绍兴黄酒发展的战略突破集体(二) « oursolo.net









在企业中的优势品牌高峰在同一时间,地域和行业品牌绍兴高地亦随之增加。在今年9月,为国家工商总局商标局公布的信息,“绍兴黄酒”在2007年度xxxx在中国,成为浙江省{dy}组证明商标和商标的资源两个xxxx在商标将在世界上同时81个国家和地区得到优先保护。此信息意味着,除了15个“绍兴黄酒”认为,公司的商标使用,其余的米酒生产,没有品牌的“绍兴”的名称。绍兴,由品牌首次与业界建立了很高的门槛,制止封建混战带来的尴尬局面。 2006年,绍兴黄酒水稻的国家的贸易总额的17.2%,葡萄酒生产量,但销售,利润,分别占全国的百分之五十,百分之48.8。为了约占整个工业产值的六分之一,是附近的销售额和利润,品牌信誉的国家权力一半米酒创造。











Shaoxing Yellow Wine strategic breakthrough collective evolution (b)

Brands break through: the struggling industry clusters, “high”

the past three years, Shaoxing rice wine industry to revitalize the most critical nodes are what? When a reporter threw out this “test”, the majority of Shaoxing rice wine professionals answered a word: branding.

1999 years 1 month, “the ancient Yue Lungshan” trademark was identified as the National Trade and Industry Bureau of well-known trademarks in China. This put into use in 1959, 1979 by the National Register工商局核准brand, “Coronation” process lasted 5 years. It is the first China Shaoxing well-known trademarks, but also the national rice wine industry was the only well-known trademarks.

“alone” of the ancient Yue Yongsan, apparently alone should not assume Shaoxing Yellow Wine revitalization task. Yellowing

opened the “Platform for the revitalization of Shaoxing Yellow Wine”, brand strength is the biggest reward. The document issued by the municipal government’s solemn commitment to, Shaoxing rice wine has been the new “China Well-known Trademark” or “Chinese famous brand” title, it will be the mayor of 50 million incentive fund.

Inspired by the Government, in 2005, Shaoxing rice wine industry in one fell swoop Added “will稽山”, “女儿红”, “Xianheng” three well-known trademarks in China.

Three years later, China has become China Shaoxing Yellow Wine Group Wine Brand “First Heights”, China has two well-known trademark, the two famous China, the two Chinese old and 10 national inspection-free products . Zhejiang Shaoxing稽山Co., Ltd. will also realize the brand’s “Great Man-crown.” Industry, tower card, Shen and, too, such as eagles also have the top brands of rice wine.

“throughout the rice wine industry, only seven brands in China, Shaoxing accounted for four or five well-known trademarks in China Rice Wine Shaoxing all.” city of rice wine association said that such an advantage unmatched in the country.

brands in the enterprise edge peak at the same time, geographical and industry brand Shaoxing Heights also rise. In September this year, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce Trademark Office published information, “Shaoxing Yellow Wine” award in 2007 well-known trademarks in China, becoming the first set proved Zhejiang trademarks and trademarks of the resources of two well-known trademarks in a trademark will be at the same time in the world 81 countries and regions be given priority protection. This information means that in addition to 15 “Shaoxing rice wine” that the use of corporate trademarks, the remaining production of rice wine, are not branded as “Shaoxing” name. Shaoxing, the first time by the brand name, together with industry to build a high threshold, putting an end to feudal infighting brought embarrassing situation. In 2006, Shaoxing rice wine rice wine production in the country’s total trade volume of 17.2%, but sales, profits, respectively, accounted for 50 percent nationwide, 48.8 percent. To about one-sixth of the entire industry output, the creation of a national rice wine near half of the sales and profits, brand power of credit.

Cultural Breakthrough: reshaping the image of rice wine market

in Shaoxing, an ancient bridge of light phase, the Chinese Yellow Wine Town Water into the shadow, wine drift. The one plant in the ancient Yue Longshan site of the new rice wine city, so that flows thousands of Shaoxing rice wine culture to be solidified.

through research, Shaoxing rice wine industry and wine culture, to explore historical data, Shaoxing compile a “history of the development of Shaoxing rice wine,” one book, with the origin of rice wine to produce, evolution, development for the vertical line, a system of complete rice wine跃然纸上history.

2006, the Shaoxing rice wine will be the formal establishment of Cultural Studies, Shaoxing rice wine brewing techniques of traditional and non-material heritage protection work documents, a new platform to upgrade.

as one of the world’s three ancient wine, rice wine is the biggest selling points of culture, this is the other characteristics of alcohol can not be copied. The past three years, one person into the Shaoxing rice wine culture of the vast ocean, trying to dig through the culture and Reconstruction, to resolve the traditional culture of out of touch with the modern market.

In fact, Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shaoxing rice wine sales across once, drinking rice wine has become a status symbol of nobility. Unfortunately, some people in the rice wine to become the eyes of “cooking wine” a synonym for a very long time after, the rice wine industry did not reverse this misunderstanding. The thick yellow wine unique to the traditional meaning, but also restricts its own initiative to meet the young, fashion possibilities for consumer psychology.

“in the promotion, do we need to change strategy?” In the past few years, will稽山executives have been pondering傅祖康”traditional products and modern marketing” relationship, “for example, to create a good and unique atmosphere of alcohol, combined with modern life to the Shaoxing rice wine made a number of good stories, to change the simple preaching style of publicity? “

2005 years, will be developed稽山” water-color incense States “to nutrition and health is not top The core idea of Xuzhou market debut, the brand as a result of pre-planning, wine body design, packaging production are carried out a comprehensive and detailed design, Xuzhou market the product to become the most outstanding performance of Shaoxing rice wine brand, single-goods sales in 2007 expected to exceed 80 million yuan.

“we insist on the traditional and the fashionable ‘two legs’ to walk, so that a more classic traditional brands, so that a more modern fashion brand.”傅建伟For example, this year, the ancient Yue Lungshan hands has “channels of the king of” the good reputation of the Howard Ze Group, introduced the ancient Yue Chen Longshan 30 years, 40 years, Chen, 50 years threexx酒Chan, expanding the domestic high-end wine market, the implementation of product upgrades for the enterprise culture to lay a foundation.

If we say that in 2005, the ancient Yue Lungshan Camus and the French international cooperation, together with Maotai “Chinese State wine” Camus entered duty-free market in the global sales network, are in the international market, Shaoxing rice wine A breakthrough, then, in 2006, Shaoxing rice wine exports exceeded 20,000 tons, and replace Taiwan in the Japanese market, Shaoxing rice wine to obtain share of over 90% of the score, it can be seen as a culture of Shaoxing rice wine a victory. (07-11-27)

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