陕西:质量监督抽样合格电线电缆低于40% « oursolo.net



Shaanxi: Quality Supervision random wires and cables passing rate of less than 40%

Shaanxi Provincial Quality and Technical Supervision in the third quarter of reinforced, waterproofing membrane, wire and cable, PVC profiles and other types of building materials products quality supervision and spot checks found that the random wire and cable pass rate of less than four into.

the wire and cable samples were 51 batches of samples, with a pass rate of only 35.3%. Quality problems are the main conductor resistance failed, or failed in 78.8% of the total number of samples, performance standards for the measurement value is greater than the value of this indicator failed to make the cable easy to heat, resulting in accelerated aging of the insulating layer. Rally pre-aging test, insulation aging before the mechanical properties, mechanical properties before aging jacket unqualified failure accounted for 66.7 percent of the total number of potential hazards are easy to wire and cable have emerged in the use of insulating layer or sheath rupture, leakage or other dangerous conductor. In addition, the existence of individual products, insulation thickness, sheath thickness, with an average outside diameter, the average dimensions of the problem failed. (07-11-26)

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