
时效是xx机械加工零件残余应力的基础工艺。振动时效在70年代起源于美国,后来在德国、英国、法国得到了广泛的应用,我国从80年代初开始引进使用振动时效工艺。由于振动时效是一种高效、节能、环保及低成本的时效方法,与传统的热时效和自然时效相比,振动时效具有生产周期短,场地简单灵活方便,生产费用低,无环境污染等优点。由于振动时效的xx的优越性,又适应现代工业对能源和环保的要求,应用振动时效是企业改进传统工艺提高市场竞争力的{zj0}选择,目前在某些方面已取代了传统的热时效和自然时效。 1、振动时效机理及装置的原理 1.1、振动时效机理 工件在毛坯制造及切削加工等过程中,使内部产生残余应力,致使工件处于不稳定状态,降低了尺寸稳定性和机械物理性能。振动时效工艺是通过锤击来xx金属工件中的残余应力的。工件在周期外力作用下产生共振,共振中交变动应力与工件内部残余应力叠加,经过一定时间,材料发生局部屈服,导致晶内和晶界错位产生滑移,原子从不稳定位能高的位置移向较稳定的位能低位置。经过此过程,工件宏观残余应力得到迁移、降低和均化,从而降低或xx工件的内部残余应力。 1.2、振动时效装置的原理 机械振动时效装置主要包括激振器、控制主机、加速度传感器、支撑橡胶等部分。主要功能是控制激振器在某个激振力输出水平,在一定频率(转速)范围对任一频率以较高的稳频精度工作.尤其是共振峰前后负载特性变化较剧烈的情况下,并记录、识别和输出有关时效曲线及参数。 2、碟阀箱体振动时效的工艺 振动时效的效果取决于振动时效的工艺的选择。如图2所示是一个冶金蝶阀体,是由铸造而成的结构件,其形状复杂,刚性相对大,凸凹面多,壁厚不均,残余应力大且分布繁杂。以前采用自然时效的工艺中存在很多的缺点,某公司自2005年开始采用振动时效工艺以来,在产品的质量和生产效率方面取得了很大的进步。多年的生产实践经验表明:由于振动时效的工艺比较复杂,必须对箱体类零件进行振前的工艺分析,设计优化振动参数以提高振动时效的效果。 2.1、工艺分析 按照振动失效的工艺规范,对工件时效前应进行工艺分析,以达到节约电能和工作时间的目的。首先,应根据工件的材质、结构、毛坯制造的工艺形式和过程,分析箱体的残余应力场的分布,尺寸精度要求,以及工作载荷,可能的失效原因等因素进行分析,然后再决定实施振动时效的工艺路线及时效重点部位。冶金蝶阀体一般按箱体类工件对待,该类工件的结构一般较复杂,受力条件恶劣。箱体毛坯一般是铸造或焊接的构件,对于铸件产生的残余应力应根据铸造工艺,如结构形状、浇口位置、壁厚薄及冷却的情况来分析判断应力的情况。对组焊件来说,各焊接件的先焊和后焊的次序、坡口的大小及焊缝的形状和位置等,对产生的残余应力大小和分布均有影响。 根据箱体在服役时的载荷情况来分析,箱体的承受的工作载荷往往较复杂,由于冶金蝶阀体在工作中主要承受弯曲变形,因此,该类工件失效振动则主要采用弯曲振型。 2.2、工艺参数的优化 振动时效的工艺参数包括激振点、支撑点、激振频率、激振力和激振时间,这些参数的选取应依据工件的固有振动特性来确定。当激振频率处于工件的固有频率附近时,用较小的激振力可以激起足够大的动应力,只有用工件固有频率进行激振,才能最经济、最简便、最迅速地降低工件的残余应力。但是在实践中发现,由于采用激振力大小、激振力频率和激振点的位置不合理,有时会出现达不到xx残余应力的效果,工件只是局部的xx了残余应力;有时甚至将工件振裂。因此有必要对振动时效工艺参数进行优化设计。 根据《振动时效设备使用手册》中操作要求,在振前对工件进行多点扫频,并在扫频同时跟踪绘制振前工艺曲线及打印参数,综合所有扫频曲线对应的固有频率,找出有效xx工件关键部位应力的有效振型(以及对应的有效频率),直接对这些有效频率〔有效振型)时效,同时在线打印g-t曲线以观察时效进程,决定何时停机,然后再通过对该频率(振型)局部扫频和局部打印。 2.3、时效效果的评判 振动时效效果主要是指零件振动后残余应力xx、均化、抗变形能力的提高以及尺寸精度的稳定化程度。在生产现场常采用根据如图3所示的振幅时间(A-t)曲线采用下列方法来快速判断振动时效效果: (1)检测幅频曲线共振峰形状的变化,在幅频曲线上表现出共振峰由宽变窄; (2)检侧共振频率发生的变化; (3)检测振动过程中零件幅值及激振功率的变化,若保持激振能最不变,则振幅上升;若控制振幅值恒定.则激振功率降低。 若出现上述一种情况,在实践中就判定振动时效达到了预期的目的。 2.4、振动时效前后残余应力的检测 为了定量了解振动时效工艺效果,使用磁应力仪,检测了挖掘机平台等工件焊缝处振动时效前后的残余应力。 测量结果表明,工件在振动处理前,焊缝处残余应力集中现象较严重。在焊缝中心区域应力较高,{zd0}剪切残余应力值约为54-67MPa,已经接近了许用安全剪切应力,为不安全的残余应力。在焊缝非中心区域应力较低,约为30-50MPa。经振动时效处理,焊缝处残余应力集中现象已xx,焊缝中心区域和非焊缝区域的应力值已相近,峰值残余应力已经从60MPa左右下降到25MPa左右,下降率约为60%,远小于许用安全剪切应力。 2.5、振动时效时应注意的几个问题 (1)发生强迫共振:随着振动频率的升高,电机电流一直上升无下降趋势,这时即发生了强迫共振,这种现象一般是由被振工件的重量太小而刚性又太大所导致。 (2)找不到共振区:在扫频过程中发现随着频率的升高,电枢电流也缓慢增加,但是电流并不大,直到扫频结束加速度始终在增加并很小,这种现象一般都是由于工件的固有频率超出设备的控制频率范围。 对于发生以上情况,通过实验的方法可以解决。反复改变激振力和支撑点以及激振器的装卡位置;采用悬臂的方法(将工件一端固定,激振器装卡在另一端的方法),也可以采用组合振动法(将多个工件刚性连接在一起可以降低工件的固有频率)。 3、振动时效的工艺管理和经济效益 在生产实践中上,某公司是通过振动时效工艺曲线来检测振动时效效果的。每振动时效处理一个工件,都必须要有相应的振动时效工艺曲线,这个工艺曲线,要经过质量检验部门依据工艺部门制订的振动时效工艺卡的标准曲线进行验收,如果达不到验收标准,还要返工重振。验收合格后工件才能转到下一工序,有效地保证了振动时效工艺质量稳定可靠。 从2005年开始,公司累计振动时效处理了1500台蝶阀箱体类的焊接件,每台产品的焊接结构件平均质量约为0.5吨,总计处理了约750吨。公司购买了1套振动时效设备,设备购置费为6万元,操作人员1人,4年累计工资额为8万元,振动时效设备每天耗电量为16度,每度电按照0.8元计,4年累计使用电费为0.6万元。4年累计振动时效的总费用为14.6万元。 如果使用热时效,需要购买热时效炉,因为环境污染问题,不能使用燃煤热时效,只能使用电炉热时效。按照公司的产量,需要购买2台100kW的电炉,设备投资约30万元,电炉的用电量很大,其综合热时效成本为500元/吨,处理750吨工件,需要37.5万元。4年累计热时效的总费用需要75.5万元。与热时效相比,振动时效可以节省60万元的时效费用,此外,采用振动时效后与热时效相比所节省的大量工时尚未计算在内,由此可见应用振动时效技术的经济效益是相当显著的。

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Aging is part of machine based on residual stress process. VSR originated in the United States in the 70's, and later in Germany, Britain, France, has been widely used in China was introduced from the early 80s using the vibration aging process. As the VSR is a highly efficient, energy saving, environmental protection and low-cost way of limitation, and the traditional thermal aging and natural aging compared with VSR with short production cycles, simple and flexible venue, the production cost is low, and no environment pollution . As the incomparable superiority of VSR, but also to adapt to modern industry demands for energy and environmental protection, application of VSR is to improve the traditional business process to improve the market competitiveness of the best choice, in some respects has been replaced by the traditional heat aging and natural aging. 1, vibration aging mechanism and the principle of device 1.1, vibration aging mechanism Workpiece in the rough such as manufacturing and machining process, so that the internal residual stress, resulting in an unstable state of the workpiece, reducing the dimensional stability and mechanical and physical properties. VSR technology is to remove the metal piece by hammering in the residual stress. Under external force in the period piece to resonate, the resonance changes in the cross piece, residual stress and stress superposition, over time, materials with partial yield, leading to grain and grain boundary dislocation within the slippage, atomic potential energy from unstable high position move to more stable low potential energy positions. Through this process, the workpiece be moved macroscopic residual stress, reduced and averaged, thereby reducing or eliminating parts of the internal residual stress. 1.2, the principle of VSR device Aging devices include mechanical vibration exciter, control unit, accelerometer, support and rubber parts. Main function is to control the exciter excitation output at a level of a certain frequency (speed) range of any one frequency to high frequency stability of precision work. Especially the resonance peak load characteristics before and after the change in a more severe case, and records, to identify and output the aging curve and parameters. 2, butterfly valve box VSR Process VSR VSR effect depends on the selection process. Shown in Figure 2 is a metallurgical valve body is formed by the cast structural parts, the shape of complex, rigid relatively large, concave surface and more uniform wall thickness, residual stress distribution of large and complex. Previously used in the natural aging process there are many shortcomings, a company since 2005 been using vibration aging technology, product quality and production efficiency has made great progress. Years of production experience has shown that: As the VSR process more complicated, must be carried out on the Box Part of the process prior to vibration analysis, design optimization of vibration parameters to improve the effectiveness of VSR. 2.1, process analysis Failure process in accordance with vibration norms, on the workpiece process analysis should be conducted before aging in order to save energy and work to achieve the purpose of the time. First of all, should be based on workpiece material, the structure of the form blank manufacturing technology and process analysis of residual stress field box distribution, size, precision, and the work load and other factors may cause failure analysis, and then decided to implement the vibration aging and the aging process route key positions. Metallurgy valve body generally treated according to box-type parts, such parts are generally more complex structure, force in severe conditions. Box blank is generally cast or welded components, the casting residual stress should be based on casting techniques, such as structural shapes, gate location, thin wall thickness and cooling analysis of the situation to determine the stress situation. Welding parts on it, the welding parts welding and after welding the first order of the size and weld groove shape and location of residual stress affects both the size and distribution. According to box while serving load in the circumstances analysis, the work load of the bearing box is often more complex, as metallurgy valve body in the work of the main bearing deformation, therefore, such parts failures are mainly bending vibration mode. 2.2 Optimization of process parameters VSR process parameters including the excitation point, support and resistance, vibration frequency, the exciting force and vibration time, the selection of these parameters should be based on the inherent vibration characteristics of the workpiece to determine. When the excitation frequency is near the natural frequency of the workpiece, with the smaller excitation can inspire a large enough dynamic stress, only the natural frequency of vibration with the workpiece can be the most economical, easiest and most rapid reduction in workpiece residual stress. However, in practice, found that due to the size of the exciting force, excitation frequency and excitation point position is unreasonable, and sometimes fail to eliminate the effect of residual stress in the workpiece is only a partial elimination of the residual stress; sometimes even workpiece vibration cracking. So it is necessary to optimize the process parameters of VSR design. According to "VSR equipment manuals" in operating requirements, the vibration of the workpiece before the multi-point sweep and sweep and tracking technology curve drawing and printing before vibration parameters on all the curves corresponding to the natural frequency sweep to find out effectively remove the workpiece key parts of the effective stress mode (and the corresponding effective frequency), directly on the effective frequency 〔effective mode) time, while online print gt curve to observe the aging process, determine when to stop, and then through the frequency (mode) local sweep and local printing. 2.3 Evaluation of aging effects VSR effect mainly refers to the elimination of residual stress after vibration components are based, improved resistance to deformation and stability of the degree of dimensional accuracy. Often used in the production field as shown in Figure 3 according to the amplitude of the time (At) curve using the following method to quickly determine VSR effect: (1) detection of amplitude-frequency curve of resonance peak shape changes in the amplitude-frequency curve shown by the width of narrow resonance peaks; (2) review the changes in resonant frequency side; (3) detection of vibration amplitude and vibration of the part change of power, if the excitation energy to keep the most unchanged, increased amplitude; if control of the value of constant amplitude. Excitation power is reduced. If there is such a situation, in practice, the determination to achieve the desired vibration aging purposes. 2.4, residual stress before and after VSR test In order to quantitatively understand the effect of vibration aging technology, using magnetic strain gauge to detect the excavator platform workpiece weld residual stress before and after VSR. Measurement results show that the vibration of the workpiece before processing, weld residual stress concentration is more serious. Higher stress in the weld center region, the maximum residual shear stress is about 54-67MPa, close to the allowable shear stress safety for unsafe residual stress. Non-central region of the stress in the weld low at about 30-50MPa. The vibration aging treatment, weld residual stress concentration has been eliminated, regional and non-weld seam center stress region has been similar, the peak residual stress has decreased from 60MPa to 25MPa around about drop rate is about 60%, far less than the allowable shear stress safety. 2.5, VSR should pay attention to several issues (1) occurrence of forced resonance: as frequency increases, the motor current has been no downward trend up, then that is a forced resonance, the phenomenon is normally provided by the weight of the workpiece by vibrating it being too small and rigid result. (2) can not find the resonance region: the process of discovery in the sweep as the frequency increases, the armature current is slowly increasing, but the current is not significant until the end of the acceleration has swept the increase and small, this phenomenon generally are due to the natural frequency of the workpiece beyond the control of the frequency range of equipment. The occurrence of the above, can be solved by experimental methods. Changed repeatedly and the exciter excitation force and support points of loading card position; by cantilever method (one end fixed to the workpiece, exciter installed card at the other end of the method) can also be used combined vibration method (more than one piece rigid connection with the natural frequency of the workpiece can be reduced). 3, vibration aging process management and economic benefits In production practice, the vibration of a company through aging process curve to determine the effect of vibration stress relief. Each VSR processing a workpiece, must have corresponding vibration aging technology curve, this process curve, to go through quality inspection departments of VSR technology department developed a standard curve of technology card acceptance, if not meet acceptance criteria, but also To rework revitalization. After acceptance to the workpiece to the next process, effective process to ensure a stable and reliable quality VSR. Starting in 2005, the company handled 1,500 total units VSR Butterfly Box of welding parts, welded structure each product the average mass of about 0.5 tons, total treatment of about 750 tons. Company bought a set of VSR equipment, equipment cost is 6 million, the operator 1, 4, amounted to 80,000 yuan in total wages, vibration, aging equipment, the power consumption of 16 degrees every day, according to 0.8 yuan per kilowatt meter , 4-year cumulative use of electricity as 06,000 yuan. 4-year cumulative total cost of VSR 146,000 yuan. If you use heat aging, need to buy a hot furnace, because of environmental problems, can not use coal-fired thermal aging, thermal aging can only use the electric stove. According to the company's output, will need to purchase 2 sets of 100kW electric furnace, equipment investment of about 30 million large consumption of electric furnaces, heat aging of its comprehensive cost of 500 yuan / ton, 750 tons workpiece handling, need 375 thousand yuan. 4-year cumulative total cost of thermal aging need 755,000 yuan. Compared with the thermal aging, vibration, aging can save up to 60 million in prescription costs, in addition, by vibration and thermal aging after aging compared to the savings of a large number of working hours has not yet taken into account, we can see the economic benefits of application of vibration aging technology is quite significant.

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