Huai-BB should be added every day what the Food and Nutrition ...

Category:catering food

pregnant BB does every day what should be added to food and nutrition?
should be careful not to eat?

variety of nutritious food for pregnant women is presented in the following four categories.

1, the staple food: should be diversified to grain wheat-based, daily requirements in 400.450 grams, the thickness of grain, rice, flour, beans proper mix. China’s hybrid surface of the folklore of eating habits will help supplement the lack of a variety of essential amino acids the body, while a modern refined processing of the shelling caused loss of a large number of nutrients, it should be noted that many pregnant women eat rough food.

2, protein: mainly from two kinds of animal protein and vegetable protein, pregnant women, 75-108 g daily requirements. Animal protein in fish, lean meat, poultry and eggs and milk contain mainly these foods contain not only protein, but also rich in vitamins, minerals, saturated fat. Plant protein are beans, rice, wheat and nuts and seeds. These foods are ideal for pregnant women, food, but it should be noted that with reasonable, such as meat may not drink milk every day, you can also eat 2-3 eggs or drink milk 200 1 250 ml, if other foods are rich in vegetable protein, also do not have to eat animal protein every day. In short, animal and plant proteins to make a reasonable match.

3, Fat: pregnant women, 60 grams daily requirements, mainly from plants and animals. Animal fats derived from fat and animal oils, vegetable fats derived from soybean oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil and sesame and walnut and so on.

4, vitamins and minerals: vitamins and minerals for pregnant women, the demand for large, generally found in a large number of fresh vegetables, fruits, animal protein, cod liver oil, seaweed and seafood and other foods, if the pregnant woman is not a partial eclipse, the general is not a lack of vitamins and minerals, but it should be noted that preparation methods. Such as fruit is not peeled or cut vegetables, washed first, and pay attention to cooking without cooking or deep-fried to make the method, a little oil stir fry a little after the micro-stamping, after burning for human consumption, can reduce nutrient loss. Indeed due to various reasons, such as vitamin and mineral deficiency, it may increase the diet under the guidance of a doctor at the same time to add some synthetic agents. But not excessive, so as to avoid unnecessary risk.


pregnant women should not be pregnant, for women, is an important physiological process, as a mother, every woman will want their children born smart, healthy and beautiful. In this special period of life, birth, pregnant women should stay away from eating food that may affect the fetus, here we give you to do some brief hope that it can help you.

canned food. These foods are in the production process to be adding a certain amount of additives, such as artificial colors, flavors, preservatives and so on. These additives little effect on healthy people, but pregnant women and babies would be too bad for the health. In addition, the canned food in the production process, after high temperature treatment, the raw material of vitamins and other nutrients have been subject to a certain degree of damage, resulting in nutritional value is not high.
fried fritters. Alum is the production of fried dough sticks must be additive, its chemical composition is an aluminum-containing compound. Aluminum can be through the placenta into the baby’s brain barrier and brain development will increase the incidence of dementia. If a pregnant woman eat two fried dough sticks, it means eating three grams of alum per day, accumulated up its intake is quite astronomical. Jiu-Cun
potatoes. Sprouting potatoes will cause food poisoning, which is that people are all familiar with, but did not germinate and the storage time of potatoes for too long the impact on the human body, but few people know. Potatoes contain alkaloids, stored longer, its higher content of food such as potatoes, may affect fetal development, leading to fetal malformation.
MSG. The main component of MSG is the sodium glutamate in the blood of zinc, combined with emissions from the urine. MSG ingestion of too much will consume a large amount of zinc, leading to zinc deficiency in vivo. Zinc is an important trace elements in fetal growth and development, pregnant women should eat MSG is appropriate.
chocolate and hawthorn. Pregnant women eating too much chocolate would produce satiety, thereby affecting the appetite, resulting in body weight gain in pregnant women, but the lack of essential nutrients. There are many pregnant women like to eat sour things, Hawthorn became the preferred food, but Hawthorn have excitatory effects on the uterus, excessive consumption can cause contraction of the uterus, there is the possibility of causing a miscarriage, it is not a lot of ingestion.
liver of certain animals. Some modern feed containing high-quality rapidly fatten fatten agent, in which a high content of vitamin A, it can accumulate in the liver of animals. A large number of pregnant women, such as ingestion of such food to pregnant women does not have much impact, but great harm to the fetus, teratogenic as one of its consequences.
cold. Pregnant women, decreased gastrointestinal function, over-drinking cold drinks will make a sudden contraction of gastrointestinal blood vessels, gastric secretion reduced, digestive function lower abdominal pain, diarrhea and other symptoms. Modern medical research shows that the fetus is very sensitive to cold stimulation, when the pregnant women, excessive ingestion of cold foods, the fetus has restless response.
some processed foods with a special process. Such as preserved eggs, smoked products. Such foods in the processing process, the more nutrition lost, and easy to generate harmful substances, taste was good, great harm.
the above description, but most problems encountered by pregnant women, as a mother who will soon become, we must carefully choose food, not in order to satisfy their desire for certain foods, while forgetting their responsibilities. A smart, healthy, beautiful baby’s birth, is a woman pregnant in October of the largest fruit.


类别: 餐饮食品










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