马修连恩- bressanon布列瑟农与狼共舞|音乐星空- 红军长征自由共享红军 ...
qingyilancet 级别: 战士

状态: 已签到 - [3天]

here i stand in bressanone
with the stars up in the sky
are they shining over brenner
and upon the other side
you would be a sweet surrender
i must go the other way
and my train will carry me onward
though my heart would surely stay
wo my heart would surely stay
now the clouds are flying by me
and the moon is the rise
i have left stars behind me
they were disamondsin your skies
you would be a sweet surrender
i must go the other way
and my train will carry me onward
though my heart would surely stay
wo my heart would surely stay
condor007 级别: xx司令员

状态: 已签到 - [347天]
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