Dry edible wild fungus how? « Industry info 工业信息

Category:catering food

a friend sent, he said that can not be put pepper, stew, when not to cover the lid

water to rinse them first, above the gray, and then soak into the basin a day, the water should be put in more, will be followed by a dip in the water into the pot along with the Wild Mushroom

Wild Mushroom Soup

material: goose bacteria, pearl bacteria, Ming legs bacteria, Ji Mushroom, white radish fungus, pine bacteria, fungi days, 60 grams of prepared, jujube, Chinese wolfberry, ginger less.

practices: Wash all the bacteria Zhai stem into boiling water in the water, stir-boiled and put it into jujube, Chinese wolfberry, ginger boil, add seasonings (salt, chicken) can be.

Note: all kinds of bacteria must be washed and cooked, but not cooked too long.

This Tangweixianchun soft, smooth, but the green health food oh.

the consumption of wild fungi should pay attention to issues related to how to reduce the cooking process when the toxicity of viral?

Wild Mushroom although tasty, but eating poisonous wild mushroom, is your bad luck. In fact, as long as cooking methods and more attention on the processing method, even if inadvertently consumed the toxin, you can also play a role in reducing toxic levels, thereby minimizing damage to the body.

CDC Director Dr. Alan CHENG Yunnan Province, told reporters that the consumption of wild fungi there are three basic principles: not eaten in as far as possible not to eat; do not know, try not to eat; there is no certainty as far as possible not to eat. Did these three, the chance to eat poisonous wild mushroom had been greatly reduced.

Alan CHENG also suggested that in the process of cooking the wild strain should also note the following points in order to avoid or reduce the chance of poisoning: first is to fry cooking, cooked wild strain of the volume will be greatly reduced; second is not to cold be eaten raw, although the Yunnan Wild Mushroom people are not used to be eaten raw, but such cases still occurred in months, so should be avoided; In addition, cooking first sub-boiled look at bacteria, wring dry and then fried, but also can reduce the toxins, However, doing so at the same time the taste and nutrition of wild fungi have also been damaged.

For many people consider that “eating bacteria pot is the safest approach” is not always the case that Alan CHENG: “Some fungi toxins indeed be destroyed at high temperatures, but not all the case. And different people eat hot pot, it will be wild mushroom pot into the length of time are also different, so sometimes this approach does not work. “

How can I tell Mushroom poisoned?

Yunnan Province, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention Director Dr. Alan CHENG introduction, general eating toadstool will have the following 4 types of performance:

First gastroenteritis type, the performance of such poisoning is more common, accounting for about 80%. Specific reaction was eating toadstool 10-2 minutes later inside a weakness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, generally without fever, severe cases can lead to dehydration, causing peripheral circulatory failure. Type of poisoning caused by yellow Suillus bovinus, yellow powder, Boletus, bitter boletus spore powder, poisonous red mushrooms, stinky yellow mushrooms, wax umbrella, moonlight bacteria and so on.

Second, neuropsychiatric type, in addition to its performance in gastroenteritis, there is also the spirit of excitement, mental disorders and mental suppression and other symptoms. Such as the common name “red see the hand” of brown yellow boletus eat it will first appear after the dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and then there is irritability, auditory hallucinations, hallucinations, bizarre behavior lie and so few people have a delusion of persecution appears similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia. The consumers will feel the activities of the villain before or animal, and then there are beatings and destroy, Mile run around, and even injurious behavior. Poison rope umbrella, leopard of eating Amanita who will be vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, tears, cardiac parasympathetic symptoms such as slowing down. Such poisoning can be resumed after the patient treated, and no complications, the mortality rate is very low.

The third is the hemolytic type. Eating poisonous mushroom 6-12 hours, except for a gastroenteritis-type performance, there are anemia, hepatomegaly and other symptoms. Flower bacteria such as deer may cause such symptoms, but their toxins can be heated to 100 degrees Celsius were damaged.

The fourth type is a multi-organ damage. Eating toadstool 10-30 hours after the first, gastroenteritis-type performance, and then the liver, brain, heart, kidney and many other organ damage, so as to liver damage was most serious in some patients accompanied by psychological symptoms. Course of these patients 2 to 3 weeks, due to the performance of early symptoms of gastroenteritis are often easily be misdiagnosed, and because disease will appear repeatedly, and sometimes on treatment. Cause of such poisoning are Amanita, Amanita, Mao handle Amanita, Amanita scales handle four kinds of bacteria son, they are distributed in Yunnan province, and after eating a very high mortality rate, accounting for Yunnan Province bacteria sub-poisoning cases over 90%.

Alan CHENG also reminded that any bacteria poisoning patients, if they can know what the bacteria eat the child caused by poisoning, will greatly assist the rescue and treatment.

Edible Wild Mushroom poisoning, how to do?

KUNMING, June 19 (Xinhua Wang Yan) went to a large number of wild edible fungi listed season, every year around this season, there will be eating toadstool of the cases occurred. If you accidentally ate poisonous wild mushroom, it should be how to do?

Dr. Alan CHENG, director of Yunnan Provincial Center for Disease Control suggested that in 10 minutes after eating a mushroom to 72 hours, if they feel dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or other discomfort, the basic principle is the fast, the nearest to the hospital for treatment, there is no medical treatment for the condition, or the urgency of the situation, in the process of waiting for doctors to patients at home, first to take some methods to reduce toxins damage. If the response is within 6 hours after eating bacteria took place, the poison is still stuck in the stomach, has not yet been absorbed into the blood, when can first be taken to induce vomiting, diarrhea reminder of the approach allows toxins out of the body as quickly as possible, the specific method is to use a feather , chopsticks, fingers inserted into the mouth to stimulate the throat, drink large volumes of saline or service emetic drugs can also help vomiting. If the patient does not diarrhea after eating a poisonous mushroom response to a better physique available cathartic method, system, can be less warm salt water or soapy water enema. In addition, drink plenty of water also dilute the concentration of toxins in the body have some help.

Alan CHENG stressed that some magazines mentioned in the press Helvdoutang and other methods, the effect is limited, so as soon as medical treatment is the most important. Treatment is best left to carry the bacteria to eat or cooking fresh sub bacteria to the son of a doctor explain the source of bacteria, cooking methods, eating, quantity, etc., so that a doctor according to the different toxins for targeted therapy. Medical treatment may also take gastric lavage, infusion and other methods in patients after gastric lavage may be self-serving 2-3 egg adsorbed relict poison, transfusion are intended to dilute and remove some toxins, the patient should be actively cooperate with.

water to rinse them first, above the gray, and then soak into the basin a day, the water should be put in more, will be followed by a dip in the water into the casserole along with the Wild Mushroom Lane (formerly the Law original flavor), and then tear them into small pieces of Chinese cabbage into pot, add some pork pieces and stew together with the right amount of salt, pot-open into a small fire, simmer about more than 20 minutes can be, without having to add any other seasoning. This approach was suitable for winter consumption.


类别: 餐饮食品






















新华网云南频道6月19日电(记者 王研)又到了野生食用菌大量上市的季节,每年这个季节都会有误食毒菌的病例发生。如果不慎吃了有毒的野生菌,应该怎么办呢?



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