大型超市橄榄油可以用来抹脸吗? « City life wiki 城市百科




作者:小型猪(mandy288)[新手上] 2005-12 - 15 09 :36:21.0 *电子邮件作了说明加为好友全集




◆沐浴:只要用橄榄油浸湿棉花,均匀地涂全身,然后10分钟,用温水洗净热毛巾都可以。 ?大美索菲娅罗兰只是为了保持皮肤水分和弹性




用法:橄榄油含有维生素E,易于被皮肤吸收,有助于保持美国妇女的姿态。它不仅可以帮助消化,而且能防止xx,所以xx效果显着。我记得那{yt},在早餐前,空腹喝了两勺橄榄油,xx效果十分理想。 (咏,热橄榄油和其他植物油只包含一个非常小的差异,约800-900卡100克,它一定会吃脂肪)






橄榄油中的许多组成部分,橄榄油,胡萝卜素和叶绿素给予一个绿色,而叶绿素代谢,促进细胞生长发挥的作用,加速伤口愈合,而且还有助于独特的金色营养和美化皮肤,减少皱纹。橄榄油是一种皮肤病,xxxx很好的待遇。 1984年,重庆市林业学院和第三军医大学附属医院皮肤科的一项关于橄榄油皮肤病的临床应用研究“开庭审判”主题。根据皮肤科外用药的原则处理,使用橄榄油,从三起15渗出性皮炎,上述5种配方种了溃疡显着。

作为基质橄榄油和橄榄油,以xx药具有以下独特的优点:1)容易使用,出色的韧性涂层; 2)纱布,皮肤不Nianlao,轻轻拉一可以删除纱布,患者不感到疼痛; 3)去痂性能良好,病人没有痛苦在这个阶段,4),xx优秀,良好的疗效。



对脂类的需求远远超过成人。根据欧洲胃肠及营养协会和儿科营养学会的美国科学院的研究,母乳喂养的婴儿,其中吸收了对脂肪的形式依靠总热量的50%。欧洲和美国的研究指出,橄榄油含有亚油酸和亚麻酸的比例最接近母乳,这两种脂肪酸摄入量的平衡对儿童神经系统的正常发展,报告指出是非常重要的,因此在丰富的橄榄油油酸是补充人类婴儿大脑发育,特别是重要的营养。 Carison SE和其他的研究发现,橄榄油中含有脂肪酸,ω3及ω6率和类似的比例与母乳。拉瓦尔,让这些研究表明,橄榄油,油酸的开发和骨矿化酸帮助儿童,可以刺激骨骼生长,提高钙的吸收。在十分符合儿童的发展要求,符合的比例几乎在单不饱和脂肪酸的橄榄油和多不饱和脂肪酸。



我个人使用橄榄油烹调之一是,转让蔬菜,就是成品油(奥利瓦Refinado),700或800毫升包装,不记得清楚,价格似乎是70 -80元,希腊的克里特岛。这种橄榄油不能直接作为口腔卫生保健,它不能直接使用在皮肤护理。




可以尝试牛奶一汤匙橄榄油3,4钛+ +林少许面粉(不是太多面粉,可以挂在网上),这样做面膜,或少许橄榄油,柠檬和蒙古如何有效的面具。




Large supermarket olive oil can be used to wipe face?

large supermarket olive oil can be used to wipe face?

I spent three years and is the body to use, there is no long-Doudou A! Buy Virgin, the better, and when not to use too much, do not towel dry skin and re-use, preferably with water when the smear. A little bit like.

Netease Community>> taste of a woman ?
Louzhu olive oil completely manual (common sense, utility, skin care, beauty, etc.)

Author: Small Pig (mandy288) [novice Sheung] 2005-12 — 15 09:36:21.0 * email made note Add as Friend Collected Works

olive oil have recently seen a lot of people asking the question, reply also vary, and some will inevitably mislead you, here is my understanding and a number of compiling the knowledge about olive oil, in the hope you help. I myself have been eating olive oil, and is also used to skin (not the same bottle of oh).

a basic knowledge
olive oil - the world’s natural state is the only edible vegetable oil, olive oil from the distant shores of the Mediterranean, eating thousands of years of history. It is a fruit oil, is also a natural fruit juice, is the world’s natural state is the only edible vegetable oil. Extra olive oil is the only natural fresh fruit from using physical methods to squeeze the oil directly, without any heat treatment and chemical processing, fully able to preserve all kinds of natural nutrition and activity, it is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, vitamin E, natural anti-oxidants, is completely natural food. Olive oil consumption due to the unique value of health and beauty, was the world of medicine and nutritional circles as the “liquid gold”, “vegetable oil in the Queen.”
both can be used for frying with olive oil can also be transferred vegetable, they can directly be eaten raw, which is different from corn oil and sunflower oil. The standard is generally used as follows: pH of 0.4 degrees appropriate for cooking purposes; acidity to a degree appropriate for transfer vegetable. Generally common in the market, there are two kinds of olive oil, one is a refined oil (Oliva Refinado), the processed oil refining, adding neutralizer, deodorant and inter-color agent. One is pure natural olive oil (Oliva Virgen or Oliva Virgen Extra), this oil is from the oil presses squeeze the first time in the oil, maintaining the oil’s genuine, is one of the highest quality oil. Pure natural olive oil more expensive than the price of refined oil more expensive. Only pure natural olive oil can be directly taken orally, ordinary olive oil and olive oil can not be treated as harmonic-based oral health care oil directly, it can not be directly used in skin care.

2, beauty skin care

hair care
- shampoo before it will wipe the right amount of olive oil evenly on the hair, 20 minutes after the shampoo can be in accordance with normal procedures.
- adding a small amount of olive oil in warm water, rinsing, the oil will be evenly attached to the hair, but also a few drops into the hands of the direct smear hair, make hair become shiny supple.
- just burns the hair gradually becomes dry, bifurcation, daily direct smear with a few drops of the hair, make hair become shiny supple, fragrant smell it is also very good!
- should first amount of olive oil 1 egg yolk and stir into a paste, hair wash after wiping the hair of their stay for 20 minutes after washing with water clean, is truly natural hair film Oh!
- shampoo will be added to olive oil, lemon juice and a little beer, and retention of 5 minutes, then wash, will make your hair shiny healthy 30 minutes, then washed, your hair will become more shiny and elastic.
olive oil contains a variety of skin care
the necessary nutrients the human body, does not contain fragrance and chemical substances, their fatty acids and a variety of natural fat-soluble vitamin is very beneficial for nourishing the skin. Direct use of olive oil skin care can prevent wrinkles and rough skin. To the skin to restore natural elasticity, luster and soft, have a special UV absorption capacity is to prevent sun exposure and cold frost damage to the skin superior high quality goods. Olive oil, fresh non-greasy after use, easy to absorb, is a safe and reliable natural beauty Jiapin in the West, it was known as the “beauty of the oil.”
◆ beauty: After washing the face, gently massage with olive oil again, and then steaming the face or the hot towel Fumian, the naked eye can not see inside the pores to remove dirt, nourish the skin, increase the skin’s luster and flexibility, remove the small wrinkles.
◆ Face Care: In the face, after washing, use the “olive oil + salt” repeated gently massage the face, from scrub, moisturizing effect. Then steam or the hot towel face Fumian, the naked eye can not see inside the pores to remove dirt, increasing the skin’s luster and flexibility.
◆ Fumian: First oil from his face with warm water to wash, dry towel gently wiped the water re-use cotton balls dipped in olive oil over the Mayu face, aimed at increasing the penetration of olive oil. After 10 to 15 minutes later, with hot towels Fumian, the end, gently wipe dry towel can be.
◆ on the makeup: foundation foundation in wiping a little olive oil before coating can nutrition, skin, and will also prevent powder makeup off, often make-up woman must have such an experience: working too tired, or lack of sleep, has no easy on the makeup. At this time, you can turn to olive oil. Method is based cosmetics drop 1 to 2 drops of olive oil and rub evenly after the smear on the face, the skin immediately becomes glossy and vivid.
◆ remover. Gently wipe the face with olive oil and can effectively remove the paint and chemicals, so that the face from erosion.
◆ chapped skin. Crack antipruritic in dry season, with olive oil to prevent chapped skin, and the result of too little sebum secretion caused by itching.
◆ baby skin care. Delicate baby’s skin, in the armpit, buttocks, etc. coated with olive oil, can prevent your baby’s skin, sweat or urine have been flooded.
◆ wrinkle: to deal with annoying fine lines, crow’s feet or eye fine lines, you can use two drops of olive oil, mix well with a little aloe vera gel after Mayu fine lines at once painted overhauled to absorb and immediately see lines (do not wash off when you can go directly on the makeup);
◆ remove stretch marks. With a spoonful of olive oil, rub in the stretch marks Office, gently massage, a long time insisted that stretch marks can be removed or make it lighter.
◆ Anti-wrinkle eye corner. Wrinkles in the corner office with the olive oil gently massage.
◆ remover. Drop two drops of olive oil on the pads come up remover, it can be stubborn make-up unload.
◆ dry location. Hand joints, feet and other parts of the hip joints, as well as easy to dry and produce wrinkles, frequent use of olive oil, can restore the natural elasticity of the skin. Relatively dry autumn and winter skin, especially the legs and arm position, olive oil has a moisturizing and maintenance role, in general, when dry rub can be three times a week, in particular, dry days with a daily wipe.
◆ Bath: as long as using cotton soaked in olive oil, evenly coated all over the body, and then hot towel for 10 minutes, wash with warm water can be. ? big beauty Sophia Loren is just to keep the skin moisture and elasticity
◆ surface mold:
(1): the pure olive oil heated to about 37 ℃, and then adding an appropriate amount of honey, and then gauze soaked in oil removed covering the face, removed after 20 minutes, there is to prevent skin aging, skin wrinkle effect Quban for dry skin, particularly those.

(2) with fresh milk a tablespoon, add 4-5 drops of olive oil, flour, and mix thoroughly after Fumian. This mask, with the convergence effect, long-term use on the skin to eliminate facial wrinkles, increase skin vitality and elasticity, so that the skin fresh lubricant is suitable for middle-aged women or more pregnant women facial wrinkles.

(3) each with a banana on the tray using tablespoon pressed into sludge, in the extrusion process by adding an appropriate special pure virgin olive oil, made from banana mask, twice a week at attaining a , you can make the skin smooth and delicate.

(4) the number of tablets with a dry rose petals, immersed in Extra Virgin olive oil in the moment, out Fumian or the corners of his eyes wrinkled Department, long-term adherence, there are special effects.
the cold weather, cold or stomach is bad, easy peeling chapped lips, as long as painted a small amount of olive oil, can again become Guangrun lips.
Usage: at night before going to sleep with hot towel about his lips, and then dip a cotton pad and cover the lips, olive oil, is another on moving up the next day. Lipstick every day, especially for people who need to maintain such lips.
Usage: Olive oil contains Vitamin E, easily absorbed through skin, helping to keep the United States women’s posture. It not only helps digestion, but also to prevent constipation, so slimming effect is remarkable. I remember that day, before breakfast, fasting drink spoonfuls of olive oil, weight loss achieved very good results. (Ps, heat olive oil and other vegetable oils contain only a very small difference, 100g of about 800-900 cards, it would certainly have to eat fat)

3, olive oil and olive oil

disease and diabetes
Garg A., Lerman-Garber, and many other well-known scholars, studies have shown that olive oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids can lower blood pressure, regulation and control of blood sugar levels and improve lipid metabolism in patients with diabetes, is the best fat diabetic patients added source; In addition, olive oil rich in anti-oxidants, can limit the body had diabetes oxidation process. Often difficult for medical treatment of diabetic patients adhere to diet is relatively easy to do.

olive oil and cancer
Muenster University in Germany reported that regular consumption of olive oil in the crowd, the low incidence of various types of cancer, especially breast cancer and gastrointestinal system, the incidence of cancer significantly lower than other groups. More recently, Athens and Harvard University conducted a random survey confirmed the anti-tumor protective effect of olive oil, in particular, have been post-menopausal women. Laboratory studies have shown that olive oil can reduce the carcinogenicity of carcinogens. Cohen LA, Reddy BS studies have found that olive oil can reduce the carcinogens of ketone derivatives in rat intestinal tumor formation rate. With its own protective effect of olive oil rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and other trace elements related. Important in the olive oil anti-oxidants are vitamin A, β-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants. Their mutual synergies, enhanced protective effect. Huang MT, Wood AW and so proved that the anti-cancer food intake of olive oil (along with fruits and vegetables) are particularly important. Because of its balanced fatty acid composition, vitamin content was high, and non-vitamin anti-oxidants and so enhance the anti-tumor protective effect.

olive oil and the digestive system
by Charbonnier CA study, olive oil is the best health care oil, it contains higher than any other vegetable oil oleic acid (monounsaturated fatty acids) and an appropriate proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids, rich in of vitamin A, D, E, F, K, carotene, chlorophyll and other fat-soluble vitamins and various antioxidants, and free cholesterol, a variety of human digestion and absorption of nutrients high rate. Olive oil with a reduction of gastric acid to prevent gastritis and duodenal ulcer functions. Fasting morning and evening every day of oral tablespoon olive oil 1 (10 ml) the short term, can quickly reduce a variety of chronic gastritis, ulcer symptoms, but also effectively eliminate mouth odor produced by the stomach illness (bad breath).
olive oil also promote the function of bile secretion, known as choleretic agent (cholague). Olive oil to promote bile secretion and improve the vitality of trypsin, so that oil degradation by intestinal absorption; olive oil there is the promotion of gallbladder function. University of Münster, Germany, Professor of Aerd Assmann also draw the same conclusion through testing, that the consumption of olive oil can effectively reduce the incidence of cholecystitis and gallstones. Messini M., etc., have confirmed that this is a high olive oil consumption in the Italian region reasons for the low incidence of gallstones. Olive oil is also able to increase bowel movements, so that intestinal smooth, eliminate chronic constipation.

olive oil and rheumatoid arthritis
rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammation of joints, and its cause is unknown, is generally believed that with the genes, infectious agents, endocrine and eating habits. The researchers found that olive oil does not eat the chances of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis populations than long-term consumption of olive oil is 2.5 times higher. Also found that olive oil rich in vitamin E can play a “useful role in a si…

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