
Hooked Gamers has published a new preview of Valve Software's upcoming first person action puzzler, Portal 2. The company recently announced that Portal 2 will be making its way to Mac users along with the Steam digital download service and the company's other game titles. Portal's unique puzzle gameplay and the "charming" relationship between the player and GLaDOS yielded an immensely replayable experience. The only thing that many people could say was missing was cooperative play. While Narbtacular Drop, the Digipen test product that eventually became Portal, experimented with the idea of multiplayer the overall experience turned out to be a hectic and confusing one according to Valve testers. It seems that Valve has worked out the kinks this time around however and recognizes that Portal was one of the strongest non-multiplayer experiences to be had with friends. While Chell has enough to worry about with GLaDOS intent on making sure that she makes it through the tests or die trying, players who wish to do co-op will find themselves to a logically concurrent separate campaign. Instead of placing players in the shoes of other humans two new test subjects have been jury-rigged from an AI core and a dismantled turret. These two nameless robots each have their own portal gun though the nature of four portals instead of two could potentially lead to a far more perplexing experience than players have ever dealt with. GLaDOS will spend the majority of her time monitoring Chell's progress with murderous intent but she will pop in at the end of a test chamber to insult you; it seems that she doesn't have much love for other metallic beings. Luckily Valve is looking to make the experience less puzzling than they appear. In addition to allowing both splitscreen and online co-op, online players will have the option of a picture-in-picture screen that shows their partner's point of view. Valve will also be including a context wheel command system that will help facilitate communication between players

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带钩玩家发表了阀门软件即将推出的{dy}人称动作益智游戏,门户2个新的预览。该公司最近宣布,将于2门方式作出对Mac用户随着蒸汽的数字下载服务,该公司的其他游戏。 门户网站的游戏和独特的谜“迷人的”之间的关系取得了球员和GLaDOS一个非常replayable经验。{wy}可以说,很多人缺少的是合作发挥。虽然Narbtacular下降,Digipen测试产品最终变成了门户,随着实验的整体构想多人的经验变成了一个繁忙和混乱的一按阀门测试。看来,制定了阀门的操作指南,今次然而,认识到门户网站是最强的非多人的经验之一是与朋友们。 尽管谢尔有足够的担心与GLaDOS对她提出要确保通过测试,或死亡尝试,希望这样的球员谁合作社将发现自己到一个单独的逻辑上并发运动的意图关于。而不是在其他人的鞋两名球员新的测试科目已陪审团操纵从人工智能的核心和拆除炮塔。这两个无名机器人都有自己虽然四个而不是两个可能导致比球员更令人费解的经验,处理过枪与门户网站的性质。 GLaDOS将度过她的大部分时间监测谢尔与xx的意图进展,但她会在一个弹出试验室结束在侮辱你,但似乎没有人对其他金属的爱。 幸运的是想制造阀门的经验比他们少出现令人费解。除了允许双方splitscreen和在线合作模式,在线玩家将有图片的,在画面的屏幕,显示他们的合作伙伴的角度选择。阀门也将包括一个背景下轮指挥系统,将有助于玩家之间的沟通


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