New feed drying equipment and drying methods « 移印加工

1. Purposes and methods of feed dry
Purpose is to feed dry feed ingredients to remove excess water in order to facilitate packaging, transportation, storage, processing and use. Many classification dryer, drying machine according to the structure of different categories, commonly used dryer are: spray dryer, fluid bed dryer, air dryer, rotary drum dryer, drum dryers, infrared dryers, High-frequency .
2. New dryer 
(1) spiral flash dryer flash dryer mainly by spiral feeder, drying chamber, cyclone separator and bag collector component. Was dried material from the feeder into the drying room, hot air drying chamber along the tangent direction, and high-speed rotation by the end of the drying room for upward mobility, and material full access to materials in a stable balance of fluid status, the drying chamber mixer impact and high-speed rotation under the action of air currents, material pieces were dispersed into irregular particles, the larger the materials are not dried to the wall motion, because of its higher sedimentation rate and the lower part of drying chamber falls to repeat the above process. As the material dispersion and the interaction between the impact of materials, materials block the surface has dried particles will move to dry room air rotary axis line, along with the air discharged into the collector material to be very uniform particle size and degree of drying dried product. The main advantages of this dryer is drying efficiency, low energy consumption, product drying uniform, compact structure, will melt in one mill and dried. Apply to dry and viscous, paste, powder, cake-like material. In the feed industry, can be used in dried blood meal, bone meal, fish meal, protein pastes, dross, etc..
(2) spiral vibration dryer machine from the inside and outside the tube, ring plate, vibration source and other components. Arrangement of two vibrating motor cross, motor rotation, it will produce the exciting force and the vertical direction around the vertical axis of the exciting moment of couple, so that drying the body to do the straight vertical direction around the vertical center line of vibration and torsional vibration, the synthesis of the two vibration, so that the level of material along the plate from the top down to do a continuous loop jumping movement. The drying medium from the fan blowing through the air inlet drying tube, bottom-up through the layers of plates, through the material layer. As the material continued to throw, flip, spiral groove adhesive material can be avoided and the surface of materials has greatly increased the contact area with the drying medium, thereby strengthening the material and drying medium heat and mass transfer process. Spiral Vibration Drying machine  has the advantage of energy saving, application of a wide range of materials, dry product quality and production efficiency. Apply to dry a variety of granular, powder, blocks, sheets of material. In the feed industry, the dryer can be used for drying fish and shrimp feed, additives, grains, starch residue, plant protein.
(3) Rotary Vane Rotary Vane dryer dryer dryer is downstream. Material by the feeding device into rotation within the drum was installed in the cylinder with the material that provided the top plate down, the material down when high-speed rotation of the blade broken barrel, so back and forth, has been moved to the exit, at the same time, produced by the combustion furnace hot air into the barrel with full access to materials, the rapid drying of materials, and then through the material side discharge conveyor. As the  built broken blade, make the material into the dryer was broken up immediately, especially some sticky material from the large clumps are broken into small pieces with a portion of water, so that with the hot air full access, speed up the drying rate. The dryer features heat transfer coefficient, high thermal efficiency, the product oxidized small, large capacity. Apply to dry all kinds of granular, small block, sheet materials and humidity. In the feed industry, the aircraft can be used for drying chicken cow manure, grass, slag worse.
3. New drying method
(1) vacuum freeze-drying vacuum freeze-drying is the use of refrigeration equipment will be the first to freeze into a solid material, pulls out into a vacuum so that the direct sublimation of solid ice to gaseous water vapor, so as to achieve the purpose of drying. Freeze-drying has many advantages: ① low pressure material not easily oxidized, inhibited the activity of some cells; ② low temperature heat-sensitive materials in components retained to maximize retention of materials in the original composition; ③ formed when the skeleton of pre-freeze , dried material can maintain the original shape, the formation of microporous structure; ④ rehydration, and can recover quickly absorbing water, its quality and drying the same as before. Freeze-drying a wide range of applications, but its cost is relatively high, so the choice must consider when freeze-drying economic interests can not be used blindly. At present, the vacuum freeze-drying technology is mainly used in food, medicine and feed additives.
(2) of superheated steam of superheated steam drying technology is a new energy-saving drying method, which is the use of superheated steam direct contact with the wet material to remove moisture in a dry way. Thermal drying technology has the heat transfer coefficient, mass transfer resistance, high thermal efficiency, low energy consumption, use less steam, no danger of explosion and fire, etc., help protect the environment, with sterilization effect. However, there are certain superheated steam drying range of applications, such drying method is not appropriate for drying heat-sensitive materials, if the recovery will be detrimental to the energy savings, greatly affecting the other, the cost is relatively high. In the feed industry, superheated steam drying technology can be applied to grains, grasses, fish bones and fish and so on.



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