
概述 磁力传动离心泵(简称磁力泵)是应用现代磁力学原理,利用永磁体的磁力传动实现扭矩的无接触传递的一种新型泵,也就是电机带动外转子(即外磁钢)总成旋转时,通过磁场的作用磁力线穿过隔离套带动内转子(即内磁钢)总成和叶轮同步旋转,由于介质封闭在静止的隔离套内,从而达到无泄漏抽送介质的目的,彻底解决了机械传动泵的轴封泄漏,而设计的全密封、无泄漏、无污染的新型工业用泵。 磁力泵是化工流程中杜绝跑、冒、滴、漏现象,xx环境污染,创造“无泄漏车间”、“无泄漏工厂”,实现安全、文明生产的理想用泵。广泛应用于石油、化工、制药、印染、电镀、食品、环保等企业的生产流程中输送不含铁屑杂质的腐蚀性液体,尤其适用于易燃、易爆、易挥发、有毒和贵重液体的输送。 在石油化工领域,愈来愈多的生产厂家,对其输送的介质都要求无泄漏的工艺环境,在某些特殊的场合,如输送热油或带颗粒介质(如污水处理),以及化工生产流程中,更迫切需要选择理想的无泄漏泵型。我公司在生产CQ型磁力泵的基础上,引进国内、外新技术,研制成功的MT-HTP系列磁力传动高温化工流程泵,MT-MSP系列磁传动高温多级泵和带悬液分离器的磁力泵产品系列,解决了常规磁力泵一直未能解决的输送高温(350℃)和带颗粒介质的技术难题,可以直接取代机械传动的IH型化工泵。MT系列磁力泵经过长期的生产性连续运行考验,用户可以确信他们所选用的是xxx、最可靠的泵型。 传动原理 磁力泵是利用磁性联轴器的工作原理无接触地传递扭矩的一种新泵型,当电动机带动外磁转子旋转时,通过磁场的作用带动内磁转子与叶轮同步旋转,从而达到抽送液体之目的,由于液体被封闭在静止的隔离套内,所以它是一种全密封、无泄漏的泵型。 泵的特点 取消了泵的机械密封,xxxx了机械密封离心泵不可避免的跑、冒、滴、漏之弊病,是无泄漏工厂的{zj0}选择。 由于泵的过流部件选用了不锈钢、工程塑料来制造,从而达到耐腐蚀之目的。 泵的磁性联轴器和泵体结合为一体,所以结构紧凑,维修方便、安全节能。 泵的磁性联轴器可以对传动电机起到超载保护的作用。 泵的用途 磁力泵以它全密封、无泄漏、耐腐蚀之特点,广泛用于石油、化工、制药、电镀、环保、水处理、影视洗印、国防等部门用来抽送易燃、易爆、有毒与贵重液体,是创建无泄漏、无污染文明车间、文明工厂的理想用泵。 工作条件 磁力泵输送介质的密度不大于1300kg/m3,粘度不大于30×10-6m3/S的不含铁磁性和纤维的液体。常规磁力泵的额定温度对于泵体为金属材质或F46衬里,{zg}工作温度为80℃,额定压力为1.6MPa;高温磁力泵的使用温度≤350℃;对于泵体为非金属材质,{zg}温度不超过60℃,额定压力为0.6MPa。 对于输送介质密度大于1600kg/m3的液体,磁性联轴器需另行设计。 磁力泵的轴承采用被输送的介质进行润滑冷却,鼓磁力泵严禁空载运行。

“ Magnetic characteristics of the pump and the principle of the use and working conditions ”是由提供的国际水泵新闻,译文仅供参考。另外,中国磁力泵网还提供相关产品搜索:、、、、等。


Outline Magnetic drive centrifugal pump (referred to as magnetic pumps) is the application of modern magnetic theories, the use of magnets to achieve magnetic drive torque of the non-contact transmission of a new pump, which is driven external rotor motor (that is outside the magnet) assembly rotation when the magnetic field lines through the magnetic field within the rotor drive through isolation units (that is within the magnet) assembly and the impeller rotate simultaneously, due to close in the static dielectric isolation kit, leak-free pumping medium to achieve the objective of a thorough solution to the mechanical transmission pump seal leakage, and the design of all sealed, no leakage, no pollution of the new industrial pumps. Magnetic force is the chemical process pumps stop running, take, drop, leakage and eliminating environmental pollution, to create a "leak-free shop," "no leak factory", to achieve safe and civilized production ideal pump. Widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, printing and dyeing, electroplating, food, environmental protection, the production process does not contain iron impurities in the transport of corrosive liquids, especially for flammable, explosive, volatile, toxic and expensive liquid delivery. In the petrochemical industry, more and more producers, its transmission medium require no leakage of the process environment, in some special occasions, such as the transmission medium heat oil or with particles (such as sewage treatment), and chemical production process, the more urgent need to select the ideal non-leakage pump. Our CQ Magnetic pumps in the production based on the introduction of domestic and foreign new technology, developed the MT-HTP series of high-temperature chemical process magnetic drive pump, MT-MSP series magnetic drive pumps and high temperature with a suspension separator Magnetic pump product line to solve the conventional magnetic pump has not been able to solve the transport temperature (350 ℃) and the technical problems with granular media, can replace the mechanical transmission of the IH type chemical pump. MT series magnetic pump after a long and productive test of continuous operation, the user can be sure they choose the safest, most reliable pump. Transmission principle Magnetic pump is the working principle of magnetic coupling to transmit torque without contact with a new pump, when the motor drive external magnetic rotor, driven by the magnetic field of the magnetic rotor and impeller synchronous rotation, so as to achieve pumping liquid purpose, because the liquid is enclosed in static isolation kit, so it is a sealed, leak-free pump. Pump Features Cancellation of the pump mechanical seal, pump mechanical seals eliminate the inevitable run, run, drip, drain the drawbacks, there is no leakage of the plant the best choice. As the pump flow passage components selected stainless steel, engineering plastic to manufacture, so as to achieve the purpose of corrosion resistance. Magnetic coupling pumps and pump combined into one, so compact, easy maintenance, safety and energy conservation. Magnetic coupling pump drive motor can play a role in overload protection. The use of pump Magnetic pump to its sealed, no leaks, corrosion-resistant characteristics, widely used in petroleum, chemical, pharmaceutical, electroplating, environmental protection, water treatment, film and printing photos, defense and other departments for pumping flammable, explosive, toxic and expensive liquid, is created without leakage, pollution-free plant of civilization, civilization, the ideal pump factory. Working conditions Magnetic pumping medium density not greater than 1300kg/m3, viscosity of less than 30 × 10-6m3 / S magnetic and fiber-free liquid iron. Rated temperature of conventional magnetic pump for pump lining of metal material or F46, the maximum operating temperature is 80 ℃, nominal pressure 1.6MPa; high temperature magnetic pump uses the temperature ≤ 350 ℃; the pump for the non-metallic material, the maximum temperature exceed 60 ℃, rated pressure of 0.6MPa. The transmission medium density greater than 1600kg/m3 liquid, magnetic coupling need be designed. Magnetic pump bearings is transported using the medium for lubricating and cooling, drum magnetic pump no-load operation is strictly prohibited.

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