关于缺钙« Mami Ask 妈妈问?



English:About calcium

my 宝宝 3 months, exclusive breastfeeding, the last few days crying at night to sleep occasionally. (Say the elderly are frightened?), There is one point Khan.
calcium deficiency are not so? If calcium supplements, how to fill it? Calcium I eat it possible?

Whether the calcium is not only manifested in the night terrors and sweating. Calcium Iron as a breast-feeding mother s own loss of a great time because the 宝宝 through breast milk to drink to achieve their own growth and development of nutritional requirements. At this point the mother can easily lack of calcium and iron, the mother must ensure that adequate supply of calcium-iron content to themselves and their children.
all know that calcium is to promote bone growth and development. For example, a child s teeth morning and evening and also on the absorption of calcium. Calcium at the time also, and none can be adopted when containing vitamin A, D calcium of pharmaceuticals or health care products, but more importantly, on attention in the catering, and outdoor sun. Contact with human skin because the sun s radiation would promote vitamin A, D Generation, and vitamins A and D of the role is to promote the absorption of calcium. Therefore, when the good weather, maternal and child can be the sun outdoors, breathing fresh air; as a mother should pay attention to their diet. Eat a variety of dark vegetables, fish and shrimp and so on, timely vitamin A and D on it.
wish mother and 宝宝 healthy and happy!

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