

2010-05-05 16:23:00 阅读5 评论0 字号:

长期以来,我国发展双级滑阀真空泵遇到不少困难和挑战,标准制定后相隔二十多年才有生产2H-150等产品。实际上由于大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵设计制造会遇到动平衡、控制双级供油、降低噪声等一系列的问题,所以其设计制造给厂方带来很xx烦。但是大抽速双级滑阀真空泵在使用上有很广泛的应用前景,本文介绍大抽速双级滑阀真空泵开拓发展的必要性和介绍研制成功的2H-150滑阀真空泵设计特点,并提出发展更大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵的必要性。 滑阀泵由于结构特点,容量比旋片泵大得多,由于滑阀真空泵可以在较差的真空环境下长期工作,因此常常被用于大型真空设备上。滑阀泵有单级和双级两种形式,单级泵的极限压力在0.6~1.3Pa(关气镇),双级泵的极限压力在0.06Pa。 抽速≥150L/s以上的可以看作为大型滑阀泵。长期以来国内只有70L/s的双级滑阀泵,但是在使用上如果有大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵,在许多工业应用领域特别有利于简化真空设备的机组构造,有利于降低功耗,实现节能效果,有利于简化操作,提高控制的可靠性。本文以设计研制成功的2H-150双级滑阀真空泵为例,介绍发展开拓大型抽速的双级滑阀真空泵的必要性,同时通过介绍2H-150双级滑阀真空泵进行双缸设计结构的特点,提出实现在大抽速结构的双级滑阀泵双缸结构动平衡的可能性,提出实现双级滑阀泵在低压强时(2Pa)获得大抽速的可能性。同时提出简化结构设计有利于单泵的启动和控制的可能性。 1、发展大抽速双级滑阀真空泵的意义 长期以来我国对大型真空设备使用在一定真空度的条件下(1~10-2Pa)广泛使用滑阀真空泵、罗茨-滑阀真空机组,据不xx统计,浙江一省以生产滑阀真空泵、罗茨-滑阀真空机组的产值超过4个亿人民币。但是由于没有大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵,在许多罗茨-滑阀机组配置上需要设计成罗茨-罗茨-滑阀机组,或者用一个双级滑阀泵可以达到使用目的的需要采用滑阀-罗茨来代替才能满足真空度的要求。例如需要极限真空为10-2Pa、抽速为150L/s时,必须设计成主泵为ZJ-150的罗茨泵,前级泵可以选用2H-30的滑阀泵。但是在使用上有时希望在较高压强时也具有大抽速,显然用2H-30泵作为前级泵不能满足这个要求,因此只好配2H-70泵作为前级泵,但是有些用户还是不能满足较高压强下大抽速的要求,于是出现主泵是ZJ-150,用户要求前级泵配用H-150滑阀泵使用的怪现象。同时,我们分析罗茨泵的结构特点可以明显看出,所谓罗茨泵的抽速xx受到前级泵的抽速的影响,罗茨泵的极限压力主要决定于前级泵的极限压力,前级泵的极限压力低,罗茨泵才能获得较低的极限压力。由于过去没有大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵,所以不少时候只能用增加罗茨泵为基础设计成罗茨-罗茨-滑阀机组来满足和提高真空度的要求,这无疑使结构增加了复杂性。因此在总结罗茨机组的应用时,xx性资料提出对入口压力非常低(PA<10>中开泵振动,所以从平衡角度来说是一种好的结构形式。但是由于三缸结构需要两个中壁,中间油缸供油比较困难,同样转速下,其结构设计体积偏大。所以据查,KINNY公司生产{zd0}的双级滑阀真空泵为KTC-112泵,抽速为51L/s,极限压力为3×10-2Pa。根据KINNY公司技术英国GENERAL公司生产的GKTC-225泵,{zd0}抽速为104L/s,极限压力为3×10-2Pa。我国为了发展大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵,上海神工、浙江台州环球、江苏海真、浙江台州力鑫、浙江真空设备公司等单位先后研制成功2H-120、2H-150、2H-230双级滑阀真空泵,开拓了我国生产大型双级滑阀真空泵的发展里程,为今后配置大型真空机组广泛使用于太阳能利用、航空航天的真空模拟、稀有金属提炼、真空冶金、电力设备的改造等领域提供了理想的预抽真空设备。 2、2H-150双级滑阀式真空泵研制 对于双级滑阀式真空泵抽速在150L/s以上的泵究竟在设计制造中会遇到哪些问题,进行尝试和研究。在2008年11月与江苏海真真空设备有限公司共同合作下研制成功2H-150双级滑阀式真空泵,于2009年6月通过国家真空设备质量监督检验中心检测, 在设计和研制过程中,我们首先遇到的问题是选择两缸结构还是三缸结构,美国KINNY公司为代表的国际潮流是选用三缸结构,经我们研究三缸结构可以自身平衡偏心轮、滑阀环所产生的离心惯性力。但无法平衡滑阀杆所产生的离心惯性力。同时三缸结构需要两个中壁,体积相应增大,供油情况比较复杂,而且这是美国KINNY公司具有的专利项目。选用两缸结构,它的难点是必须通过特殊的平衡计算,高缸存在滑阀、偏心轮产生的离心惯性力,低缸也存在偏心轮和滑阀产生的离心惯性力,同时高缸、低缸的滑阀杆也存在离心惯性力,并且在对泵转子惯性力进行平衡时不能忽略导轨的惯性力,组成相当复杂的空间力系,能够部分平衡的办法就是在高缸一侧装有的皮带轮上进行特殊的配重计算,使之产生的残余惯性力尽量小,使它们产生的力和力矩对泵的振动影响足够小,具体计算结果如图1所示。经过实践,我们成功完成这一任务,这里在高缸与低缸的长度分配上打破了传统的高缸长度是低缸长度的一倍这一惯例,使计算和实践都取得了良好效果。样机在不用螺钉固定的情况下没有爬行和爬动现象,振动控制在可靠的约束下。选择两缸结构大大的有利于泵的结构简化,从而减小了泵的体积,实际上样机与H-150单级泵比较增加的体积不太大,达到了预想的要求。 在设计和研制过程中,我们特别注意气路和油路的设计,常规的国内双级滑阀真空泵采用三缸结构,其供油要用手动阀控制,给用户带来使用上的很大不便,而且手动控制受人的因素影响容易产生误操作,本设计采用强制供油的办法,保证高缸和低缸供油量,同时无须手动阀控制,依靠泵启动就能供油,停泵就停止供油,使操作大大简化,样机操作xx达到了这一理想效果,经反复试验没有任何故障出现,这一内容也申请了专利。在气路设计方面,由于要保证在低压强下泵具有大抽速,通常国内的泵在2Pa时,抽速下降得很快,只有45%的抽气效率。而国外的泵这一比例较高,研究其原因就是要使高级腔具有清洁、少油,同时气道特别畅通,没有返流,根据这一原则我们在结构上采用特殊设计,使得泵在2Pa时抽气效率达到72%。从这一技术上讲,我们不逊于国外的先进产品。关于气道设计我们也申请了国家专利。 在设计和研制过程中,我们特别考虑滑阀真空泵是在真空环境较差、大的真空系统中广泛使用的,我国上世纪90年代大规模真空炼镁时广泛使用H-150滑阀真空泵,也由于使用条件差,其泵轴和轴承容易在过载情况下出现故障。在2H-150的设计中,我们也充分考虑这一因素,加大了轴和轴承的尺寸,并选用40Cr钢代替45#钢作为泵轴的材料,以减小故障。当然当2H-150大量投入使用时,必须采取在进气口前加真空过滤器,以减少粉尘、颗粒、有毒气体、腐蚀性气体等影响。 2H-150双级滑阀真空泵的研制成功开拓了在今后发展更大型双级滑阀泵的可能性,从技术难点来看,发展更大型如2H-300双级滑阀真空泵也变成基本可能。通过研制2H-150双级滑阀真空泵,我们发现滑阀真空泵的振动噪声控制始终是一个重要问题,早在上世纪90年代末我们研究H-150A滑阀真空泵就取得了低噪音设计的效果。其样机噪声Lw仅为81.4dB(A),但是这次试制泵的噪声就超过预期,因此,控制泵的噪声对泵噪声的机理研究仍然是一个长期任务,对于泵的噪声源分析找出这一结构主要噪声源将成为今后工作的一个重点。 3、开拓更大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵 从节能和方便用户使用、减少控制系统、提高机组的可靠性等方面的要求,需要开拓更大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵。例如,ZJ2500罗茨真空泵作为主泵,配上一台2H-300滑阀真空泵,就可以取得较好的真空度和较大的抽速范围(在2Pa和1.5kPa范围内具有较好的抽速)。按目前国内的配置,ZJ2500罗茨真空泵作为主泵必须再配一个罗茨泵ZJ600或ZJ300作为中间泵,再加上H-300滑阀泵或者两台H-150滑阀泵作为前级泵组成机组。而这样组成的机组,在2Pa~1.5kPa范围内抽气效率远不如上述的配置好。 在我国航天技术取得了突飞猛进的发展,航天技术的真空模拟装置就需要大抽速的滑阀泵,在太空模拟的条件下,更需要双级大抽速滑阀泵。今后新能源的研究利用太阳能提供能源需要开拓多晶硅的提炼,也需要双级大抽速的滑阀真空泵。在石油资源和煤炭资源日趋紧张的情况下,利用太阳能这一取之不尽用之不竭的能源就显得十分重要。提高太阳能的利用率开拓新材料离不开新的、高效率的真空设备作为前级真空泵,发展大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵就显得十分必要。这是旋片真空泵很难达到的,而这一真空领域没有其它理想的泵与它竞争。所以可以预计随着真空技术的迅速发展,随着各种应用领域对真空技术日益提高的要求,研制大型的基础真空泵是摆在我国面前的一大课题,我国已经研制成功世界上{zd0}的水环真空泵,经过努力,我们一定能开发出世界{zd0}的双级滑阀真空泵。 4、结论 ①我国研制成功的2H-150双级滑阀真空泵具有自主的知识产权。它的给油控制及气路设计等方面都具有独立的知识产权,尤其值得提出的解决了两缸结构依靠皮带轮配重进行动平衡这一难题,取得了理想的效果。 ②双级滑阀真空泵必须发展大抽速的泵,它可以大大简化罗茨真空机组,同时提高在2Pa~1.5kPa范围内的抽气效率,同时它可以开拓新能源研究和太空宇宙模拟等方面作为基础泵的使用。 ③进一步加强对滑阀真空泵减振降噪的研究,分析出大抽速双级滑阀真空泵主要噪声源,是今后开拓大抽速双级滑阀真空泵的技术关键。 虽然我国早已制定2H-150双级滑阀泵的标准,但是研制成功2H-150双级滑阀真空泵却是二十多年以后的事情。通过自主创新走中国自己的路,开拓发展中大抽速的双级滑阀真空泵必然在科研、工业生产等方面会有广泛的应用,也是有利于节能降耗的一个重要措施。

“ Pioneering the development of high pumping speed two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump is of great significance ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国化工泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

For a long time, our two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump development encountered many difficulties and challenges, standards only after twenty years away from production of 2H-150 and other products. In fact as high pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump design and manufacturing will face balancing, control two-stage fuel supply, reduce noise and a series of problems, so its design and manufacture great trouble to the factory. But the large pumping speed two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump in the use of very wide application, this paper high pumping speed two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps need to open up the development and introduction of successful development of the 2H-150 rotary piston vacuum pump design features, and make the development of greater pumping speed of two-stage vacuum pump need. As the structural characteristics of rotary piston pump, rotary vane pump is much greater than the capacity, due to poor vacuum pump in the vacuum environment of long-term work, it is often used for large vacuum equipment. Rotary piston pump with single and double stage two forms, a single-stage pump ultimate pressure 0.6 ~ 1.3Pa (related gas town), two-stage pressure pump limit 0.06Pa. Pumping speed ≥ 150L / s or more can be seen as a large slide valve pumps. China has long been only 70L / s of the two-stage rotary piston pump, but in the use of large pumping speed if the two-stage piston vacuum pumps in many industrial applications of vacuum equipment, especially beneficial to simplify the unit structure is conducive to reducing power consumption to achieve energy savings will help simplify operations, improve control reliability. This paper successfully developed and designed 2H-150 two-stage piston vacuum pumps as an example, open up the development of large-scale pumping speed of the two-stage piston vacuum pumps need, while 2H-150 by introducing the two-stage vacuum pump cylinder design for the structure is put forward to achieve the high pumping speed dual-class structure of slide valve balancing the possibility of the pump twin structure is proposed to achieve two-stage rotary piston pump in the low pressure on the strong (2Pa) the possibility of access to high pumping speed. At the same time to simplify the structure design is conducive to a single pump start and control possibilities. 1, the development of a large pumping speed two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump significance For a long time in China of large vacuum equipment used in certain vacuum conditions (1 ~ 10-2Pa) extensive use of plunger vacuum pump, Roots - slide valve vacuum unit, according to incomplete statistics, Zhejiang province, the production of piston vacuum pumps Roots - Slide Valve vacuum unit of output more than 4 billion yuan. However, the absence of high pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps, and in many roots - need slide valve unit configuration designed Roots - Roots - Slide valve unit, or with a two-stage rotary piston pump needs to achieve the intended purpose sliding valve - Roots vacuum instead of in order to meet the requirements. Such as to limit the vacuum to 10-2Pa, pumping rate for the 150L / s must be designed as the main pump for the ZJ-150 Roots pump, before the pumps can be used 2H-30 of the slide valve pumps. But sometimes like to use when high pressure has a high pumping speed, apparently used as a pre-2H-30 pump pumps can not meet this requirement, so they 2H-70 pump with a pump before, but some users still can not meet large pumping speed under high pressure requirements, so there is a main pump ZJ-150, the user requirements before the pump is equipped with H-150 rotary piston pump using the strange phenomenon. Additionally, we analyzed the structural characteristics of Roots pump is clear, the so-called Roots pump pumping speed entirely by the pump's pumping speed before the impact, Roots pump limit pressure depends mainly on the limit before the pump pressure, the former limit of low pressure pump, Roots pump to get a lower limit pressure. In the past, no major pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump, so a lot of time can only increase the pump based on Roots designed Roots - Roots - Slide valve units to meet demand and improve the vacuum, which undoubtedly makes the structure increased complexity. Therefore, when summing up the application of unit roots, authoritative information presented on the inlet pressure is very low (PA <10>Split case pumps speed they need a lower limit of pressure, obviously a single-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps can not meet this requirement, the development of high pumping speed vacuum pump with two-stage match, it will certainly simplify the structure, save energy, control and reliable results. But the development of two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps will encounter many technical difficulties, foreign companies on behalf of the United States KINNY to triplex structure as the main development of single-stage and two stage rotary piston vacuum pumps, this structure has good balancing effect, not need to add weight on the pulley, do not need to add a balance wheel, although the slip did not stem the centrifugal inertial force to balance the centrifugal inertial force because the interference force was too small to generate large vibrations, so the angle from the balance is a good structure. However, due to take two of three cylinder wall structure, the middle cylinder oil is difficult, the same speed, its structural design sizes too large. So According to the investigation, KINNY company's largest two-stage piston vacuum pumps for the KTC-112 pump, pumping speed is 51L / s, the limit pressure of 3 × 10-2Pa. According to the British company's technology GENERAL KINNY produced GKTC-225 pump, the maximum pumping speed to 104L / s, the limit pressure of 3 × 10-2Pa. China to develop large pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps, the Shanghai Engineering God, Zhejiang Taizhou Global, Jiangsu marine true, Zhejiang Taizhou Power Xin, Zhejiang Vacuum Equipment Corporation and other units have developed 2H-120, 2H-150, 2H-230 Two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump, opened up our production of large-scale two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps course of development for the future configuration of large vacuum unit widely used in solar energy, aerospace vacuum simulation, rare metals refining, metallurgy, electric power transformation equipment area provides an ideal pre-vacuum equipment. 2,2 H-150 two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump developed For the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump pumping speed at 150L / s pump more than what would be encountered in the design and manufacture what issues to try and research. In November 2008 Vacuum Equipment Co., Ltd. and Jiangsu marine true partnership with the successful development of 2H-150 two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps, in June 2009 through the National Vacuum Equipment Quality Supervision and Inspection Center, In the design and development process, we first problem is to choose the two-cylinder structure or triplex structure, as represented by the United States KINNY companies use the international trend is the triplex structure, after we study the triplex structure can be self-balancing eccentric wheel, sliding valve ring by centrifugal force generated. But could not stem the slide balance centrifugal force generated. At the same time need two in the wall triplex structure, the corresponding volume increase, oil situation is more complex, and this is the United States KINNY company has the patents. Use two-cylinder structure, it is difficult to pass a special balance calculation, the existence of high cylinder slide valve, eccentric centrifugal force generated, there are low cylinder slide valve eccentric and centrifugal force generated, while the high-cylinder, low- There are also sliding valve stem cylinder centrifugal force and inertia force on the pump rotor can not be ignored when the rail to balance the inertial force, composed of very complex spatial force system can be part of a balanced approach is to side with the high cylinder The pulley on a special weight calculated to produce the residual inertia as small as possible, so that they produce force and torque on the pump's vibration is small enough, the specific results shown in Figure 1. After practice, we have successfully completed this task, here in the high-and low cylinder the length of the cylinder to break the traditional distribution of high cylinder length is twice the length of the lower cylinder practice and practice to make calculations and achieved good results. Prototype in the case without screws is not crawling and crawling phenomenon, vibration control in a reliable constraints. Select the two-cylinder structure greatly beneficial to simplify the structure of the pump, thereby reducing the size of the pump, in fact, H-150 prototype with an increase of single-stage pump size is not too large, reached the expected requirements. In the design and development process, we pay special attention to the design of gas line and oil line, the conventional two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump domestic use of triplex structure, its oil supply to use manual valve control, to the user's very inconvenient to use and manual control by human factors prone to misuse, this design approach to the adoption of compulsory oil, to ensure high-and low cylinder oil cylinder volume at the same time without manual valve control, can start to rely on oil pump, the pump will stop stop oil supply to greatly simplify the operation, prototype operating fully achieve this desired effect, after repeated testing without any failures occur, the content is applied for a patent. In the pneumatic design, due to the strong low pressure pump to ensure a high pumping speed, usually in 2Pa domestic pump, the pumping speed decreased rapidly, only 45% of the pumping efficiency. Abroad pump the higher proportion of the reason is to make high-level chamber with clean, less oil, while the special airway smooth, no reflux, according to this principle, we use a specially designed structure makes pump 2Pa 72% when the pumping efficiency. From the technology perspective, we are not inferior to foreign advanced products. Design on the airway we applied for a patent. In the design and development process, we particularly consider the vacuum pump is bad in a vacuum environment, a large vacuum system widely used in China in the last century 90's when large-scale vacuum magnesium widely used H-150 rotary piston vacuum pump, also the use of poor conditions, the pump shaft and bearing easily fail under overload conditions. In 2H-150's design, we also take full account of this factor, and increased the size of shaft and bearings, and select 40Cr steel shaft instead of 45 # steel as the material to reduce the fault. Of course, when put into use a large number of 2H-150, must be taken in front of the vacuum inlet filters to reduce dust, particles, toxic gases, corrosive gases and other effects. 2H-150 two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump successfully develop in the future development of more large-scale two-stage rotary piston pump of the possibility of technical difficulties from the point of view, the development of more large-scale, such as 2H-300 two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump may also become a basic . 2H-150 through the development of two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps, we find rotary piston vacuum pump vibration and noise control is always an important issue, as early as the late 90s in the last century, we study the H-150A rotary piston vacuum pump to obtain the effect of low-noise design. The prototype noise Lw only 81.4dB (A), but this time the pump noise trial more than expected, therefore, control the pump mechanism of the noise of the pump noise is still a long-term task, for the analysis of the pump to identify the noise source the main noise source of a structure will be a focus for future work. 3, opening up a bigger Pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump From the energy-saving and user-friendly, reducing control system to improve the unit's reliability requirements, need to develop a greater pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump. For example, ZJ2500 Roots vacuum pump as the main pump, coupled with a 2H-300 piston vacuum pumps, we can obtain a better vacuum and a large pumping speed range (in 2Pa and 1.5kPa range with better pumping speed ). At the present configuration of the domestic, ZJ2500 Roots vacuum pump as the main pump to be matched with a Roots pump or ZJ300 ZJ600 as intermediate pump, together with H-300 rotary piston pump or two H-150 rotary piston pump, as the composition of the former pump unit. And this formed the unit, in 2Pa ~ 1.5kPa pumping efficiency within the above configuration is much less good. In China's space technology has made rapid development, space technology, vacuum simulators require large pumping speed of the rotary piston pump, in the space simulated conditions, the more necessary high pumping speed skating valve two-stage pump. Future use of new energy research to develop silicon solar energy needs refining, also require high pumping speed two-stage vacuum pump. In the oil resources and the growing shortage of coal resources, the use of the inexhaustible solar energy is very important. Increase the utilization of solar energy to develop new materials can not do without a new, highly efficient vacuum pump vacuum equipment as a former level, the development of high pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump becomes very necessary. It is difficult to achieve rotary vane vacuum pump, but no other areas of the vacuum pump and it is the ideal competition. So it can be expected with the rapid development of vacuum technology, as various applications to ever increase the vacuum requirements, the Jichu developing large vacuum pump is placed in front of a big issue in China, China has successfully developed the world's largest Shuihuan vacuum pump, through the efforts, we must be able to develop the world's largest two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump. 4, Conclusions ① China successfully developed 2H-150 two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump with independent intellectual property rights. To control its oil and gas path design, and have an independent intellectual property rights, in particular, should be made to solve the two-cylinder structure to rely on dynamic balance pulley weight to this problem and achieved the desired results. ② two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump is necessary to develop a large pumping speed of the pump, which can greatly simplify the Roots vacuum unit, while increasing the 2Pa ~ 1.5kPa range of pumping efficiency, while it can open up new energy research and space simulation aspects universe as a basis for the use of the pump. ③ further strengthen the vacuum pump vibration and noise reduction research, analysis of the large pumping speed two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump the main noise source is in the future to develop a large pumping speed two-stage rotary piston vacuum pump key technology. Although China has already developed 2H-150 Two-stage rotary piston pump of the standard, but the successful development of 2H-150 Double-stage vacuum pump is 20 years away. Innovation to go through China's own way, pioneering the development of high pumping speed of the two-stage rotary piston vacuum pumps necessary in scientific research, industrial production and so there will be a wide range of applications, also serves an important measure to save energy.


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