How can I pick out a good intelligent......

    Intelligent washing machine is actually an electric washing machine, hand and hand than clothes hanger, which can effectively solve the problems encountered all kinds of clothes in our life: rainy day Yin Xue days, difficult to dry clothes; the clothes drying is laborious, time is long, in addition Dangyang lamps that is very convenient, so get a lot of family love. But how can you choose a good intelligent clothes dryer in the market? The United States will support you!                                  

basic function          

    1, lifting                      

    This is the basic function of the clothes dryer. It is better than the hand dryer. You can freely control the lifting and lowering of the clothes bar by remote control. All you have to do is hang your clothes on it. The benefits of this function is the biggest effort, without holding the clothes fork a piece to hang, or holding the joystick in there, then directly to the quilt quilt shop in bar can press the remote control can be all the clothes up, very convenient, the elderly can also be use.                                                          

    2, lighting                      

    One of the basic functions of the clothes dryer, now most of the clothes dryers have LED lights, but is there any knowledge about this LED lamp? Yes, according to the proportion of lighting science, space of 1 square meters of the best light intensity of 4 watts, and the general apartment layout balcony about 4-5 square meters, suitable for LED lamp 16-20 Watt, so the balcony is bright and will not cause energy waste, but also can save electricity.                     

    In addition, some market washing machine has a LED lights, there are two or more of the light, and how to choose? It is recommended to choose a lamp, in fact, more than one of the LED lights just look more beautiful, but the lighting range has overlap, waste part of the light energy, and the cost of electricity. Practical point of view, one is enough.                                  

    3. Air dried                      

    One of the practical function washing machine, if bad weather: cloudy, rainy, snowy, when clothes are not dry, this is very easy to use, through the built-in fan blower to achieve rapid and sustained, fast drying effect, generally about 3 hours. If natural air dried, it may take a few days or even longer, and this dry clothes are easy to smell.                     

    In smart clothes machine before and is not available in the United States, automatic function on the market washing machine is only automatic rising refers to a single function, when the clothes, dry clothing and clothing disinfection, each function can automatically switch between, need to wait for a function only after the manual switch to the next function. For example, your clothes up after the need to manually switch to dry mode, 3 hours after the need to manually switch to the air disinfection mode, not like the automatic washing machine as automatic water, drainage, washing, dehydration and a series of functions. It means wasting time and energy.                      

    After the United States in washing machine market with intelligent automatic washing machine, a true sense of the appearing in front of consumers, it can be like a fully automatic washing machine, automatic drying, drying, disinfection, the rise of a series of clothes, means you can operate like other automatic appliances, according to a button on the OK, save most of your waiting time, very intelligent, very convenient.                                  

    Texture of material          

    1 、 motor                                              

    American patent patented DC motor,          

     Long service life, large torque, easy to use electricity and so on         

    Can I use it?                                             

    About force bearing                     

    This is relatively easy to overlook the problem of consumers, washing machine bearing two, one is the static load, the maximum weight of a clothes rod when still can bear, with wire rope strength, usually #304 wire rope is appropriate.                                 

    Another is the rise weight bearing, which refers to the maximum clothing weight that can be pulled when the bar rises. This is positively related to the torque of the motor. Isn't that a lot of power to rise up to something important? Rest assured, the motor is generally about 100-120W, the case of weight lifting four times a day (the clothes + clothes a year), don't wrong is about a year 5 kwh or so, just a few dollars, but save a lot of time and energy the clothes.                                  

    2 body material                                  

    High quality washing machine and the scissors by Aluminum Alloy, advantage of corrosion, no rust, no deformation, and the host and the first iron scissors is easy to rust, followed by iron material hardness and easy deformation, of course Aluminum Alloy lower than the cost, we should pay attention to when you buy.                                              

    3, support plate                      

    Support plate airing machine is an important part of the hanging rod and connected with scissors, some washing machine adopts single support plate, only two points, use for a long time to force the support plate deformation, and double thickening have four, more firmly, the windproof clothes machine can greatly improve the ability.                        

    4. Reel                      

    The traditional hand type clothes hanger pulls the steel rope through the pulley and the winding reel, the pulley and the steel wire rope, the steel wire rope and the steel wire rope have a long time friction, and are easy to wear and tear, and the general service life is only about a few years. But most of the clothes dryers now have reels, which ensure that each piece of steel wire has a corresponding groove, thus avoiding the mutual wear and tear of the wire ropes.           Beauty home smart home                      

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