孕期感冒用电热毯要紧吗« Mami Ask 妈妈问?




English:Colds during pregnancy you must use electric blanket

I have 19 weeks of pregnancy, during which I have a total of 4 times a cold, no fever. many times your baby has a cold what harm would it? 1-3 months in pregnancy I have been using electric blanket, which affect my baby?

Pregnancy within 12 weeks of cold (viral infection) a greater impact on children may lead to deformities, electric blanket during early pregnancy do not sleep well, but are not {bfb} impact, if the child, do not worry too much, to do a good job during pregnancy inspection and disease screening, many abnormalities can be found in a timely manner.

General cold symptoms are relatively light, such as flow-ching T, sneezing, have little effect on the fetus, but also do not have medication, rest a few days will be good. But in early pregnancy (5-14 weeks), mainly fetal organogenesis embryonic development time, if suffering from influenza, and severe symptoms, a greater impact on the fetus, fetal medicine here also have a greater risk.
pregnant women using the electric blanket when you sleep can lead to fetal malformation. This is because the electric blanket will generate electromagnetic fields, the electromagnetic fields may affect the mother-womb fetal cell division, so that abnormal changes occurred in cell division. Fetal bone cells, the most sensitive to electromagnetic fields. Modern medical research confirmed that the nerve tissue in the embryo after conception 15 ~ 25 days to start development of heart tissue in pregnancy 20 to 40 days after the beginning of development, the limbs in pregnancy 24 to 26 days after the beginning of development. Therefore, pregnant women during this period of time if the use of electric blanket, the most easily fetal brain, nerves, bones and heart, such as being exposed to undesirable influences. It can be seen that for your baby’s health, in the winter season, pregnant women do not use electric blanket to sleep.

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