德国机床工业« oursolo.net



在输出分配,自我德国机床自给率在百分之57-59,与外国市场,并提出了下跌趋势。值得注意的是,仍有在低价型号不符合成本效益的国产,其中大部分需要依靠国外进口的一些问题,德国生产的单位价格高,种类很多,进口依存度维持在41 -43%之间。




German machine tool industry

Industrial Technology Research Institute funded by the Center for ITIS industry analyst Dai Ying said the United States, the German tool factory has more than 300, complete line of products, customer-oriented product design for its expertise, business has 64,000 employees, and this for manufacturers facing a crisis after the restructuring size, and in 1993 reduced compared with the heyday of more than 2 into in terms of per capita output, capacity utilization has outstanding performance.

from the output distribution, the German machine tool machinery industry accounted for 6.8%, the overall manufacturing sector 0.92 percent, less than hundred companies accounted for 44.3 percent, extend below 250 over七成is seen in the small-scale plant operating flexibility. Geographical distribution, 44.4 percent have focused on巴登威Gutenberg, followed by North Rhine Westphalia’s 23.5% share of other regions is not high, with the exception of Bavaria, 12.3%, the remaining 10 percent are in the following. Dai Ying

the United States pointed out that the application of machine tools in Germany have more than八成concentrated in five industries, namely, transport industry (such as automobile, aerospace, etc.), 35% Valley; followed by Electrical and Electronic industry 20%, household appliances industry 20%, machinery processing industry 15% and precision equipment industry, 10%.

distribution in the output, the German machine tool of self-sufficiency rate of 57-59 percent, with foreign markets and has raised the bearish trend. It is worth noting that there are still some in the low-priced models are not cost-effective home-made, most of them need to rely on foreign imports, the German production are many types of high unit price, import dependence maintained at 41-43% between.

Dai Ying said the United States, subject to technology-intensive considerations, the German tool factory most directly to the use of plants to sell, with both interactive advisory services, demonstrate products, features and advantages of the importance of education and training should not be ignored whenever the machine performance, operation, and gradually extended to application software, peripheral equipment, and even some manufacturers have set up training facility, providing potential customers hands-on environment.

At present, the countries common financing, borrowing is not common in Germany, and Germany are mostly used 30-60 days of letter of credit payment, the length of time depends on the relationship between buyers and sellers, and orders of the complexity Some old clients can also enjoy 10-15% discount, sales channels depends on the company’s products and marketing strategy. Most manufacturers prefer their own pathway, importers are responsible for many commissioned by the local agents, rely on their familiar with local business practices in order to set in accordance with local laws and regulations of the purchase contract, sales commission of about 10-12%.

in technology development, the German machine tool industry has developed high-speed cutting 60000rpm models to cope with high-speed era; single-function models are also streamlining the human, material and enhance the accuracy of the request, steering the development of composite processing machine. Dai Ying said the United States, the other including the CNC controller to open architecture of PC-Based Controller, Electrical and Mechanical Micro-electro-mechanical integration and move towards the development of island-style production to replace the complex systematic production, North Korea-style streamlined, standardized and modular system development, and North Korea in response to customer demand software, planning and engineering aspects of development and non-traditional tools and so on. (07-11-27)

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