Huoqixx粉怎么办? « Live in China 混在中国



婴儿和要求家长做清晨,2钢,3教育宝宝,婴儿开始前乳牙萌出没有从事口腔健康,{zh0}的母乳喂哺及后,每天晚上,用手指缠在母亲的无菌纱布轻轻擦洗牙龈和腭部。并注意了少量温水清洗后,吃口。 3岁,要教育宝宝和他们的牙齿,并给予指导,监督,培养良好的口腔卫生习惯。
定期尽快以防止龋齿的口腔健康检查。需要每6个月的婴儿进行口腔健康检查在任何时候经常发现问题,及时xx,以促进婴幼儿健康成长。为了及早预防龋齿,这是添加了氟氟化物婴儿{zj0}的下降,氟化物下降,可在婴幼儿口注入,氟化物下降也可以将它添加到食品食用;后的3岁可以采取氟片,并含有低浓度的牙膏使用。氟滴,氟牙补充剂量应规定,或在幼儿园集体使用的药片。 3-4岁的可以去到上下{dy}和第二医院,面部磨牙,用窝沟封闭剂涂布,以达到目的龋齿。






我不喜欢喝牛奶,所以不要生气! ! ! !




不要使用葡萄糖泡沫牛奶,您可以让宝宝多喝水,再有就是纯粹的心和宝宝牛黄粉! !

Huoqi Da formula milk do?

My daughter is now 1 week 8, and up to now still eating milk, in recent months, she often bad breath, I heard that because the milk powder caused Huoqi Da. Have to give her herbal tea, but the effect was not obvious. I do not know will eat milk Huoqi Da, resulting in a bad breath? Also heard that milk will not use glucose blisters Huoqi Tai, I wonder if there is a scientific basis can often use glucose milk blister?

What are the reasons for bad breath caused by a
, oral disease, bad breath caused by oral
dirty, accumulated at the gingival margin of the soft dirt, as well as impaction gap and cavities in the teeth of food within the fermentation corruption, is to generate the main reason for bad breath. Periodontal disease, due to periodontal pockets of food debris, necrotic tissue, and thick fluid such as broken down by bacteria to produce indole, sulfur-based and amine hydrogen caused bad breath. Dental plaque, dental caries, gingivitis, stomatitis and black hair tongue is an important reason for bad breath. In addition, some oral necrotizing inflammation, such as necrotizing gingivostomatitis, noma, cancer, and malignant granuloma such as necrotic ulcers, tooth extraction due to infection, there was significant corruption of the smell.
2, nasal disease, bad breath caused by
hypertrophic rhinitis, adenoid hypertrophy, allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps and so on, so that nasal breathing can be blocked, leading to mouth breathing. Mouth breathing can speed up the evaporation, so that saliva in order to reduce bad breath. There are suppurative maxillary sinusitis (especially odontogenic), foul nasal disease, nasal foreign bodies secondary infection, can occur odor.
3, digestive and respiratory diseases caused by bad breath
indigestion, bronchiectasis, necrotizing pneumonia, lung infections and tumors can have a smell, and if the salivary gland dysfunction, peritonsillar abscess, retropharyngeal abscess, hidden Wo tonsillitis, Vincent s angina, gangrene, and a number of pharyngitis, as well as nasopharyngeal cancer, may have a special smell.
4, certain systemic diseases caused by bad breath
leukemia, neutropenia, etc., often serious damage of oral mucosa, resulting in bad breath, his gums, and buccal mucosa due to necrotizing inflammation and a decrease in saliva secretion. There are also certain systemic diseases, often have a special bad breath, such as ketoacidosis may appear sweet or rotten apple; liver failure may have liver smell; uremia Ammonia Odor from time to time; diabetic patients have one smell.
5, drug-induced bad breath
certain drugs can affect the taste and smell, such as griseofulvin, sulfur, urine, etc. can cause bad breath subjectivity.
the event of bad breath, should go to the hospital for a careful examination to find out the reasons for bad breath and timely treatment.

to help improve oral health
infants and young children requiring the parents to do early in the morning, 2 Gang, 3 education, the 宝宝 began before the eruption of deciduous teeth did not engage in oral health, preferably in the breast-feeding and post-every night, with your fingers wrapped around the mother sterile gauze gently scrubbed on the gums, and palate. And give attention to the small amount of warm water after eating to clean mouth. 3 years of age is necessary to teach children and their teeth, and give guidance, supervision, and to develop good oral hygiene practices.
regular oral health check as soon as possible to prevent dental caries. Required every six months to the 宝宝 oral health examination conducted on a regular basis at any time find problems, timely treatment, in order to facilitate the healthy growth of infants and young children. In order to early prevention of dental caries, it is best for babies with added fluoride drops fluoride, fluoride drops can be instilled in the mouth of infants and young children, fluoride drops can also be adding it to food eaten; after the age of three can take fluoride tablets , and the use of toothpaste containing low concentrations. Fluoride drops, fluoride tablets dental supplementary dose should be prescribed, or collective use in kindergarten. 3-4 years old may go to the hospital to the upper and lower first and second molars of the face, using pit and fissure sealant coating to achieve the purpose of dental caries.

As for the eating milk will get angry, you may be a result of a person who should bar. Your 宝宝 formula milk a day, if the little discomfort if it does not matter. Just pay attention to milk not to overshoot too strong

children should not be dressed in uniforms of glucose
glucose primarily to supplement the body s energy shortage. In daily life, many parents believe that glucose-rich tonics it as children, regardless of what the children eat all release points, glucose, that such good sound. In fact, this is neither the economy but also harmful to children s health.
In addition to glucose, the dietary intake of various sugars not be directly absorbed and used, must be transformed into glucose in the body before being absorbed. White sugar is a monosaccharide condensation from the two elements made of pairs of sugar, when the body is of such pairs of sugar intake, the intestinal digestive enzymes in the pairs of sugar, there will be pairs of glucose digested and broken down into glucose and fructose. Glucose without going through the digestion step can be directly absorbed into the bloodstream. Therefore, when the body need sugar when drinking a cup of glucose will be able to quickly absorb and use.
However, the normal human body, the gastrointestinal tract to digest a certain amount of white sugar is also very easy to absorb quickly. Therefore, do not have to use glucose instead of sugar. On the contrary, if the long-term consumption of glucose to the children, often lead to impaired function of the normal digestion, so that normal intestinal secretion pairs of sugar, enzymes and other digestive enzymes function disuse degeneration occurs, affecting children of other food digestion and absorption. Therefore, children should not be dressed in uniforms or glucose.

Chong formula for proportionality, anger will not be too much glucose there is cool heatstroke
role, but eat the children of poor health

if it is full-fat The formula is relatively hot, and depends on whether it is caused by the heat and see no other symptoms, such as surface Minister Xiao Huang points. Another reason for bad breath may be caused by poor digestion gastrointestinal

when boiled powdered milk add a little sugar, usually more watering.

I do not like to drink milk, so do not get angry! ! ! !

add sugar best, can be changed to yogurt, or fresh milk, nutrition, better, easier to absorb

drinking milk will indeed be very fiery.
, but is not no way. You can drink the honeysuckle to her every morning dew on the water.
also must give her to drink warm water, especially before going to sleep at night to drink about 30-40 water.
usually eat more fruits and in summer, eat or drink watermelon juice, eat some fruit clear of fire, such as grapefruit, pear, water chestnuts.
Apple also known as memories of fruit, eat the body good, we should eat one every day.
of course, have to eat more vegetables Do not get angry easily for her to eat the food, meat to control, fish can eat.

Huoqi Tai drink milk, drink less of it or do not drink on the ok.

Do not use glucose bubble milk, you can let children drink plenty of water, and then there is the pure heart and pediatric bezoar powder! !04-12-22

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