在一个电子秤安装当心“闪电水浸” « oursolo.net






Beware of the installation of an electronic scale “lightning flooded”

This year, with the increasing application of electronic scales a wide range of Quality Supervision Bureau in Jinan City, Shandong Branch Pingyin measurement in the management of electronic scales have often heard users: a result of electronic scales have been “flooded by lightning” and had to spend a lot of manpower and material resources to carry out accident repair. Electronic Scale frequently been “flooded by lightning,” which it is inevitable it? The answer of course is in the negative. According to the relevant branch office staff Pingyin introduction, a considerable portion of the electronic scale was “struck by lightning, flooding and” accidents are caused by improper installation, there are two circumstances. Say lightning

first: In addition to individual high magnetic field region, have conductive factors, generally to prevent a lightning strike. For example, in the installation of electronic scales, first of all, to avoid the scale of Taiwan under the arrangement in the high-tension line to prevent the conductive lightning; Second, each sensor must be reasonable arrangements for grounding line; the third and, if necessary, additional lightning rod effect better. The above is an effective measure to prevent a lightning strike. Device manufacturers, irresponsible and often scales directly installed to the high-tension line, the rain comes, the rain scales directly with Taiwan contact, resulting in electrical conductivity, in fact, has created conditions for a lightning strike, although the grounding line has, but it can only be deaf ears, useless.

again flooded: Electronic Scale refers to fear of flooding the main junction box and sensor two parts fear of tidal wetlands afraid. In order to avoid flooding, the installation of electronic scales should note the following: First, the installation of electronic scales when weighing the best Taiwan is higher than ground level to ensure smooth flow of water; secondly, such as business arrangements required according to the venue, electronic scales and the table ground level, scale body to be set up in the ground, the manufacturers must be based on the actual situation in the design of an adequate drainage system to prevent long-term scales below stagnant water flooded junction box sensor; Thirdly, if the scale body design and installation in the ground, it is best to junction box into the measurement room, from the wet and soaking, no unexpected events occur such as sensors, the electronic scale can be used as usual; Fourth, if the scale body design and installation in the ground, manufacturers must design the installation of scales under the mud and debris in body long-term treatment settings, can scale the side of Taiwan is set up to facilitate the import and export of staff from top to bottom, to prevent blockage of drainage systems, sensors flooded to reduce the rubbish to the large turn over electronic scales, re-verification work to the enterprise caused by troubles and economic losses.

To sum up, some electronic scales can be seen frequently by the “lightning flooded” prescribed for natural disasters is indeed man-made calamities. However, staff found that some manufacturers in the electronic weighing scale orders on the contract specifically indicates that almost every one of the content, that is a result of being “struck by lightning, flooding and” damage caused by the electronic scale, the manufacturers do not take responsibility. This sentence on the surface there is no problem, but in fact it greatly猫腻for bad manufacturers to evade their responsibilities in future play a cover.

Here, quality supervision staff to remind customers in the installation of electronic scales, be sure to shop around, to install this hurdle attention to the selection of reputable, quality manufacturers of scales and, if necessary, to be to the local quality supervision departments advice, do not yield to the temptation of cheap, leaving potential for future use. (07-11-26)

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