一种菌菜互利的种植模式A kind of beneficial growing mode


        A kind of beneficial mushroom growing mode of vegetable

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   Online reading to the information, slightly modified, for reference:    Mushroom cultivation using this method can effectively improve mushroom production, to extend the fruiting time, increase yields, carbon dioxide can also promote access to vegetables, to a mutually beneficial purpose, Gu Fang and vegetable shed construction mode as follows:

   First, the construction of model Agaricus bisporus Gupeng

   Gupeng cement brick, east-west, long 50M, wide-9M, front and rear wall of high 2.8M, 2M intervals with a vertical vent, vent size is 25 × 30CM, gable high 3.8M. Gu Fang is a cement pillar in Guchuang frame, bamboo structure, columns with concrete pillars, bed with bamboo poles, Guchuang voluminous 1.2M, 5 layers high, the distance between layers is 55CM, Gu Fang and Gu Chuang top stand together into a whole roof covered with plastic film, film stamped grass thatch.

   Second, the construction mode of greenhouse vegetables Gu Fang before relying on greenhouse walls, as a greenhouse shed in the back wall, using concrete pillars for support,'s roof with bamboo poles, capped greenhouse film, shed body width 8M, the highest point at both ends of 3M, sunny 60 degree arch surface slope.

   Third, buffering Yang Gu Fang buffer room is between the channel and the greenhouse roof, the basic role of First picked mushrooms and vegetables to facilitate the second is related to open Gupeng through vents or buffer between the top, adjust Gufang or greenhouse temperature and humidity.      

    Fourth, the basic principle

    The model with the three as a whole, take advantage of this cheap energy solar energy, making an appropriate adjustment of temperature, humidity, air micro-climate environment. In late autumn, early spring and winter, day and night temperature difference can be a good buffer for the bacteria to create a dish suitable habitat. The Agaricus bisporus and vegetables there are great complementarities between. Greenhouse vegetable photosynthesis during the day to provide sufficient oxygen for the Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus bisporus respiration of carbon dioxide gas is produced vegetable fertilizer, also bisporus vegetable scraps is the production quality organic fertilizer.     

    Advantages: The tide mushroom Agaricus bisporus has significantly increased yield and fruiting long time, especially into the middle of November and March next year, big temperature difference between day and night, the outside temperature is low, the model was higher than the temperature inside the Gu Fang Other Gufang temperature of about 3 ℃, temperature difference narrowed 4 ℃, increase yield per unit area yield 3-4 kg / square meter. Agaricus bisporus only one, Gu Fang net increase of 4,000 kilos of Agaricus bisporus, vegetable yield while not significant, but there are also 10% increase yield.

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