温岭查获两起无证生产水泵企业- 中国离心泵- 中国离心泵- 和讯博客
温岭查获两起无证生产水泵企业 [转贴 2010-05-06 15:41:50]   

日前,温岭市质监局根据群众举报,在该市大溪镇成功查获两起无证生产水泵案件,维护了 辖区内生产经营秩序,保护了消费者的合法权益。 据了解,接到群众举报后,该局执法人员火速赶往位于大溪镇的上海灵江机电有限公司山市分公司和上海优宝机电有限公司山市分公司进行依法检查。现场检查发现,两家厂正在生产水泵,在成品待销仓库中有各发现100台自吸泵(型号ZGD6-100-1.5)、50台喷射泵(型号JET-150),上述水泵外包装无生产许可证编号,喷射泵外包装有“QS”标志。经过仔细检查,该厂无法提供上述自吸泵和喷射泵的生产许可证,涉嫌无证生产。该局依据《中华人民共和国产品质量法》对库存的违法产品进行了封存。目前此案还在进一步处理中。

“ Wenling pump seized two unlicensed production enterprises ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国离心泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。

Recently, Wenling City Bureau of Quality Supervision by public complaints, a large town in the success of the city seized two unlicensed production pump case, maintaining the area in production and operation, to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. It is understood that after receiving the report from the masses, it is located in a large law enforcement officers rushed to the river town of Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Co., Spirit Mountain City Branch, and Shanghai Mechanical & Electrical Co., Hill City, Bao excellent office for inspection by law. On-site inspection found that the two plants are producing water pumps, in the finished product to be sold in the warehouse found 100 pump (model ZGD6-100-1.5), 50 injector pump (Model JET-150), the water pump without packaging production license number, jet pump packaging has "QS" sign. After careful inspection, the plant can not provide the self-priming pump and jet pump production license, suspected undocumented production. Board based on "The People's Republic of China on Product Quality" on the stock of illegal products were sealed. The case is being further processed.

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