chipper 缂鸿兌鎺ュ悎||starve joint 缇ょ姸閰嶇疆||group spacing 缇ょ姸鎷╀紣||group-selection cutting 鐕冪儳杩囩▼||combustion process 鐕冪儳闃舵||combustion phases 鐕冪儳澶遍噸鐜噟|rate of lostmass after fire 鐕冪儳绯荤粺||combustion system 鐕冪儳瑕佺礌||components of combustion 鎯圭儻||retene 鐑甫闆ㄦ灄||tropical rain forest 鐑喎妲芥硶||hot and cold bath process 鐑ā娉晐|thermodyn process 鐑(鏈簗|defibrator 鐑帇||hot pressing 鐑帇鏈簗|hot press 浜哄伐淇冭繘鏇存柊||artificial measures promoting regeneration 浜哄伐骞茬嚗||artificial seasoning 浜哄伐鏇存柊||artificial reforestation 浜哄伐娣蜂氦鏋梶|mixture plantation 浜哄伐鏋梶|forest plantation, man-made forest 浜哄伐鍖哄垝娉晐|artificial division method 浜哄姏闆嗘潗||manual skidding 浜轰负渚佃殌||anthropogenic erosion 浜洪€犳澘鏈烘||wood based panel manufacturing machinery 闊х毊閮▅|phloem, bast 闊х毊绾ょ淮||phloem fiber, bast fiber 鏃ョ伡||sunscald 铻嶉洩渚佃殌||snow melt erosion 婧惰В[鏈╙鐒︽补||soluble wood tar 瀹瑰櫒鑻梶|container seedling 瀹瑰櫒鑻楁牻妞嶅櫒||planting tube 瀹瑰櫒鑲茶嫍瑁呮挱鏈簗|filling and sowing equipment for containerset 瀹瑰櫒鍒朵綔鏈簗|containerset making machine 瀹硅閲囦紣鍗曚綅||allowable cutting unit 瀹硅閲囦紣閲弢|allowable cut 鏌旇蒋鎬|softness 鑲夋[鐨甝娌箌|cassia oil 鑲夐妞嶇墿||carnivorus plant 杞厫||soft rot 杞祮||soft pulp 杞湪||cork; 鍙堢О“鏍撶毊”銆?br />杞湪鏉縷|cork board 杞湪绾竱|cork sheet 杞湪鐮東|cork block 杞川绾ょ淮鏉縷|insulation board 杞煗||broad-base terrace 鎾掓挱||broadcast sowing 涓夐潰涓嬮敮娉晐|three-faced sawing 涓夊厓鏉愮Н琛▅|three-way volume table 鏁e瓟鏉恷|diffuse porous wood 妗戝瘎鐢焲|parasite scurrula 妫灄||forest 妫灄淇濇姢||forest protection 妫灄淇濇姢鏈烘||forest protection machinery 妫灄鐥呯悊瀛|forest pathology 妫灄閲囦紣||forest harvesting 妫灄閲囪繍||logging 妫灄閲囪繍宸ョ▼||logging engineering, forest engineering 妫灄娴嬭瀛|forest mensuration; 鍙堢О“娴嬫爲瀛?rdquo;銆?br />妫灄鎴愮啛||forest maturity 妫灄鎴愬浘||forest mapping 妫灄鎶芥牱璋冩煡||forest inventory by using sampling method 妫灄璋冩煡||forest inventory; 鍙堢О“妫灄娓呮煡”銆?br />妫灄鍔ㄧ墿||forest animals 妫灄鍒嗗竷鍥緗|forest map 妫灄鎶氳偛鏈烘||forest cultivation machinery 妫灄鑵愭畺璐▅|forest humus 妫灄瑕嗙洊鐜噟|forest coverage, percentage of forest cover 妫灄鏀硅壇鍦熷¥||amelioration with protection forest 妫灄宸ヤ笟||forest industry 妫灄鍏洯||forest park 妫灄鑸┖璋冩煡||forest aerial survey 妫灄鐜||forest environment 妫灄杈冨埄瀛|forest statics 妫灄缁忕悊璋冩煡||forest management inventory; 鍙堢О“浜岀被璋冩煡”銆?br />妫灄缁忕悊澶嶆煡||revision of working plan, revision of forest management plan; 鍙堢О“妫灄缁忚惀鏂规鐨勪慨璁?rdquo;銆?br />妫灄缁忕悊瑙勭▼||forest management rules 妫灄缁忕悊瀛|forest management 妫灄缁忚惀||forest management 妫灄缁忚惀鏂规||forest working plan, forest management plan; 鍙堢О“妫灄鏂戒笟妗?rdquo;銆?br />妫灄寮€鍙憒|forest exploitation 妫灄鍙強搴|accessibility of forest 妫灄鏄嗚櫕||forest insect 妫灄鏄嗚櫕瀛|forest entomology 妫灄鍒╃敤瀛|forest utilization 妫灄鑻楀渻||forest nursery 妫灄鑳介噺骞宠 ||energy equilibrium in forest 妫灄鍩硅偛瀛|silviculture; 鍙堢О“閫犳灄瀛?rdquo;銆?br />妫灄璇勪环||forest valuation; 鏇剧敤鍚?ldquo;鏋椾环绠楁硶”銆?br />妫灄鏈熸湜浠穦|expectation value of forest 妫灄姘斿€檤|forest climate 妫灄姘旇薄瀛|forest meteorology 妫灄鍖哄垝||forest division 妫灄缇よ惤||forest community 妫灄鐢熸€佺郴缁焲|forest ecosystem 妫灄鐢熸€佸||forest ecology 妫灄鐢熺墿瀛|forest biology 妫灄鏀惰幏妯℃嫙妯″瀷||forest harvesting simulation model 妫灄姘存枃||forest hydrology 妫灄閾佽矾||forest railroad 妫灄鍦熷¥||forest soil 妫灄鍦熷¥瀛|forest soil science 妫灄鏃犳€ф洿鏂皘|vegetative forest regeneration 妫灄鐗╄川寰幆||mineral cycling in forest, material cycling in forest 妫灄绾縷|forest line, forest limit; 鍙堢О“妫灄鐣岄檺”銆?br />妫灄娑堥槻杞|forest fire-fighting caravan 妫灄鏁堢泭||forest effect 妫灄閬椾紶瀛|forest genetics 妫灄姘哥画鍒╃敤||sustained yield of forest; 鍙堢О“妫灄姘哥画鏀惰幏”銆?br />妫灄娓镐箰||forest recreation 妫灄绉嶅瓙鏇存柊||forest regeneration from seeds 妫灄杞Щ绋冲畾鎬|forest transition stability 妫灄璧勬簮||forest resources 妫灄璧勬簮浠g爜||forest resource code 妫灄璧勬簮妗f||forest resource archives, forest resource record 妫灄璧勬簮杩炵画娓呮煡||continuous forest inventory 妫灄璧勬簮璇勪环绯荤粺||forest resources evaluation system 妫灄璧勬簮鏁版嵁搴搢|forest resource data base 妫灄璧勬簮淇℃伅绯荤粺||forest resource information system 妫灄浣滀笟娉晐|silvicultural system 妫搧鏈鸿溅||logging locomotive, dinkey 妫搧鍙拌溅||forestry railroad car, disconnected truck 妫搧杩愭潗||forest railroad transportation 鐮傚厜||sanding 鐮傚厜鏈簗|sanding machine 娌欐紶||desert 娌欐紶鍖東|desertization 娌欎笜||dune 娌欎笜閾緗|chain of sand dunes 娌欓殰||checkerboard protection 绛涢€夋満||screen, sieve machine 鏉夋湪娌箌|san-mou oil 灞辫媿瀛愭补||litsea cubeba oil, litsea citrata oil 灞辫揪娴锋澗閰竱|Sandaracopimaric acid 灞辨椽鎺掑宸ョ▼||torrential flood drainage works 灞辨椽渚佃殌||torrential flood erosion 灞卞潯闃叉姢鏋梶|slope protection forest 灞卞潯鎴祦娌焲|drainage ditch on slope 灞卞潯姘村湡淇濇寔宸ョ▼||technical measures of soil and water conservation on slope 灞辨按鍥瓅|mountain and water garden 鍟嗗搧鏉恷|merchantable log 涓奫閿痌鍙|felling cut; 淇楃О“涓婃”銆?br />涓婂眰鐤忎紣||crown thinning, thinning from above 涓婃柟閬崼||overhead shading 姊㈠ご鏈▅|topwood 鐑х⒈娉曟祮||soda pulp 灏勭嚎绠¤優||ray tracheid 浼搁暱鐜噟|tensile stretch 娣辫€曟硶||deep ploughing 娣辨牻閽诲瓟鏈簗|deep planting auger 娓楀嚭鎬|leachability 鐢熸潗||green wood 鐢熼暱鍑芥暟||growth function 鐢熼暱閲忔硶||growth method 鐢熼暱鐜噟|growth percentage 鐢熼暱杞畖|growth ring 鐢熼暱妯″瀷||growth model 鐢熼暱搴斿姏||growth stress 鐢熼暱閿|increment borer 鐢熸紗||Chinese lacquer; 鍙堢О“澶ф紗”銆?br />鐢熺墿鍦扮悊缇よ惤||biogeocoenosis 鐢熺墿闃叉不||biological control 鐢熺墿鍦坾|biosphere 鐢熺墿鍦堜繚鎶ゅ尯||biosphere reserve 鐢熺墿璧勬簮||living resources 鐩涚噧鏃舵湡||burning period 鏂借兌||glue blending, sizing 鏂戒笟鍖簗|working unit, working circle 婀垮湴鏉鹃吀||elliotinoic acid 婀挎硶||wet-process 婀挎鼎鎬|wettability 婀跨敓鏍戠||hygrophilous tree species 婀跨ǔ鎬|hygro-stability 鐭冲亣灞眧|rockery 鐭崇鐑瘄|caryophyllene 椋熻弻灏忚牴||ambrosia beetle 椋熷彾瀹宠櫕||defoliator 瀹炵Н||solid content 瀹為檯鏀惰幏琛▅|actual yield table 瀹炴||solid pile, close pile 瀹炵敓鑻楃瀛愬洯||seedling seed orchard 瀹炰綋鏈ㄦ潗||solid wood; 绠€绉?ldquo;瀹炴湪”銆?br />瀹為獙褰㈡暟||experimental form factor 閫傚湴閫傛爲||matching species with the site 瀹ゅ唴鑺卞洯||indoor garden, house garden 瀹ゅ唴妞嶇墿||house plant, indoor plant 鏀惰幏琛▅|yield table; 鍙堢О“鐢熼暱杩囩▼琛?rdquo;銆?br />鏀惰幏璋冩暣娉晐|method of yield regulation 鏀惰幏棰勬祴||yield forecast, yield prediction 鏀舵紓宸ョ▼||booming engineering 鍙楀厜浼恷|light cutting 鍙楄剛鍣▅|tin, cup 杈撴矙閲弢|sediment discharge 鐤忎紣||thinning 鐤忎紣寮哄害||thinning intensity 鐤忓壀||thinning out 鐤忔灄鍦皘|open forest land 鏍憒|brood tree 鏍戠梾瀛|tree-pathology 鏍戜笡||grove 鏍戣渹||horntail 鏍戝共鏉愮Н||stem volume 鏍戝共瑙f瀽||stem analysis 鏍戦珮||tree height 鏍戦珮绾х珛鏈ㄦ潗绉〃||height class volume table 鏍戦珮鏇茬嚎||height curve, diameter-height curve 鏍戝啝鐏珅|crown fire 鏍戝啝鎴暀||crown interception 鏍戝啝绔炰簤鍥犲瓙||crown competition factor 鏍戝啝鐑х劍||crown scorch 鏍戣兌閬搢|gum duct, gum canal 鏍戠淇壀鏈簗|hedge cutter 鏍戞湪鎶ょ僵鍠烽浘鍣▅|tree-guard sprayer 鏍戞湪鐢熺悊瀛|tree physiology 鏍戞湪鎻愬彇鐗﹟|tree extractives 鏍戞湪鎸栨帢鏈簗|tree balling machine 鏍戞湪绾縷|timber line; 鍙堢О“鏍戞湪鐣岄檺”銆?br />鏍戞湪淇ˉ||tree surgery 鏍戞湪瀛|dendrology 鏍戞湪绉绘鏈簗|tree transplanting machine, tree spade 鏍戞湪鑲茬||tree breeding 鏍戞湪鍥瓅|arboretum 鏍戞湪閫犲瀷||topiary; 鍙堢О“缁块洉濉?rdquo;銆?br />鏍戞湪閫犲瀷鑹烘湳||topiary art 鏍戠毊||bark 鏍戠毊鐜噟|percent of bark 鏍戣剛閬搢|resin duct, resin canal 鏍戣剛鍥妡|pitch pocket 鏍戣剛閰竱|resin acid 鏍戣剛鏉$汗||pitch streak 鏍戣剛闅滅||pitch trouble 鏍戠浠g爜||species code 鏍戠閫夋嫨||choice of tree species 鏁伴噺鎴愮啛||quantitative maturity 鏁板紡骞冲垎娉晐|formula method of periods by area and volume combined 琛伴€€鐥厊|decline disease 鍙屾墿鏁f硶||double-diffusion process 鍙屾垔鐑瘄|dipentene; 鍙堢О“鏉炬补绮?rdquo;銆?br />鍙屾垔鐑爲鑴倈|dipentene resin 鍙屽洜绱犳硶||two-factor method, two-way method 鍙岀湡绌烘硶||double vacuum process 鍙岃拵鐑瘄|dipinene 姘寸瓘閬搢|rafting channel 姘村悎钀滅儻||terpene hydrate 姘存粦閬搢|wet chute, flume 姘村寲搴|degree of hydration 姘村寲绾ょ淮绱爘|hydrated cellulose 姘寸獤||water cellar 姘磋В鍗曞畞||hydrolysable tannin 姘磋В绫绘牪鑳秥|hydrolysable tannin extract 姘磋В鏈ㄧ礌||hydrolytic lignin 姘村簱闃叉姢鏋梶|reservoir protection forest 姘存偿鏈ㄤ笣鏉縷|wood wool cement board 姘存偿鍒ㄨ姳鏉縷|cement particle board 姘村钩娌焲|horizontal ditch, level trench 姘村钩闃秥|level bench 姘村钩姊敯||bench terrace 姘磋姽鐑瘄|phellandrene 姘寸淇濇姢鍖簗|waterfowl refuge 姘翠笂浣滀笟鍦簗|boomage 姘寸敓妞嶇墿||aquatic plant 姘磋殌||water erosion 姘磋殌绋嬪害||degree of water erosion 姘磋殌寮哄害||intensity of water erosion 姘存崯澶眧|water loss 姘村湡淇濇寔鎺柦||soil and water conservation measures 姘村湡淇濇寔鑰曚綔鎺柦||soil and water conservation tillage measures 姘村湡淇濇寔宸ョ▼瀛|soil and water conservation engineering 姘村湡淇濇寔宸ヤ綔鏉′緥||Act of soil and water conservation 姘村湡淇濇寔瑙勫垝||soil and water conservation planning 姘村湡淇濇寔鏋梶|soil and water conservation forest 姘村湡淇濇寔鏋楄崏鎺柦||forest-grass measures for soil and water conservation 姘村湡淇濇寔鍖哄垝||soil and water conservation regionalization 姘村湡淇濇寔鏁堢泭||soil and water conservation benefits 姘村湡淇濇寔瀛|soil and water conservation 姘村湡娴佸け||soil and water losses; 鍦ㄦ按鍔涖€侀鍔涖€侀噸鍔涚殑浣滅敤涓嬶紝灞变笜鍙婇娌欏尯姘村湡璧勬簮鍜屽湡鍦扮敓浜у姏鐨勭牬鍧忓拰鎹熷け銆傚畠鍖呮嫭 姘寸嚎||dry line 姘存簮娑靛吇鏋梶|water conservation forest 姘磋祫婧恷|water resource 椤洪鐏珅|head fire 椤烘渤缁爘|longitudinal boom 椤虹汗鎶楀壀寮哄害||shear strength parallel to grain 椤虹汗鎶楁媺寮哄害||tensile strength parallel to grain 椤虹汗鎶楀帇寮哄害||compression strength parallel to grain 椤洪摚||down milling, climb milling 鏂厠閲屽竷绾冲師鏈ㄦ澘绉〃||Scribner log rule 鎾曡||tearing 鎾曡搴|tear strength 姝诲湴琚墿||forest floor; 鍙堢О“鏋楄ぅ”銆?br />姝讳骸鏈▅|dead tree 鍥涢潰涓嬮敮娉晐|four-faced sawing 鍥涙梺妞嶆爲||four-side tree planting; 鎸囪矾鏃併€佹按鏃併€佹潙鏃併€佸畢鏃佺殑妞嶆爲銆?br />鍥涙阿鏋為吀||tetrahydroabietic acid 楗叉枡閰垫瘝||fodder yeast, feed yeast 鏉炬潗绾胯櫕||pine wood nematode 鏉惧共铓|Matsumura pine scale 鏉炬牴娌箌|pine root oil 鏉剧劍娌箌|pine tar 鏉捐妭娌箌|turpentine [oil] 鏉剧揣寮忕储閬搢|slack line system 鏉炬瘺铏珅|pine caterpillars 鏉炬暎绾圭悊||loosened grain 鏉剧獊鍦嗚毀||pine greedy scale 鏉鹃||rosin, colophony 鏉鹃鑳簗|rosin amine 鏉鹃鑹茬骇||color grades of rosin 鏉鹃閰竱|rosin acid 鏉鹃鐩恷|rosin salt 鏉鹃娌箌|rosin oil, retinol 鏉鹃鑵坾|rosin nitrile 鏉鹃閰瘄|rosin ester 鏉惧彾閰竱|pinifolic acid 鏉炬补||pine oil 鏉炬补閱噟|terpineol; 鍙堢О“钀滃搧閱?rdquo;銆?br />鏉鹃拡娌箌|pine needle oil 鏉捐剛||pine oleoresin, pine gum 鏉捐剛閰殀|pinoresinol; 鍙堢О“鏉捐剛绱?rdquo;銆?br />閫熸祴闀渱|relascope 閫熺敓涓颁骇鏋梶|fast-growing and high-yield plantation 閫熻鐏珅|running fire 濉戝悎鏈▅|wood plastic composite 婧簮渚佃殌||headward erosion 閰告硶钂哥叜||acid cooking 楂撴枒||pith fleck 楂撳績||pith 纰庢枡||particle 纰庢湪鏈簗|hog[ger]; 鍙堢О“绮夌鏈?rdquo;銆?br />缂╁悎绫诲崟瀹亅|condensed tannin 缂╁悎绫绘牪鑳秥|condensed tannin extract 绱㈤亾缁炵洏鏈簗|yarder, skyline winch 绱㈠叿||rigging 绱㈠紡杈撻€佹満||cable conveyor 绱㈢郴||cable system 濉攟|pagoda 濉旈噷澶潗绉〃||Tarif table; 濉旈噷澶潗绉〃涓庝竴鍏冩潗绉〃杩戜技锛孴arif婧愪簬闃挎媺浼锛屾渶鍒濆簲鐢ㄤ簬妫€鏌ユ硶銆?br />鍙皘|terrace 鍙板湴鍥瓅|terrace garden 鍙版Ν||terraced building 澶槼鑳藉共鐕|solar drying 鎺㈢伀鐑薄浠獆|thermal imaging system for fire detecting 鐐寲闀垮害||char length 绯栭啗閰竱|uronic acid 妗冭兌||peach gum 鐗瑰埆鍗遍櫓鍦版||area of special risk 鐗规湁绉峾|endemic species 鐗圭鐢ㄩ€旀灄||forest for special use 姊敯||terrace 姊敯鍩傞€犳灄||terrace ridge afforestation 浣撹偛鍏洯||sports park 澶╅檯绾縷|skyline 澶╃墰[骞艰櫕]||roundheaded borer 澶╃墰||longhorn beetle 澶╃劧绾康鐗﹟|natural monument 澶╃劧鏋梶|natural forest 澶╃劧鏈ㄧ礌||native lignin 澶╃劧鏍戣剛||natural resin 澶╃劧绾ょ淮||native fiber 鏉℃挱||strip sowing, drill sowing 璐撮潰||overlay 浜瓅|pavilion 鎸哄害||stiffness 閫氭皵瀛攟|ventilation hole 閫氱敤鍦熷¥娴佸け鏂圭▼寮弢|universal soil loss equation, USLE 妗愭补||tung oil 鍚岄緞鏋梶|evenaged forest 绛掕牴||timber beetle 鍋风寧||poaching 澶存湪浣滀笟||pollard method 閫忓啝闆▅|throughfall 閫忓厜浼恷|cleaning, release cutting 閫忚兌||bleed-through 閫忓叆搴|penetrability; 鍙堢О“閫忓叆鎬?rdquo;銆?br />閫忔Λ||through tenon 绐佺紭楗皘|nosing 娑傚竷||coating 娑傝兌||glue spreading 娑傝兌鏈簗|glue spreader, glue coater 娑傞グ||finishing, coating 鍦熷穿||earth fall 鍦熷湴鏈熸湜浠穦|land expectation value 鍦熷湴璧勬簮||land resource 鍦熻€冲叾鈼忓瓙鍗曞畞||Turkish gallotannin 鍦熸柟宸ョ▼||earth work 鍦熸粦閬搢|dirt chute 鍦熷¥淇濇寔||soil conservation 鍦熷¥鎶楀啿鎬|soil anti-scouribility 鍦熷¥鎶楄殌鎬|soil anti-erodibility 鍦熷¥娴佸け閲弢|soil loss amount 鍦熷¥渚佃殌||soil erosion 鍦熷¥渚佃殌绫诲瀷||soil erosion type 鍦熷¥鍏诲垎娴佸け||loss of soil nutrient 鍦熺偔绐憒|earth kiln 鎺ㄦ渤||dumping, watering, launching 鎺ㄦ渤妤炲満||launching site 鎺ㄦ爲鏈簗|tree dozer 鎺ㄧЩ璐▅|bed load 鎷栨媺鏈洪泦鏉恷|tractor skidding 鑴辨阿鏋為吀||dehydroabietic acid 鑴辫壊绱兌鐗噟|decolorized shellac 鎸栨牴鐘亅|root plow 鎸栧潙鏈簗|earth auger 鎸栫┐寮忔鏍戞満||automatic injection planter 鐡﹀舰寮瘄|cupping 澶栨潵妞嶇墿||exotic plant 澶栫敓鑿屾牴||ectomycorrhiza 瀹屾弧绔嬫湪搴|fully stocked, fully stocking percent 瀹屽叏璋冩暣鏋梶|fully regulated forest 鏅氭潗||late wood, summer wood 涓囪兘鍦嗛敮||radial-arm saw 缃戝甫骞茬嚗鏈簗|wire belt dryer 鏈涚偣||Pressler reference point 鏈涢珮娉晐|Pressler method 鏈涜繙閫熸祴闀渱|tele-relascope 濞佹皬妯″帇娉晐|Werzalit process 寰杽鏈▅|micro-veneer 寰尝骞茬嚗||microwave drying 寰櫠绾ょ淮绱爘|microcrystalline cellulose 寰氦涓潀|microfibril 妗呮潌鏉恷|mast timber 鍥村昂||diameter tape; 鍙堢О“鐩村緞鍗峰昂”銆?br />鍥寸寧||hunt units 浼勾杞畖|false ring 鍗敓浼恷|sanitation cutting 鍗槦鎺㈢伀||fire detection by satellite remote sensing 鏂囧寲鍏洯||cultural park 绾瑰瓟||pit 绾瑰瓟闂||pit aspiration 绾瑰瓟閬搢|pit canal 绾瑰瓟鐜瘄|pit annulus 绾瑰瓟鍙|pit aperture, orifice 绾瑰瓟鑵攟|pit cavity 绾瑰瓟濉瀨|torus, pit torus 绾瑰瓟瀹|pit chamber 绾瑰瓟缂榺|pit border 鎻$储鍣▅|clip, clamp 涔屾娌箌|Chinese tallow 灞嬮《鑺卞洯||roof top garden 鏃犺溅绔嬫煴瑁呰溅娉晐|loading without car stake 鏃犵柕鏈ㄦ潗||clear wood 鏃犲畾褰㈢氦缁寸礌||amorphous cellulose 鏃犲姩鍔涚储閬搢|gravity skyline system 鏃犳灄鍦皘|non-stocked land 鏃犲睉鍒囧墛||chipless cutting 鏃犳€х郴娴嬪畾||clonal test 鏃犳€х郴绉嶅瓙鍥瓅|clonal seed orchard 浜斿€嶅瓙||Chinese gall, Chinese gallnut 浜斿€嶅瓙铏珅|Chinese gall aphid 鎴婅仛绯東|pentosan 瑗块┈鏋楁眰绉紡||Simalian's formula; 鍙堢О“骞冲潎鏂潰绉眰绉紡”銆?br />鍚稿ⅷ鎬|ink absorption 鍚告箍鎬|hygroscopicity 鍚哥潃姘磡|bound water; 鍙堢О“缁撳悎姘?rdquo;銆?br />绋€鏈夌||rare species 婧獆|stream 鍠滃厜鏍戠||intolerant tree species; 鏇剧敤鍚?ldquo;闃虫€ф爲绉?rdquo;銆?br />鍠滄俯鏍戠||thermophilous tree species 閾e墛杞﹀簥||shaping lathe 缁嗙彮||subplot 缁嗚優澹亅|cell wall 缁嗚優鑵攟|cell lumen, cell cavity 缁嗚厫娈栬川||mild humus, mull 缁嗘矡渚佃殌||rill erosion 缁嗘祮||screened pulp 缁嗙粨鏋剕|fine texture 缁嗚||hair crack, hair check 缁嗘湪宸ユ澘||lumber-core board, block board 缁嗗皬鍙噧鐗﹟|fine fuels 涓媅閿痌鍙|undercut; 淇楃О“涓嬫”銆?br />涓嬪眰鐤忎紣||low thinning, thinning from below 涓嬭剼鏂檤|offcuts 涓嬫湪灞倈|undergrowth 涓嬫湪鏍芥||underplanting 涓嬬浼恷|seed cutting 鍏堥攱鏍戠||pioneer [tree species] 绾や笣||fibril 绾ょ淮鏉縷|fiber board 绾ょ淮楗卞拰鐐箌|fiber saturation point 绾ょ淮鍒嗙骇||fiber classification 绾ょ淮鍒嗙||defibration, fiberizing 绾ょ淮绮剧(||fiber refining 绾ょ淮鍒ㄨ姳鏉縷|fiber particleboard 绾ょ淮鏉焲|fiber bundle 绾ょ淮绱爘|cellulose 绾ょ淮绱犻啔绫粅|cellulose ethers 绾ょ淮绱犵氦缁磡|cellulose fiber 绾ょ淮绱犺鐢熺墿||cellulose derivatives 绾ょ淮绱犻叝绫粅|cellulose esters 寮﹀垏闈|tangential section 寮﹀悜涓嬮敮娉晐|plain sawing, flat sawing 鐜颁唬渚佃殌||recent erosion 鐜颁唬鍥灄||modern garden 鐜板疄鏋梶|real forest, actual forest 闄风┐渚佃殌||sinking hole erosion 闄烽槺||trap 绾挎娊鏍穦|line sampling 绾胯||moulding 绾跨姸渚佃殌||linear erosion 棣欏彾鐑瘄|myrcene 绠变綋鎴愬瀷娉晐|collipress process 涔℃潙鏋椾笟||rural forestry 涔″湡鏍戠||indigenous tree species, native tree species 璇︾粏璁捐||design in detail 姗♀棌瀹侀吀||valoninic acid 姗♀棌閰竱|valoneaic acid 姗♀棌閰镐簩鍐呴叝||valoneaic acid dilactone 姗♀棌鏍茶兌||valonia extract 姗♀棌闉h姳绱犻吀||valolaginic acid 纭濆寲鏈ㄧ礌||nitrolignin 纭濋吀绾ょ淮绱爘|nitrocellulose 鍓婅竟鏈簗|chipping edger 鍓婂害琛▅|taper table 鍓婄墖-閿В鑱斿悎鏈簗|chipping headrig 鍓婄墖||chipping 鍓婄墖鍘嬬棔||chip marks, bruising 閿€鎺|dowelling joint 閿€瀛恷|pin 灏忕彮||subcompartment 灏忕彮璋冩煡||in-place inventory, subcompartment investigation 灏忕彮缁忚惀娉晐|subcompartment management method; 鍙堢О“灏忕彮缁忕悊娉?rdquo;銆?br />灏忔柟鏉恷|butten 灏忓鏌|intermediate revision 灏忓緞鏈▅|undersized log, small wood 灏忓潡鐘剁殕浼恷|clearcutting in patches 灏忔祦鍩熺患鍚堟不鐞唡|small watershed management 灏忓ご鐩村緞||top diameter 灏忚尨棣欐补||fennel oil 灏忚牴||bark beetle 灏忚牴鍧戦亾||gallery 鑲栨皬鎵撴祮搴|degree Schopper-Riegler, S.R. 妤斿舰鏍芥||wedge planting 鏂滆鍒囧墛||inclined cutting 鏂滄帴||scarf joint 鏂滅汗鐞唡|cross grain 鏂滅汗鏈ㄦ潗||cross-grained wood 鏂滃悜鍒囧墛||oblique cutting 鏂滄Λ||bevelled tenon 鍗歌溅鍙皘|unloading deck 娉绘簻||earth debris flow 钖潗||fuel wood; 鍙堢О“鐑ф潗”銆?br />钖偔鏋梶|firewood forest, fuelwood forest 鑺澘鎷兼帴鏈簗|core composser 鏂版湀褰㈡矙涓榺|barchane 鏂版灋閰竱|neoabietic acid 蹇冩潗||heartwood 蹇冩潗鑵愭溄||heart rot 褰㈡垚灞倈|cambium 褰㈤珮||form height 褰㈢巼||form quotient 褰㈡暟||form factor 褰㈣川鐢熼暱||quality increment 褰㈢姸鎸囨暟||form exponent 琛岄亾鏍憒|street tree 琛岀姸閰嶇疆||strip spacing 鑳竅楂樼洿]寰剕|diameter at breast height, DBH 鑳搁珮鏂潰绉瘄|basal area, cross-sectional area at breast height 鑳搁珮褰㈢巼||artificial form quotient, breast height form quotient 鑳搁珮褰㈡暟||artificial form factor, breast height form factor 浼戞啯鍖簗|recreation area 淇共鏋潀|dry prunning 淇椿鏋潀|green prunning 淇绯绘暟娉晐|correction factor method 淇灊||prunning 淇灊鏈簗|pruner 钃勭Н鎺у埗娉晐|volume control method, volume regulation method; 鍙堢О“鏉愮Н鎺у埗娉?rdquo;銆?br />钃勭Н閰嶅垎娉晐|volume-alloting method; 鍙堢О“鏉愮Н閰嶅垎娉?rdquo;銆?br />钃勭Н骞冲垎娉晐|volume frame work; 鍙堢О“鏉愮Н骞冲垎娉?rdquo;銆傤€?br />鐣滃姏闆嗘潗||animal skidding 绲祮||flocculate 缁噧鏃堕棿||after flame time 鎮Щ璐▅|suspended load 鏃嬪垏鍗曟澘||rotary cut veneer 鏃嬪垏鏈簗|veneer peeling lathe 鏃嬪垏鍘熸湪||peeler log, veneer log 閫夋潗||log sorting 閫夋潗鍙皘|sorting deck 閫夋潗鑷姩绾縷|automated log-sorting line 閫夎嫍鏈簗|seedling grading machine 绌存娉晐|hole planting 闆灟鐥厊|snow blight 闆澗鐑瘄|himachalene 鐔忛粦楂樺害||scorch height 寰幆寮忓姩鍔涚储閬搢|endless cable system 鍘媅缂╃牬]鍧弢|compression failure 鍘嬪厜||calendering 鍘嬫枡||swaging, swage set 鍘嬪埁鏈簗|thicknesser 鍘嬬缉鏈▅|compressed wood, staypak; 鍙堢О“鍘嬪畾鏈?rdquo;銆?br />浜氱~閰哥洂娴唡|sulfite pulp 浜氫紭鍔挎湪||codominant tree 浜氫紭鍔挎爲绉峾|subdominant tree species 宀╃敓妞嶇墿||rock plant 宀╃煶渚佃殌||rocky erosion 宀╃煶鍥瓅|rock garden; 鍙堢О“宀╃敓妞嶇墿鍥?rdquo;銆?br />娌挎捣闃叉姢鏋梶|coast protection forest 鐕曞熬姒珅|dovetail tenon; 鍙堢О“楦犲熬姒?rdquo;銆?br />鐕曞熬姒帴鍚坾|dovetail joint 鏉ㄦ鏍茶兌||myrica extract 鏍峰湴娉晐|sample plot method; 鍙堢О“鏍囧噯鍦版硶”銆?br />绐戝共鏉恷|kiln-dried timber 閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿||wildlife 閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿淇濇姢鍖簗|wildlife refuge 閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿绠$悊||wildlife management 閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿鍖虹郴||wild fauna 閲庣敓鑻梶|wild[l]ing 涓€骞寸敓婧冪枴||annual canker 涓€鍏冩潗绉〃||local volume table, one way volume table; 鍙堢О“鍦版柟鏉愮Н琛?rdquo;銆?br />绉绘鑻梶|transplant 瀹滄灄鍦皘|suitable land for forest 婧㈡补||bleeding 寮傞暱鍙堕吀||isolongifolic acid 寮傞暱鍙剁儻||isolongifolene 寮傛捣鏉鹃吀||isopimaric acid 寮傛捣鏉剧兎||isopimarane 寮傛唱鏌忕儻||isomanoene 寮傞緞鏋梶|uneven aged forest 寮傞緳鑴憒|isoborneol 寮傞鍙堕唶||isogeraniol 寮曟椽婕湴||irrigation with torrential flood 寮曟按鎷夋矙||diverting water for sluicing sand 闅愮噧鐏珅|smouldering fire 搴旀媺鏈▅|tension wood 搴斿姏鏈▅|reaction wood 搴斿姏鏉惧紱||stress relaxation 搴斿帇鏈▅|compression wood 钀ユ灄闃叉不||silvicultural control 钀ユ灄鏈烘||silviculture machinery 钀ユ灄鏈烘鍖東|silviculture mechanization 钀ユ灄鏈烘绯荤粺||silviculture machine system 钀ユ灄鍖簗|forest range; 鍙堢О“浣滀笟鍖?rdquo;銆?br />钀ュ吇绻佹畺鑻梶|planting stock [by vegetative propagation] 杩庨潰鐏珅|back fire 纭川绾ょ淮鏉縷|hardboard 鐢ㄦ潗鏋梶|timber forest 鐢ㄧ⒈閲弢|alkali charge 浼榌绾ф澗鑺俔娌箌|super turpentine 浼樿壇鏋楀垎||superior stand, superior plantation 浼樺娍鏈▅|dominant tree 浼樺娍鏈ㄩ珮搴|dominant height 浼樺娍鏍戠||dominant tree species 浼樻爲||superior tree 浼樻爲閲囬泦鍖簗|clonal archive 娌规煈鏍茶兌||emblic extract 娓镐箰鍦簗|amusement ground, pleasure ground 娓哥鐘舵墦娴唡|fast beating, free beating 鏈夊閲庣敓鍔ㄧ墿||noxious wildlife 鏈夋満婧跺墏杞介€佹硶||Cellon process 鏈夋灄鍦皘|forest land 鏈夋晥纰眧|available alkali 鏈夋晥姘瘄|available chlorine 璇辨崟缃憒|trap baiting net 璇卞婕傚瓙||glancing boom, side boom 璇辨爲||trap tree; 鍙堢О“楗垫湪”銆?br />骞兼灄闄よ崏鏉惧湡鏈簗|young stand cultivator 骞兼灄鎶氳偛||tending [after young plantation] 骞兼灄妫€鏌|checking [of young plantation] 骞奸緞鏉恷|juvenile wood 骞奸緞鏋梶|young growth 娣ゅ湴鍧潀|silt storage dam for farmland building, warp land dam 姒嗘爲鑽峰叞鐥厊|Dutch elm disease 楸奸碁鍧憒|fish scale pit 閮侀棴搴|crown density 鎰堝垱鏈ㄦ补||guaiac wood oil 鑲茶嫍鏈烘||seedling machinery 鑲茬鍖簗|breeding zone 棰勫浼恷|preparatory cutting 棰勫浐鍖東|precure 棰勭儹纾ㄦ湪娴唡|thermomechanical pulp; 鍙堢О“鐑(鏈烘娴?rdquo;銆?br />棰勫帇||prepressing 棰勫帇鏈簗|prepress 鍘熻姳鑹茬礌||proanthocyanidin 鍘熸祮||virgin pulp 鍘熸湪||log 鍘熸湪鍓ョ毊||log barking 鍘熸湪鏉愮Н||log volume 鍘熸湪鏉愮Н琛▅|log volume table 鍘熸湪闆嗘潗||log-length logging, short wood logging 鍘熸湪鎹唡|log bundle 鍘熸湪璺戣溅||log carriage 鍘熸湪绱爘|protolignin 鍘熸湪钂哥叜||log cooking, log steaming 鍘熸湪鏁村舰||log rough rounding 鍘熷鏋梶|virgin forest 鍘熸潯||tree-length, stem-length 鍘熸潯鏉愮Н琛▅|tree-length volume table 鍘熸潯闆嗘潗||tree-length logging 鍘熸潯鎹唡|tree-length bundle 鍘熺氦涓潀|protofibril,elementary fibril 鍘熼噹淇濈暀鍖簗|wilderness 鍥灄||park and garden 鍥灄宸ョ▼||landscape engineering 鍥灄瑙勫垝||park and garden planning 鍥灄寤鸿||park and garden construction 鍥灄寤虹瓚||garden structure 鍥灄璁捐||park and garden design 鍥灄鍧涘簷||altar and monastery garden 鍥灄瀛|landscape architecture 鍥灄鍏绘姢||park maintenance 鍥灄鑹烘湳||garden arts 鍦嗛敮||circular saw 鍦嗗舰娴洉||boss 鏈堟礊闂▅|moon gate 浜戝||wave-topped wall 浜戝疄绱爘|brevifolin 鍏佽鍦熷¥娴佸け閲弢|soil loss tolerance 杩愭潗||log transportation 杩愭潗宀旂嚎||spur road 杩愭潗骞茬嚎||main road, truck line 杩愭潗鎸傝溅||logging trailer 杩愭潗鏈烘||log hauling machinery 杩愭潗姹借溅||log truck 杩愭潗鏀嚎||minor road, branch road 杩愯寮忕储閬搢|running skyline system 鍑垮瓟鏈簗|mortiser 鏃╂潗||early wood, spring wood 閫犳潗||bucking, slashing 閫犳潗閾鹃敮鏈簗|bucking chain saw 閫犳潗鐜噟|bucking percent, bucking recovery 閫犳潗鍙皘|bucking deck 閫犳潗鍦嗛敮鏈簗|bucking circular saw 閫犳潗鑷姩绾縷|automated bucking line 閫犺埞鏉恷|ship-building timber 閫犳灄||forestation 閫犳灄淇濆瓨鐜噟|survival rate [of plantation] 閫犳灄鎴愭椿鐜噟|survival rate 閫犳灄鍦皘|planting site, planted land 閫犳灄鍦版竻鐞唡|site preparation 閫犳灄鍦版暣鍦皘|site preparation, soil preparation 閫犳灄璋冩煡璁捐||plantation survey and project 閫犳灄鏂规硶||method of forestation 閫犳灄鏈烘||afforestation and reforestation machinery 閫犳灄瀛h妭||planting season 閫犳灄瀵嗗害||planting density 閫犳灄鍖哄垝||silvicultural regionalization 閫犲洯||garden making 閫犵焊鏉恷|pulpwood; 鍙堢О“绾告祮鏉?rdquo;銆?br />鎷╀紣||selection cutting 鎷╀紣鍛ㄦ湡||cutting cycle, cutting interval; 鍙堢О“鍥炲綊骞?rdquo;銆?br />澧炲姏寮忕储閬搢|add-forced cable system, tyler system 澧炴箍||humidification 澧炴箍鏈簗|humidifier 瀹呭洯||home garden 绮樻澘||fiber sticking 绮樼姸鎵撴祮||shiny beating, slow beating 灞曡娓╁||conservatory 妯熻剳||camphor 妯熺兎閰竱|laurolanic acid 妯熺儻||laurolene 妯熺儻閰竱|laurolenic acid 妯熸补||camphor wood oil 鎶樿》骞冲垎娉晐|combined frame work, area and volume period method 鐪熺┖骞茬嚗||vacuum drying 閽堝彾鏋梶|coniferous forest 閽堝彾鏍戞潗||softwood 閽堝彾鏍戝铏珅|pests of coniferous trees 閽堝彾閿堢梾||needle rust 鏋曡祫||log for rail-road ties 鎸崱鍔犲帇娉晐|oscillating pressure process 鎸姩閲囩鏈簗|tree shaker 钂哥叜||cooking 钂哥叜鍛ㄦ湡||digester cycle 鏁磋竟鏈簗|jointer 鏁村湴鏂规硶||method of soil preparation 鏁村舰淇壀鏍憒|clipped tree 鎷晳浼恷|salvage cutting 姝e彿鏍憒|plus tree 姝e舰鐜噟|normal form quotient 姝e舰鏁皘|normal form factor; 鍙堢О“鏍囧噯褰㈡暟”銆?br />鏋濇灟鐥厊|shoot blight 鏋濇潯鏉愮Н||branch volume, shoot volume 鏋濇鍓ョ毊鏈簗|branchwood rosser 鏋濇鎵撴崋鏈簗|branchwood baler 鏋濇鍒囩鏈簗|slash chopper 鏋濇鏀堕泦鏈簗|branchwood collecting machine 鏋濇鎺ㄩ泦鏈簗|forest rake 鏋濇鍓婄墖鏈簗|branchwood chipper 鑴傛澗鑺傛补||gum turpentine 鑴傛澗棣檤|gum rosin 鐩磋鍒囧墛||orthogonal cutting; 鍙堢О“姝e垏鍓?rdquo;銆?br />鐩存帴鍗板埛||direct painting 鐩村緞鍒嗗竷||diameter distribution 鐩村緞鏁村寲鑼冨洿||diameter rounding; 鍙堢О“鐩村緞鎷害鏁?rdquo;銆?br />鐩村崌鏈洪泦鏉恷|helicopter logging 鐩村崌鏈虹伃鐏缃畖|helitanker 鐩寸汗鏈ㄦ潗||straight-grained wood 妞嶈鎼旂鏈簗|reforestation scarifier 妞嶇||hedge 妞嶈嫍閫犳灄||tree planting 妞嶆爲鏈簗|tree planter 妞嶆爲閿箌|planting bar 妞嶇墿鍗曞畞||vegetable tannin 妞嶇墿绾ょ淮||plant fiber 妞嶇墿鍥瓅|botanical garden 妞嶇墿闉f枡||vegetable tanning material 鎸囩巼||indicating percent 鎸囧舰鎺ュ悎||finger joint 绾告祮||pulp 绾歌川璐撮潰||paper overlay 缃崲婕傜櫧||displacement bleaching 缃崲娲楁钉||displacement washing 缃煶||rock layout 鍒舵潗||lumbering 鍒舵潗浜у搧||lumber product 鍒舵潗宸ヨ壓||sawing technology 鍒舵潗鏈烘||lumbering machinery 鍒舵祮||pulping 婊炲悗鐜拌薄||hysteresis 涓澘||core veneer, cross band veneer; 鍙堢О“鑺澘”銆?br />涓瓑鏈▅|intermediate tree 涓害鐏儳||moderate burn 涓矡||median gutter 涓棿妤炲満||intermediate landing 涓灄||composite forest 涓灄浣滀笟||coppice with standard method 涓緞鏋梶|half-mature forest 涓瘑搴﹀埁鑺辨澘||medium-density particleboard 涓瘑搴︾氦缁存澘||medium density fiberboard, MDF 涓湡鑵愭溄||intermediate decay 涓敓鏍戠||mesophilous tree species 涓涵搴洯||patio 涓績纭寲||reverse casehardening; 鍙堢О“閫嗚〃闈㈢‖鍖?rdquo;銆?br />涓€т簹纭吀鐩愬崐鍖栧娴唡|neutral sulphite semichemical pulp 涓ぎ鐩村緞||mid-diameter 绉嶅疄璋冨埗||seed processing 绉嶆鐐归厤缃畖|spacing of planting spots, spacing of seeding spots 绉嶆璁″垝||planting plan 绉嶆璁捐||planting design 绉嶅瓙[灞傜Н]鍌娊||seed stratification 绉嶅瓙鍖呰。鏈簗|seed pelleting machine 绉嶅瓙閲囬泦澶勭悊鏈烘||seed harvesting and processing machinery; 绠€绉?ldquo;绉嶅瓙鏈烘”銆?br />绉嶅瓙骞茬嚗鏈簗|seed drying machine 绉嶅瓙妫€楠寍|seed testing, seed quality examination 绉嶅瓙娓呴€夋満||seed cleaner 绉嶅瓙鍖簗|seed zone 绉嶅瓙鍥瓅|seed orchard 绉嶅瓙璇佹槑涔|seed certification 绉嶅瓙璐棌||seed storage 鑲挎灊鐥厊|swollen shoot 閲峓璐ㄦ澗鑺俔娌箌|heavy turpentine 閲嶅垁鎵撴祮||hard beating 閲嶅姏渚佃殌||gravitational erosion 閲嶅姏渚佃殌鍒嗙骇||classification of gravitational erosion 甯氬寲||fibrillation; 鍙堢О“绾や笣鍖?rdquo;銆?br />鐨辩缉||collapse, washboarding; 鍙堢О“婧冪缉”銆?br />鐝犵紭||bead 绔圭紪鑳跺悎鏉縷|bamboo mat plywood 绔规潗鑳跺悎鏉縷|bamboo plywood 绔规粦閬搢|bamboo chute 绔硅潡||bamboo locust 绔规帓||bamboo raft 涓讳紣||harvest cutting, final felling 涓讳紣鏂瑰紡||system of cuttings 涓讳紣骞撮緞||cutting rotation age, cutting age; 鍙堢О“浼愭湡榫?rdquo;銆?br />涓婚敮||head saw, headrig 涓绘灄灞倈|main storey 涓绘灄鏈ㄦ暟閲忔垚鐔焲|quantitative maturity of principal tree 铔€瀛攟|bore hole, borer hole 铔€灞憒|bore dust 璐湪鍦簗|log yard 璐湪鍦哄簱瀛橀噺||inventory of log yard 璐湪鍦哄勾鍚炲悙閲弢|annual input and output of log yard 璐湪姹爘|log pond, mill pond 绛戝北||hill making 鎶撻挬闆嗘潗鎷栨媺鏈簗|grapple skidder 涓撶敤缁垮湴||exclusive green space 妗╂湪||pile timber 瑁呰溅鍦簗|landing 瑁呰溅缁炵洏鏈簗|loading winch 瑁呴グ鍗曟澘||fancy veneer, decorative veneer; 鍙堢О“瑁呴グ钖勬湪”銆?br />瑁呭嵏鏈簗|loader and unloader 杩芥崟鐚巪|battue 绱兌||lac 绱兌铏珅|lacca, laccifer lacca 绱兌姊梶|stick lac 绱兌澹宠剳閱涢吀||laccijalaric acid 绱兌澹宠剳閰竱|laccishellolic acid 绱兌铚|lac wax 绱兌鐗噟|shellac 绱兌鑹茬礌||lac dye 绱兌鑹查吀||laccaic acid 绱兌閰竱|lac acid 瀛愪唬娴嬪畾||progeny test 瀛愬潙閬搢|larvae gallery 鑷姩妫€灏轰华||autoscaler 鑷姩闆风數鎺㈡祴绯荤粺||lightning detection system 鑷姩鐖爲淇灊鏈簗|tree monkey 鑷劧淇濇姢鍖簗|nature reserve 鑷劧鎴愮啛||physical maturity; 鍙堢О“鐢熺悊鎴愮啛”銆?br />鑷劧鍒嗗寲||natural differentiation 鑷劧骞茬嚗||natural seasoning, air seasoning; 鍙堢О“姘斿共”銆?br />鑷劧鍏洯||natural park 鑷劧渚佃殌||natural erosion 鑷劧鍖哄垝娉晐|natural division method 鑷劧绋€鐤弢|self thinning 鑷劧璧勬簮||natural resources 鑷寮忕粸鐩樻満||mobile yarder 鑷敱姘磡|free water 鑷闆嗘潗鎷栨媺鏈簗|self-loading skidder 缁煎悎闃叉不||integrated control 缁煎悎鍏洯||comprehensive park 缁煎悎鍖哄垝娉晐|combined division method, intergrated division method 缁煎悎鐤忎紣||combined method of thinning 缁肩氦缁寸礌||holocellulose 鎬荤⒈||total alkali 鎬荤敓闀块噺||total increment 鎬讳綋瑙勫垝鍥緗|master plan, general plan 绾靛悜鍒囧墛||longitudinal cutting 绾靛悜渚佃殌||longitudinal erosion 闃荤噧鍓倈|fire retardant 闃荤噧鏃堕棿||duration of fire resistance 缁勫悎鍗曟澘||reconstituted veneer; 鍙堢О“缁勫悎钖勬湪”銆?br />缁勫澂||assembly, lay-up 缁勫澂鏈簗|lay-up machine 閽诲瓟鏈簗|drilling machine, boring machine 鏈€灏忔崯澶遍槻鐏悊璁簗|minimum-damage fire-control theory; 浣跨伀鐏炬崯澶辨帶鍒跺湪鏈€浣庨檺搴︾殑闃茬伀姒傚康銆?br />宸︽棆娴锋澗閰竱|levopimaric acid 浣滀笟璋冩煡||forest operational inventory; 鍙堢О“涓夌被璋冩煡”銆?br />鍖鹃||inscribed tablet 鍨呬綔||ridge culture 鑼磋剳||anethole 鑼撮娌箌|anise oil 鑾扮儻||camphene 钀滈厷鏍戣剛||terpene-phenolic resin 钀滅被鍖栧悎鐗﹟|terpenoid 钀滃搧鐑瘄|terpinene 钀滃搧娌圭儻||terpinolene 钀滅儻||terpene 钀滅儻閱噟|terpenol 钀滅儻鏍戣剛||terpene resin 鑿熶笣瀛恷|dodder 钂堢儻||carene 钂庨吀||pinic acid 钂庨叜閰竱|pinonic acid 钂庣兎||pinane 钂庣儻||pinene 鐙╃寧||hunting, game 鐙╃寧鍦簗|game area 鐙╃寧娉晐|game law 鐙╃寧鏈焲|hunting season 鐙╃寧璇亅|hunting licence 鐚濆€掔梾||damping-off; 鍙堢О“绔嬫灟鐥?rdquo;銆?br />鏋為吀||abietic acid 鏋為吀鍨嬫爲鑴傞吀||abietic type acid 鏋炵兎||abietane 鏋炵儻||abietene 鏍茶兌||tannin extract 鏍叉爲鏍茶兌||mangrove extract 妗ф补||sabina oil 妗夊彾鑴憒|eucalyptol 妗夊彾娌箌|eucalyptus oil 妗夋补绱爘|cineole 姊撴娌箌|tamala oil 妤犳湪娌箌|machilus oil, nanmu oil 妤硅仈||couplets on pillar 姒Ы鎺ュ悎||tongue and groove joint, mortice and tenon joint 妲插瘎鐢焲|mistletoe 姗勬娌箌|olive oil 妾╂┘鏉恷|purlin and rafter 鐤遍攬鐥厊|blister rust 瑜跺眰||pleat 缇熺敳鍩虹碃閱泑|hydroxymethyl furfural 闉h姳鍗曞畞||ellagitannin 闉h姳閰竱|ellagic acid