
汛期来临,湖南省岳阳市君山区积极采取有效措施,努力完善防汛抗灾保障体系,确保安全度汛。    春节过后,君山区委、区政府针对防汛抗灾工作先后召开了区委常委会、区长办公会,明确职责。落实重点部位防守责任制,对全区防汛责任堤段、穿堤涵闸、电排站和25座水库的责任人进行落实,并制作了责任公示牌150多块。君山水利局抓紧实施层山安全区试点工程、悦来河泵站排区、广兴洲泵站排区更新改造等一批重点工程建设,先后对全区防洪工程进行3次全面清查,投入处险资金330多万元,对重点险工加固,对防洪工程45处险工险段进行了处理,并维修改造电排20座。同时,该局强化物资储备,进一步落实防汛物资体系,补充落实防汛物资器材和物资,对全区的砂石社会储备量进行了摸底登记,协商制定了汛期调运计划。并动员全区每人捐献编织袋2条,可新增防汛编织袋45万条。

“ Pumping arrangements to ensure the safety of the flood season Renovation ”是由提供的水泵行业新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Flood coming, Jun Mountain, Yueyang City in Hunan Province has actively adopted effective measures to improve flood control and disaster protection system to ensure safe flood season. After the Spring Festival, Junshan district committee and government for the flood disaster has held a party committee standing committee work, Mayor's office, clearly define responsibilities. Key positions to implement defensive responsibility, responsibility for flood control embankment on the region, crossing dike culvert gate, pump station and 25 reservoirs responsible for the implementation, responsibility for publicity and produced more than 150 license block. Chun-shan Mountain Water Conservancy Bureau to rapidly layer security zone pilot project, Panda Pai River Pump Station area, Kwong Hing Chau Pai District Pump Station Renovation number of key projects such as construction, flood control projects have on the region three times thoroughly checked into office risk capital more than 330 million, strengthening of key vulnerable spot on the flood control project 45 risky sections were processed, and maintenance on electric row 20. At the same time, it supplies reserves to strengthen further the implementation of flood control materials system, add the implementation of flood control supplies and equipment and material, on the region's sand and gravel reserves were thoroughly social register, flood dispatching plan developed in consultation. And mobilize the region to donate two bags can be woven 450,000 new flood control.

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